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Phrasal Verbs Unit 1-5 (Double Click 4)

Unit Phrasal Verbs Meaning

break in (to) enter by force
break down get damaged/ stop working (machines)
1 break off end
build on improve
build up increase gradually
check in let sb in authority know you have arrived
check out leave a place where one was staying
check up on see if sb is OK
check off mentally or literally mark the things one has done (usually on a list)
call for demand
call off cancel
call back phone again
call up phone someone
bring sth out release/publish
bring sth about cause
bring sth back remind of
3 bring sb/sth up raise
carry out obey/ perform
carry on continue
carry sth through complete sth
come into inherit
come down with get sick with (an illness)
4 come across find by chance
die down become weaker & less intense
die out become extinct
draw back move away from sb/sth
draw on make use of
draw up prepare
5 draw into arrive and stop
do over do sth again
do with related to
do without manage without

Teacher: Ericka Mejía

MESCyT-UNEV Santo Domingo
June 2017
I. Complete with the correct phrasal verb from unit 1:

1. The thief ________________ the store and stole all the money from the cash register.
2. The new coach helped ________________ their skills.
3. Our computer system ________________ during the storm.
4. Jane's fiancé ________________ the engagement right before the wedding.
5. Kenny's savings have ________________ since he opened a bank account.

II. Complete with the correct phrasal verb from unit 2:

1. The increase in delays at the airport ________________ urgent attention.

2. Mom went back to ________________Maggie because she had a fever.
3. Passengers must ________________ at the desk on arrival.
4. When Joanna ________________ the party, everyone was disappointed.
5. All hotel guests are reminded to ________________ before noon on the day of their
6. If the tour operator is busy, please leave a message or ________________ later.
7. Why don't you ________________ Tom and invite him to the party?
8. My sister always makes a list when she goes on vacation and then ________________ each
item as she packs it.

III. Complete with the correct phrasal verb from unit 3:

1. After a ten-minute break they ________________ with their work.

2. The soldiers were ordered to ________________ the instructions.
3. It was a good plan, but he didn't have the determination to ___________it _____________.
4. The only way they can ________________ a change in the system is by holding an election.
5. He was ________________ in a quiet town in New England by his grandmother.
6. Looking at that old photo album ________________ a lot of happy memories.
7. I can't wait for Beyoncé to ________________ a new album. It has been a while since her
last one.

IV. Complete with the correct phrasal verb from unit 4:

1. Linda ________________ the chicken pox, so she stayed at home for two weeks.
2. Do you know how the tyrannosaur ________________?
3. Samantha ________________ a lot of old family photographs as she was cleaning out the
4. He ________________ a lot of money when his grandfather passed away.
5. I hope this wind and rain ________________ by tomorrow.

V. Complete with the correct phrasal verb from unit 5:

1. He wrote many books ________________ his own experiences.

2. Ben picked up his suitcase as the train ________________ the station.
3. We can't ________________ your help and support.
4. Tom ________________ immediately when he saw the snake.
5. The town council has ________________ a plan to improve public transportation.
6. Environmental action has to ________________ saving the planet.
7. Billy's teacher asked him to ___________ the math problems ___________ again because
they were all wrong.

Teacher: Ericka Mejía

MESCyT-UNEV Santo Domingo
June 2017

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