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Comstock Public Schools

MI Safe Schools Return-to-Learn Plan Overview

NOTE: CPS students begin the school year on August 31 under the Phase 1-3 Instructional Program

MI Safe CPS Options Instructional Families Teachers Information

Start Phase Program
Phase 1: A. CPS Virtual Learning A. Synchronous (real-time virtual) A. For families who A. Delivered by A. Pacing of virtual
Uncontrolled & Asynchronous (recorded) prefer in-person CPS teachers learning similar
Growth instruction instruction when to in-person
available instruction
Phase 2:
Persistent B. Comstock K-12 Virtual B. Synchronous & Asynchronous B. For families who B. Delivered by B. Pacing of virtual
Spread Academy (CVA) instruction for Grades K-12 prefer a long-term Educere teachers learning similar
online option to in-person
Phase 3: instruction
Phase 4: A. In-Person Instruction A. Two or five-days-per week op- A. For families who A. Delivered daily Health and
Improving and Academic Support tions for grades K-12 with safety prefer an in-person by CPS teachers safety protocols
guidance from Return-to-School instructional program implemented
Phase 5: Roadmap, CDC, and Kalamazoo district-wide:
Containing County Health Department
- cohorting when
B. CPS Virtual Learning B. Synchronous (real-time virtu- B. For families who B. Delivered by
al) & Asynchronous (recorded) prefer a shorter-term CPS teachers
instruction online option
- limited transitions
C. Comstock K-12 Virtual C. Synchronous & Asynchronous C. For families who C. Delivered by
Academy (CVA) instruction for Grades K-12 prefer a long-term Educere teachers
online option
Phase 6: A. Full Face-to-Face A. Full Face-to-Face Instruction A. For families who A. Delivered by Traditional School
Post Pandemic Instruction prefer face-to-face CPS teachers format

B. Comstock K-12 Virtual B. Comstock K-12 Virtual B. For families who B. Delivered by
Academy (CVA) Academy (CVA) prefer online learning Educere teachers
Comstock Public Schools
MI Safe Schools Return-to-Learn Plan Overview
NOTE: CPS students begin the school year on August 31 under the Phase 1-3 Instructional Program

As our district moves toward the 2020-21 school year, it is essential that all stakeholders keep the following in mind:
● Any phase change of the Governor’s MI Safe Start Plan will impact this plan.
● Future executive orders may impact this plan.
● Recommendations from the Center for Disease Control may impact this plan.
● This plan is contingent on state funding formulas. The district will only implement a plan that is fully funded.
● This plan may change based on the educational and safety needs of our students and staff.

Health and Wellness Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

● School leadership will maintain open channels of communication ● CPS teachers will offer high-quality instruction and rigorous
with the Kalamazoo County Health Department. curriculum.
● District staff will support the social and emotional health of ● The daily schedule will resemble a typical school day.
students. ● Attendance is required and monitored.
● Students and staff will be required to wear masks or proper ● Timely and meaningful assessments with constructive
facial coverings except while eating or excused by a physician. feedback.
Students and staff are encouraged to wear their own personal ● The district will provide educational technology and necessary
facial coverings and the district will supply masks as needed. resources.
● Parents are required to screen children for illness and keep ill ● Full adherence to special education and 504 requirements,
children at home. and the needs of English-Language Learners.
● If a child becomes ill at school, parents will be required to come ● Academic support for all students.
and pick them up.
● Each school will have a designated quarantine area with properly Transportation
trained staff as part of the pick-up process.
● Social distancing to the extent possible. ● Staff and students will wear masks at all times while on
● The district will not hold assemblies or allow gatherings of district transportation.
multiple classes. ● Students will use hand sanitizer provided by the district as
● Staff will ask that students frequently wash their hands. they enter the bus.
● Staff will clean high-touch surfaces every four hours and during ● Buses will undergo extensive cleaning protocols between
transitions. routes.
● The district will not allow outside visitors. ● Students will social distance while getting on and off of buses.

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