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Class 9
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Answer the questions

(1) In a class of 20 students, the average marks in a test was 56. If Sita got 53 marks and Vinayak got 41
marks, what was the average of the other 18 students?

(2) There is a sequence of numbers a 1, a 2, ... where a 1 = 2, a 2 = 3, and a n = for n > 3. What is the
value of a756 ?

(3) If x77 + 77 is divided by (x + 1), find the remainder.

(4) A sphere and a cone have the same radius. If the volume of the sphere is double of the volume of the
cone, find the ratio of the height and radius of the cone.

(5) If , find the value of x 3 - y 3.

(6) For f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, if f(1) = 2 and f(-1) = 6, find the value of a + c.
(7) AB and AC are two chords of a circle such that AB = 2AC. If distances of AB and AC from the centre
are 1 cm and 4 cm respectively, find the area of circle. (Assume π =3)
(8) Vandita is on the left of the person sitting in center but is on the right of Meenakshi. Rohit is on the right
of Sulekha and Saina is on the right of Rohit. Saina is the second person from the person sitting in the
center. Who is sitting in center.
(9) The Taxi fare in Bangaluru is Rs. 25 for the first kilometer and Rs. 17 per kilometer for subsequent
distance covered. If distance is represented as x, and fare is represented as y, find the linear equation
for this relationship.
(10) If AB and CD are parallel, find the measure of angle x.

(11) Find factors of polynomial (4a 2 + 12ab + 9b 2 - 9c 2).

(12) Coin A is flipped 3 times and coin B is flipped 4 times. What is the probability that the number of heads
obtained from flipping the two coins is the same?

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(13) If AB is a diameter of the circle and C, D, E are any three points on the semi-circle. Find the value of
∠ACD + ∠BED.

(14) If AB and PQ are parallel, compute the measure of ∠Y.

Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices

(15) The product of two irrational numbers is ______.

a. a rational number b. neither rational or irrational number
c. an irrational number d. a rational or an irrational number

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(1) 57

Step 1
If the average marks of 20 students was 56, then
Sum of all the marks of the students = 20 x 56 = 1120

Step 2
To find out the average of the other 18 students, we subtract the marks of Sita and Vinayak
Total marks of other 18 students = 1120 - 53 - 41 = 1026

Step 3
The average marks of the remaining students = = 57

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Step 1
A series of number is given. Where a1 = 2 a 2 = 3 and an = for n > 3.

Step 2
On relating the sequence, a 1 = 2
a2 = 3
a2 3
a3 = =
a1 2

a3 1
a4 = =
a2 2

a4 1
a5 = =
a3 3

a5 2
a6 = =
a4 3

a7 = =2

a8 = =3
and so on....

Step 3
Therefore, we will get a sequence which repeat after every sixth term,
3 1 1 2
i.e. a1 = 2, a 2 = 3, a 3 = , a4 = , a5 = , a6 = , a 7 = 2, a 8 = 3 ....
2 2 3 3

Step 4
As we have to find out a 756. On dividing 756 by 6 which leaves a remainder of 0. So this term is

equivalent to 6th term i.e. a 6.

Step 5
Thus, a756 = a6 = .

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(3) 76

Step 1

x77 + 77 can also be written as x77 + 1 + 76.

Step 2

We know that (x + 1) is a factor of xn+1, where n is any odd natural number.

Step 3

(x77 + 1) + 76
As x77 + 1 is divisible by x + 1, the division will leave a remainder of 76.

(4) 2:1

Step 1
We know that the volume of a cone with radius r and height h = πr2h.

Step 2
We also know that the volume of a sphere with radius r = πr3.

Step 3
We have been told that the volume of the sphere is double the volume of the cone.
4 1
Therefore, πr3 = 2 × ( πr2h)
3 3
or, = 2:1

Step 4
Thus, the ratio of the height and radius of the cone is 2:1.

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(5) 0

Step 1
It is given that,

x2 + y 2
⇒ = -1
⇒ x 2 + y2 = -xy
⇒ x 2 + y2 + xy = 0 ------(1)

Step 2

Now, x3 - y 3 can be written as:

(x - y)(x2 + xy + y2)
= (x - y)(0)......(Using equation (1))

Step 3

Therefore, the value of x3 - y 3 is 0.

