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College of Arts and Sciences

Social Sciences and Humanities Department
Laoag City



BSMARE 2A 04/04/2020

1. Killing is ethically wrong so I don’t agree with death penalty. Criminals may have
created the most notorious crimes but it doesn’t mean that they deserve to be dead
right away. Don’t you think that if they have already assigned to death penalty,
we’ve just made it easier for them to escape their sins to pay? And also putting them
to jail and rehab may help them to change, and it’s up to them if they’d change or
rot in jail. And one more thing, with this kind of administration, the one that we
have here in the Philippines? Death penalty won’t give justice to any crime.

2. For what I have read about stem cell transplant, I think there’s nothing wrong with
it. Stem cell trans plant is the process to replaces damaged cells by using stem cells
that are donated by some donors. Since 2016, doctors have claimed that they have
already cure such diseases, I also read that this is the next chapter for organ
transplantation. Instead of having organ donors which are limited sources the
researchers grow stems cells in a lab, though stem cells are also donated so we still
need donors.

3. As I scroll through on my Facebook and Instagram accounts, these are some

ecommerce issues that I have observed, the first thing that I notice is that people
who sells online doesn’t post the full details of their products, (1) sellers need to post
the full details of the product or accurate product listing so the buyers have an
insight about the product. (2) most sellers still are still not DTI registered, we still
need to follow online laws. (3) some sellers also sell and post their products in the
wrong platform, for example: one time I was scrolling through a group where they
buy and sell books but there is this netizen posting his product motorcycle and it’s
not accurate at all. It should be know your product, know your buyers. (4) Also
some sellers use the same photo of the product over and over again. And lastly (5)
the scammers.

4. My personal judgement for euthanasia is that, again, killing is ethically wrong but I
think it is financially right for those people who don’t have that much money and
they see no hope for their love ones to live anymore. But if you’re a person who have
a lot of money and you’re some how ethically oriented then you might continue the
patient’s medication and give the best that you can give until their last breath.
College of Arts and Sciences
Social Sciences and Humanities Department
Laoag City



BSMARE 2A 04/04/2020
5. If this happens in my circle, I wont tolerate this, as it says on the statement weather
who I tell the tea first I am going to hurt the both of them but since I’m already on a
phone call with Daniel and he is the husband, I’m going to tell him that I have
recently observed Roger with Philly on a restaurant, but I will advice Daniel to calm
down and confront Philly first since they are husband and wife they vowed for the
rest of their lives so they need to fix it and as for Philly she must tell no lies to her
husband Daniel weather she admit it or not she committed adultery. And for Roger
since he is the affair, I will advise him to apologize to Daniel, but I don’t think the
friendship will remain but at least they have already talked to each other and they
don’t have that burden in their hearts.

6. For me, it is never safe to leave anyone inside a car not even for a short time because
for what I know, whatever temperature outside, the car heats up quickly and theses
causes heart attack to dogs. Now, if you leave your child or your dog inside a car
think about it. Even if the windows are open, they might jump out of it and they’ll
be injured and worst get lost. So if it’s not necessary to bring your dog or your child
along when you have errands don’t bring them.

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