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- The title is formulated before the start of research work 23. Dialogue

- Must contain the subject matter, the local, the population,

and the period when the date were gathered
- Must be broad to include all aspects of the subject matter,
indicates what is expected to be found.
- Brief and concise GOOD RESEARCH
- “Analysis of”, “Study of”,”an investigation of” should be - Research gathers new knowledge or data from primary or
avoided first-hand sources.
- If the title is more than one line, it must be written like an - Research is expert, systematic and accurate investigation
inverted pyramid, all words capital. - Research is logical and objective, applying every possible
test to verify the data collected and procedure employed
- Research endeavours to organise data in quantitative terms,
if possible, and express them as numerical measures
1. Research corrects perceptions as well as expands them
2. Research gather information on subject or phenomena we - Research is carefully recorded and reported.
lack or have a little knowledge
3. Research also develops and evaluates methods that test
concepts, practice, and theories RESEARCH PROBLEM AND OBJECTIVES
4. Research obtain knowledge for practical purposes like 1. There is no known answer or solution to it such that a gap
solving problems on population, explosion, drug in knowledge exist?
addiction, juvenile, delinquency, and the likes.
5. Research provides hard facts which serve as bases for 24. There are possible solutions the effectivity of which is
planning, decision- making, project implementation untested or unknown yet.
monitoring and evaluation. 25. There are answers or solutions the possible result of
which may seen or may be factuality contradicting.
Specific Purpose and Goals of knowledge 26. There are several possible and plausible explanations for
1. To discover new facts about known phenomena the undesirable condition
2. To find answers to problems which are only partially 27. When the existence of phenomenon requires explanation .
solved by existing methods and information
3. To improve existing techniques and develop new
instruments or products Elements of the research problem
4. To provide basis for decision- making business,
government, industry, education and in other undertaking 1. Aim or purpose of the problem for investigation.
5. Discover pathways of knowledge of action of known (Answers “Why ”)
substance 28. The subject matter or topic to be investigated (Answers
6. To order related “What”)
7. To satisfy the researcher’s curiosity 29. The place or locale where the research is conducted
8. To find answers to queries (Answers “Where ”)
9. To acquire better and deeper understanding 30. He period or time of the study during which the date are
10. To expand or verify existing knowledge to be gathered (Answers “When ”)
11. To improve educational practices for raising the quality 31. Population or universe from whom the data are to be
of school products collected (Answers “Who or to whom”)
12. To promote health and prolong life
13. To provide man with more of his basic needs more and
better food, clothing, and shelter
14. To make work, travel, and communication faster, easier
and more comfortable

Sources of research problem

1. Journal books
15. Thesis or dissertions
16. Mass media
17. Radio
18. Television
19. Movies
20. Newspaper
21. Magazine
1. Analytical approach- The researcher attempts to
identify and isolates the components of the
researchers situation.
8. Holistic approach- begins with the total situation,
TYPES OF RESEARCH focusing attention on the system first and its internal
General classification of research:
D. According to SCOPE
1. Pure research or theoretical
1. Action research - This research is done on a very
- also known as basic research limited scope to solve a particular problem which is
- Discover basic truth and principles not so big. It is almost a problem solving; Can be
- Add to the body of scientific knowledge done in a short period of time.
- Knowledge without any particular thought as to immediate
practical utility. E. According to CHOICE OF ANSWERS TO
- Conducted fir the sake of knowing, Its main objective is to PROBLEM
test or arrive at theory with the ultimate goal. 1. Evaluative Research- all possible courses of action
are specified and identified and the researcher tries to
2. Applied or Practical Research find the most advantageous.
- To obtain knowledge for useful ends 9. Developmental Research- focus is on finding or
- Not just to obtain knowledge but to use knowledge to solve developing a more suitable instrument or process that
certain difficulties or discomfort to improve. has been available.
- The prevailing condition which, its present state may be
satisfactory but which has still room or possibility for
improvement. 1. Qualitative or statistical- inferential statistics are
- Involves seeking new application of scientific knowledge utilized to determine the result of the study.
to the solution of the problem. 10. Non Quantitative- descriptive date are gathered
rather than quantitative data.
Action research - decision oriented research involving
application of the steps of scientific method in response to an G. According to TIME ELEMENT
immediate need to improve existing practices. 1. Historical- describe what was
11. Descriptive- describe what is
KINDS AND CLASSIFICATION OF RESEARCH 12. Experimental- describe what will be
A. According to PURPOSE

1. Predictive or prognostic- has the purpose of H. According to PLACE OF STUDY

determining the future operations of the variables 1. Library research- done in the library where answers
under investigation. to the specific questions or problem of the study are
2. Directive Research - done based on the findings to available. Historical research make use of the library
remedy unsatisfactory conditions if there is as well a archeological findings.
any.determines what should be done based on 13. Field of research- Conducted in a natural setting. No
findings. changes are made in the environment. It is applicable
3. Illuminative research- is concerned with the to descriptive survey and environmental method
interaction of components of the variable being 14. Laboratory research- is conducted in artificial or
investigated. controlled condition by isolating the study in
rigorously specified and operationalised area
B. According to GOAL
1. Basic or pure research- is done for the development
of theories or principles. A. Traditions- this is accepting that conditions, beings,
4. Applied or practical research- is the application of practice and superstitions are true and are part of the daily
the results of pure research . lives of men.
5. Exploratory research - studies the variables I. Authority- this is accepting without question, an opinion
pertinent to a specific situation . about a certain subject which is given by someone who is
6. Descriptive- studies the relationship of the variable. considered an authority on the subject.
7. Experimental- studies the effect of the variables or J. Inaccurate observation- this is describing wrongly what
each other is usually observed.
K. Overgeneralization- This is establishing a pattern out of
C. According to THE TYPE OF ANALYSIS a few instances,
L. Selective observation- this is persisting to believe or
observe pattern from an overgeneralization and ignoring
other pertinent others.
M. Made-up Information- making up information to
explain away confusion
N. Illogical reasoning- is attributing to some thing to
another without any logical basis
O. Ego- Involvement in understanding - this is giving an
explanations when one find himself in an unfavourable
P. Mystification- Attributing or supernatural power, the
phenomenon that cannot be understood.
Q. To err (love) is Human- This Is an attitude that admits
the fallibility if man .
R. Dogmatism- unwritten policy of certain institution and
government prohibiting the study of topics that are
believed to run counter to the established doctrine

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