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Alcantara, John Denn A.


Essay 2 – The Water Cycle

Diagram of the Water Cycle

1. Give a specific scenario/example that can disrupt the water cycle. What could possibly
cause the disruption? Is the disruption likely to happen in your environment soon?

Climate change is one of leading factors that can disrupt the water cycle. The change in
weather patterns and the rising of global temperature brings disorder to the water cycle. This
phenomenon is caused by our poor waste management, exploitation of our forests’ resources,
and excessive use on non-renewable energy. This activities result in significantly huge amount of
carbon dioxide that contributes to the negative effects of greenhouse gases. These gases are
meant to maintain the heat in our atmosphere however excessive amount of it causes an
abnormalities in our atmospheric phenomenon. Climate change happens when too much heat
stays in our atmosphere which causes rising of global temperature which directly affects the
water cycle. This disruption is denied by some major industries however, climate change has
become rampant and undeniably progressive. If climate change will continue to thrive water
cycle is at risk therefore the ecosystem and those who depend on it are at risk too.

2. If the water cycle suddenly stops due to your mentioned disruption, what will be its
primary effect? Discuss the chain of events that will unfold if this happens.

The water cycle shows how water is being collected from different sources of water such as
the ocean and the ice and how it was distributed into the different areas of the world through the
process of precipitation. If the water cycle would stop, the world would turn into chaos whereas
heavy rainstorms and extreme drought would occur in various parts of the world. Climate change
alters the weather pattern which results into the shifting of weather phenomenon across the
globe. If temperature rises beyond what we can tolerate, the rate of evaporation will excessively
increase that result to too much water vapor that forms intense rainstorms. This rain will
eventually pour out in a concentrated area which increases the risk of flooding. Those areas that
the rain won’t be able to reach will continue to dry out that even the large bodies of water cannot
dampen the soil. With these scenarios, different organisms mainly the plants and animals will
struggle for their survival. If water cycle will suddenly stops then all life is in danger. Without
this cycle, life will cease to exist. All life forms depend of the cycle that evenly distribute water
which is the prime factor for survival

3. What do you think is the effect of the disruption to you?

The disruption on water cycle will also give a critical hit on humans. With the altered pattern,
human will experience life-threatening phenomenon such as intense rainstorms and extreme
drought. It will also cause the insufficiency on water supply which also affects the agricultural
sector. Food will become scarce then eventually will lead to supply shortage. Global economy
will also be at risk. It will also reach the social communities through the means of different
health and psychological tremors caused by the different phenomenon that resulted from the
disruption. Worst case is that with the limited supply for food and water, humans might end up
fighting and killing one another in order to ensure survival. Personally, the effects of these
disruptions could already be felt. With the fact that the prices of food are becoming relatively
high and the different weather conditions paved ways for various diseases.

4. Suggest possible remedies or preventive measures to avoid so that the disruption will be

One of the main causes of climate change is the excessive amount of carbon dioxide that our
atmosphere could tolerate. Shifting into a sustainable design for our technology would produce
less harmful gases. Transportation and infrastructure uses up non-renewable energy to power
them up such as gasoline and electricity, shift into usage of renewable energy would produce a
lesser amount of carbon dioxide. We must also devise a better management plans when it comes
to our natural resources. Forests are the earth’s natural lungs, if deforestation and
industrialization of these will continue to thrive so is the rate of climate change. On our personal
take, we must learn to properly manage our waste. Recycling and reusing must become a
personal habit at the same time patronizing eco-friendly material. Single use plastic must no
longer be tolerated and proper waste disposal should always be implemented. Humans should be
responsible when it comes to consumption. One must not take more than enough because nature
also needs its time to reproduce. It is our duty to protect and be stewards of these resources. The
best way we could do this is by no longer tolerating those who take advantage of nature whereas
boycotting the different industries’ products that are harmful to the environment.


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