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Errors, Error Detection, and Error Control

Chapter 6

Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

• Identify the different types of noise commonly found in computer networks

• Specify the different error prevention techniques and be able to apply an error prevention
technique to a type of noise
• Compare the different error detection techniques in terms of efficiency and efficacy
• Perform simple parity and longitudinal parity calculations and enumerate their strengths and
• Cite the advantages of cyclic redundancy checksum, and specify what types of errors cyclic
redundancy checksum will detect
• Cite the advantages of arithmetic checksum, and specify what types of applications use
arithmetic checksum.
• Differentiate the basic forms of error control and describe under what circumstances each
may be used
• Follow an example of a Hamming self-correcting code

Chapter Outline
1. Introduction

2. Noise and Errors

a. White noise
b. Impulse noise
c. Crosstalk
d. Echo
e. Jitter
f. Delay distortion
g. Attenuation

3. Error Prevention
4. Error Detection Techniques
a. Parity checks
• Simple parity
• Longitudinal parity
b. Arithmetic checksum
c. Cyclic redundancy checksum

5. Error Control
a. Do nothing
b. Return a message
• Stop and wait error control
• Sliding window error control
c. Correct the error

6. Error Detection In Action

7. Summary

Lecture Notes
Given that noise is inevitable and errors happen, something needs to be done to detect error
conditions. This chapter examines some of the more common error detection methods and
compares them in terms of efficiency and efficacy. Once an error has been detected, what action
should a receiver take? There are three options: ignore the error, return an error message to the
transmitter, or correct the error without help from the transmitter.

Noise and Errors

Transmitted data—both analog and digital—are susceptible to many types of noise and errors.
Copper-based media have traditionally been plagued with many types of interference and noise.
Satellite, microwave, and radio networks are also prone to interference and crosstalk. Even near-
perfect fiber-optic cables can introduce errors into a transmission system, though the probability
of this happening is less than with the other types of media.

Error Prevention

Since there are so many forms of noise and errors, and since one form of noise or another is
virtually a given, every data transmission system must include precautions to reduce noise and
the possibility of errors. If you can reduce the possibility of noise before it happens, the
transmitting station may not have to slow down its transmission stream. With proper error
prevention techniques, many types of errors can be reduced.
Error Detection Techniques
Despite the best attempts at prevention, errors still occur. If an error is detected, it is typical to
perform some type of request for retransmission. The error detection techniques themselves can
be relatively simple or relatively elaborate. Generally, simple techniques do not provide the same
degree of error checking as the more elaborate schemes. For example, the simplest error
detection technique is simple parity. It adds a single bit to a character of data, but catches the
fewest number of errors. At the other end of the spectrum is the most elaborate and most
effective technique available today: cyclic redundancy checksum. Although it is more complex
and typically adds 16 bits of error detection code to a block of data, it is the most effective error
detection technique ever devised. In between is arithmetic checksum. It adds the transmitted
characters, producing a sum, and appends this sum in some fashion to the end of the transmitted
message. This technique is used in TCP and IP.

Error Control
Once an error is detected in the received data transmission stream, what is the receiver going to
do about it? The receiver can do one of three things: nothing, return a message to the transmitter
asking it to resend the data packet that was in error, or correct the error.

Error Detection and Error Control In Action

This In Action example examines a company that has to send data between two locations. To
transmit data with error-checking capabilities, you will examine two different error-detection
schemes and their probabilities of detecting errors.

Quick Quiz
1. What is the difference between error prevention, error detection, and error control?

Prevention uses methods to try to keep errors from happening, detection detects an error, and
control is the response when a receiver detects an error.

2. What are the advantages of CRC over other error-detection methods?

CRC catches almost all errors, only adds on the average 16 bits to the end of a message, and is
relatively fast to calculate.

3. What are the three basic forms of error control?

Do nothing, return an error message to transmitter, or correct the error with no further
information from transmitter
Discussion Topics
1. Frame relay is a technology that does no error control. If a frame arrives garbled, it is dropped
and frame relay does not inform the transmitter. Is this a reasonable approach?

2. Are there any other examples of famous projects that have failed because of relatively simple
errors (Hubble, Mars probes)? Were these transmission errors or simply data and calculation

3. Can you create a more advanced error control method than either stop and wait or sliding

Teaching Tips
1. Emphasize that CRC only adds r bits to the end of a message and yet catches almost all errors.

