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EEE 270 Advanced Topics in Logic Design

Lab – 1 Full Adder


Notepad ++, ModelSim from Altera (Now Intel), Vivado from Xilinx and NEXYS4 DDR board.

The main purpose of this lab is to develop familiarity with the software and hardware tools used
for this course. You will not write any VHDL code in this lab. You will run the code that is given
to you and implement it on the NEXYS4 DDR board.
As a running example, we will use a 1–bit Full Adder designed in VHDL.

STARTER PROJECT This folder contains 4 files that are necessary to start on the project.

A full adder adds binary numbers and accounts for values carried in as well as out. A one-bit full
adder adds three one-bit numbers. The full adder used in this project has x, y, and C_in as three
inputs: x and y are the input bits, and C_in is the input carry bit. The two outputs are S (for sum)
and C_out (for Carry out).
The working of the full adder is shown in the truth table below. The block diagram of a full
adder is in Figure – 0.

Table – 1. Full – Adder Truth Table

C_in y x S C_out
0 0 0 0 0 x S
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
1 – Bit
0 1 1 0 1
Full Adder
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
Figure – 0: Full Adder
(1) Open Full_Adder_2.vhd file with notepad++ and understand the VHDL code.
(2) Create a ModelSim Library and successfully simulate a Full Adder. Verify the functionality
of the code for the full adder using simulations.
(3) Create a New Project in Xilinx Vivado and add the verified VHDL code file to the project
(4) Edit the constraints file (Full_Adder_2_Nexys4DDR_Master.xdc) to map the design ports
onto the pins of the Nexys 4 DDR board and add to the project in Vivado
(5) Synthesize, Implement and Generate a (*.bit) file
(6) Program the Board using the (*.bit) file you just created.
(7) Verify functionality on the board by using different input patterns


1. Download and unzip the Lab-1 file to a USB drive. Pease use your own storage drive.
2. Open Full_Adder_2.vhd file with notepad++ and understand the code. (Task – 1 Complete)
3. Search for and open ModelSim on the lab computer (see Figure – 1)
4. Click on File  Change Directory  browse to NEXYS4DDR directory  OK
5. Click on File  New  Library  OK (see Figure – 2) (leave all fields as defaults)
6. Click Tools  Tcl  Execute Macro  Full_Adder_2.tcl
7. You should see simulations similar to Figure – 3 (You may need to press ‘f’ to fit all the
simulations in one screen). Compare simulations to the truth table to verify correct operation.
8. You can now close ModelSim (Task – 2 Complete)
9. Search for and open Vivado on the lab computer (Not Vivado HLS or other programs)
10. Click on File  New Project  Next  Project Name: Full_Adder_2 (see Figure 4)  Next
11. Select RTL Project (On the Project Type Screen)  Next  Select the Target Language as
VHDL  Next  Next
12. Select the Default part as xc7a100tcsg324-1 (See figure – 5)  Next  Finish
13. In the Sources window, right click on Design Sources  Add Sources …  Add
Full_Adder_2.vhd file and finish. (Task – 3 Complete)
14. In the Sources window, right click on Constraints  Add Sources …  Add
Full_Adder_2_NEXYS4DDR.xdc file and finish.
15. Understand the pin mapping in the Full_Adder_2_NEXYS4DDR.xdc file (look at the
uncommented lines which do not have a # sign in-front of them.) (Task 4 Complete, no need
to edit the xdc file for the first lab)
16. On the left most pane of the Vivado window  Click on Run Synthesis and  OK
17. When Synthesis Completes  Run Implementation
18. When Implementation complete  Generate Bitstream (Task – 5 Complete)
19. Connect the Nexys4DDR Board to the computer using the USB cable
20. When Bitstream Generation completes  Open Hardware manager (On the left Panel) 
Open Target  Open New Target
21. Click Next  Select Local Server on the Hardware Server settings page
22. Select the Xilinx part to open target
23. In the Open Hardware Manager Pane on the left, click on Program Device.
24. Select the Full_Adder_2.bit file and click on Program (Task – 6 complete)
25. Verify the functionality of the Full Adder using the 3 right most switches and the 2 right
most LEDs. Compare to the simulations and truth table. (Task – 7 complete)
The lab materials and the VHDL code have been provided by Jordan Christman.

Figure – 1: Model Sim Opening screen

Figure – 2: New Library creation

Figure – 3 a: Simulations on ModelSim

Figure – 3 b: Closer look at the wave forms and signals in simulations

Figure – 4: Vivado New project creation. Make sure “Create project subdirectory” is checked
Figure – 5: Selecting the Xilinx part for the project

Figure – 6: Adding Design source (Full_Adder_2.vhd) file

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