2. Be sure to clarify the differences between error detection, error control or correction, and
forward error correction.

3. Try to enumerate a number of common transmission impairments and the type of noise that
creates that impairment. For example, hearing another conversation while talking on the
telephone: crosstalk. The hiss you hear when you put your ear next to a speaker that is on but not
playing music: white noise.

Solutions to Review Questions

1. What is white noise and how does it affect a signal?

The constant hiss in the background; the more white noise, the harder it is to interpret the signal.
Too much white noise may lead to signal loss.

2. What is impulse noise and why is it the most disruptive?

Spurious spikes of power that come out of nowhere; it can completely knock out multiple bits.

3. What is crosstalk and how does it affect a signal?

When the signal from one transmission bleeds into the signal of a second transmission; one
signal may pick up another signal, corrupting the original signal.
4. What is echo and how does it affect data transmission?

The bouncing back of a signal at the end of a wire can interfere with normal transmissions. It
may cause loss of signal.

5. What is jitter and why is it a digital signal problem?

When a digital signal is repeated over and over and the beginning and ending of the signal
becomes less defined; the problem occurs with discretely increasing and decreasing signals.

6. Which of the noises introduced in this chapter are continuous and which are

All are continuous except impulse.

7. Will proper shielding of a media increase or decrease the chance of errors?


8. What is the difference between even parity and odd parity?

Even parity: maintain an even number of 1s

9. What is the ratio of check bits to data bits for simple parity?

One parity bit to every character (7 or 8 data bits typically)

10. What is the ratio of check bits to data bits for longitudinal parity?

One parity bit to every character plus one parity character to a block of data characters

11. What types of errors will simple parity not detect?

An even-numbered bits of error

12. What types of errors will longitudinal parity not detect?

An even-numbered bits of error in exactly the same columns

13. With arithmetic checksum, what is being added?

The ASCII (usually) values of the message to be transmitted

14. What is a generating polynomial?

The polynomial that is used to divide the transmitted message and the received message and
generates a remainder

15. What types of errors will cyclic checksum not detect?

Very small percentage of errors >= r bits in length

16. Frame relay practices which form of error control?

Do nothing

17. How many packets can be sent at one time using stop-and-wait error control?


18. What is the function of an ACK in the stop-and-wait error control?

To acknowledge no errors found

19. What is the function of a NAK in the stop-and-wait error control?

To respond that an error was found

20. In communication systems, what does timeout mean?

The receiver or transmitter has waited a fixed period of time and has not heard a response.

21. Why were the window sizes in early sliding window systems so small?

Because buffer size was limited; systems didn’t transmit high volumes of data at high speeds.

22. What are two different ways to number sequences of data?

Count the packets and count the bytes

23. What condition must be met for error correction to be performed?

Long transfer delays, or high security needs

Suggested Solutions to Exercises
1. Which is the most difficult type of noise to remove from an analog signal? Why?

Impulse, because it is noncontinuous and appears as an analog waveform, which might make it
difficult to separate from the analog waveform of the data

2. Which is the most difficult type of noise to remove from a digital signal? Why?

Jitter. Regeneration of the signal, which often reduces other forms of noise, can increase the
amount of jitter.

3. Explain the relationship between twisted pair wires and crosstalk.

A signal traveling through one wire creates a magnetic field around that wire. If a second wire
runs parallel to the first, a magnetic field passing through the second wire will induce a current in
the second wire.

4. Which type of cable is most susceptible to echo?

Coaxial cable

5. Given the character 0110101, what bit will be added to support even parity?

6. Given the character 1010010, what bit will be added to support odd parity?

7. Generate the parity bits and longitudinal parity bits for even parity for the characters
0101010, 0011010, 0011110, 1111110, and 0000110.

0101010 1
0011010 1
0011110 0
0000110 0
Long. ParityÆ 0101000 0

8. Given the message “Hello, goodbye”, show the decimal arithmetic checksum that will be

H=72; e=81; l=88; l=88; o=91; etc., and then just add up the ASCII values.
9. List the types of errors that can escape a cyclic redundancy checksum system.

Error bursts > size r

10. List the types of errors that cannot escape a cyclic redundancy checksum system.

Single bit errors, double bit errors, most errors < size r

11. Why do all the CRC-generating polynomials end with a 1?

So that all odd numbers of bit errors can be detected

12. In a stop-and-wait error control system, Station A sends packet 0, and it is lost. What
happens next?

Station B responds with a NAK.

13. In a stop-and-wait error control system, Station A sends packet 0, it arrives without
error, and an ACK is returned, but the ACK is lost. What happens next?

After a timeout, Station A will retransmit packet 0.

14. In a sliding window error control system in which each packet is numbered, Station A
sends packets 4, 5, 6, and 7. Station B receives them and wants to acknowledge all of them.
What does Station B send back to Station A?

An ACK with the number of the next packet expected

15. In a sliding window system with each byte numbered, Station A sends a packet with
bytes numbered 801 to 900. If the packet arrives with no errors, how does Station B

An ACK with the value 901

16. In a sliding window error control system, Station A sends a packet with bytes 501-700,
followed immediately by a packet with bytes 701-900. Create a diagram of this error
control scenario and show the response(s) that Station B will send if the second packet is
lost in the network.

Receiver waits 500 ms for second packet to arrive. Since it doesn’t, the receiver returns an ACK
with value 701.

17. In a sliding window error control system, Station A sends a packet with bytes 501-700,
followed immediately by a packet with bytes 701-900. Create a diagram of this error
control scenario and show the response(s) that Station B will send if both packets arrive
but there is a checksum error in the second packet.
Receiver immediately returns an ACK with value 701.

18. In a sliding window error control system, Station A sends a packet with bytes 501-700,
followed immediately by a packet with bytes 701-900. Create a diagram of this error
control scenario and show the response(s) that Station B will send if both packets arrive
but there is a checksum error in the second packet.

Same answer as in problem 16

19. In a sliding window error control system, Station A sends three packets with bytes 0-
100, 101-200, and 201-300, respectively. The second packet with bytes 101-200 is held up
somewhere in the network long enough that the third packet arrives before the second one.
Create a diagram of this error control scenario and show the response(s) that Station B will
send. Now assume that five seconds after Station B responds, the second packet shows up.
What does Station B do now?

Receiver sends an ACK with value 101 and buffers packet 201-300. When packet with bytes
101-200 arrives, it is inserted into stream. If packet with bytes 201-300 shows up, it is tossed.

20. Assume a sliding window protocol has a 3-bit field to hold the window size. A three-bit
value gives eight combinations, from 0 to 7. Why then can a transmitter send out only a
maximum of seven frames at one time and not eight? Show an example.

If you sent all eight frames 0-7, and none arrived, you might say that you are waiting for frame 0.
But is that the frame 0 that was lost, or the next frame 0 after frame 7?

21. If a 7-bit sliding window size is used, how many packets can be sent before the
transmitter has to stop and wait for an acknowledgment?

127 (not 128)

22. Is stop-and-wait error control a half-duplex protocol or a full-duplex protocol?


23. Devise a code set for the digits 0 to 9 that has a Hamming distance of 2.

There are many possible answers. The simplest would be to count from 0 to 9 using a 4-bit
binary number, and add a simple parity bit to the end of each.

24. A system is going to transmit the byte 10010100. Show the four check bits c8, c4, c2, and
c1 that will be added to this byte.

Check bits: c8, c4, c2, c1: 0 0 1 1

Transmitted 12-bit code: 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
25. The 12-bit string 010111110010 with embedded Hamming code bits (c8, c4, c2, and c1)
has just arrived. Is there an error? If so, which bit is in error?

c8 = error, c4 = error, c2 = no error, c1 = no error; error bits = 1100, so bit number 12 is in error

26. Construct a 12-bit Hamming code for the characters A and 3.

In ASCII, A = 01000001; in ASCII, 3 = 00110011

12-bit Hamming code for A = 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
12-bit Hamming code for 3 = 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1

Thinking Outside the Box

1. To properly answer this problem, we really need to know the propagation time of the records
through the medium, because a lot of time is going to be spent waiting for the stop-and-wait
acknowledgment to be returned after every record. With a sliding window protocol and a
window size of 7, you only need to send an acknowledgment after every seven records. This
should reduce the acknowledgment waiting time to 1/7 that of stop-and-wait.

2. This problem was solved in the Error Detection In Action section of this chapter.

3. TCP/IP uses a window size of 16 bits, so 65,536 bytes can be sent.

4. Yes, if another higher layer protocol can do the error control instead

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