(6) 4

Step 1
Given, f(1) = 2
Substituting x = 1 in the given equation, a(12) + b(1) + c = 2
⇒ a + b + c = 2 ______________ (1)

Step 2
Similarly f(-1) = 6
Substituting x = - 1 in the given equation, a(-12) + b(-1) + c = 6
⇒ a - b + c = 6 ______________ (2)

Step 3
On adding eq. (1) and (2), we have
2a + 2c = 8

(7) 63 cm 2

Step 1
Take a look at the representative image below:

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ID : U-312163-6-9481-IMO [7]

We are told that AB = 2AC.

Also, if the perpendicular from O to AC meets the chord at Q, then OQ = 4 cm.
Similarly, OP = 1 cm.

Step 2
As the perpendicular from the centre on the chord bisects the chord, OQ bisects AC, and OP
bisects AB.
From the earlier relation AB = 2AC.
Therefore, BP = 2CQ
Let us assume CQ = x.
Then, BP = 2x

Step 3
Now consider ΔOQC,
OC = r, the radius of the circle, and OQ = 4 cm
As, the distance of a chord from the centre is always the perpendicular distance. ΔOQC is a right-
angled triangle.
By using pythagoras theorum, OQ 2 + CQ2 = r 2
4 2 + x2 = r 2
or, 16 + x2 = r 2 ------(1)

Step 4
Similarly, ΔOPB is a right-angled triangle,
OP2 + BP 2 = r 2
12 + (2x)2 = r 2
or, 1 + 4x2 = r 2 ------(2)

Step 5
Subtracting equation (1) from equation (2), we get:
(1 - 16) + (4x2 - x 2) = 0
or, 3x2 = 15
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or, x2 =
Step 6
On substituting x 2 = in equation (1), we get:
16 + = r2
3 × 16 + 15 63
or, r2 = =
3 3

Step 7
Therefore, area of the circle = πr 2 = 3 × = 63 cm 2

(8) Sulekha

Step 1
Lets assume X is in center.

Step 2
Since Vandita is on the left of X but is on right of Meenakshi. It will be like as:
Meenakshi Vandita X.

Step 3
Rohit is on the right of Sulekha and Saina is on the right of Rohit. It will be as following:
Sulekha Rohit Saina.

Step 4
On comparing above two configurations, it is clear that X has to be Sulekha, hence final seating is
as following:
Meenakshi Vandita Sulekha Rohit Saina

Step 5
Thus, Sulekha is in the center.

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(9) y = 17x + 8

Step 1
We are given the following facts
- The fare for the first kilometer is Rs. 25
- The fare per kilometer after that is Rs. 17

Step 2
We can see that the fare will be dependent on the distance
So we set y on the left hand side
y = Some linear function of x

Step 3
We know that after the first kilometer, the rate is Rs. 17 per kilometer.
So if we travel x kilometers, we will get charged Rs. 25 for the first kilometer, and Rs. 17 for x - 1

Step 4
This means the equation is y = 25 + ((x - 1) x 17)

Step 5
Simplifying, we get y = 17x + 8

(10) 21°

Step 1
The parallel lines AB and CD are intersected by a transversal as shown below,

Here, ∠P and ∠Q are complementary angles, i.e.,

∠P + ∠Q = 180°

Step 2
On comparing the given angles with ∠P and ∠Q,
4x + 1x + 75° = 180°
⇒ 5x = 105°
⇒ Hence, x = 21°.

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(11) (2a + 3b + 3c) (2a + 3b - 3c)

Step 1
We know that,
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2,
a2 - b 2 = (a + b)(a - b)

Step 2

The factors of the polynomial (4a2 + 12ab + 9b 2 - 9c 2) can be found using above identities as
4a 2 + 12ab + 9b 2 - 9c 2 = {(2a) 2 + 12ab + (3b)2} - (3c) 2
= (2a + 3b)2 - (3c) 2
= (2a + 3b + 3c) (2a + 3b - 3c)

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Step 1
The probability of getting 0 heads in both coins will be:
1 1
( ) 3 × 3C0 × ( ) 4 × 4C0
2 2

Step 2
The probability of getting 1 heads in both coins will be:
1 1
( ) 3 × 3C1 × ( ) 4 × 4C1
2 2

Step 3
The probability of getting 2 heads in both coins will be:
1 1
( ) 3 × 3C2 × ( ) 4 × 4C2
2 2

Step 4
The probability of getting 3 heads in both coins will be:
1 1
( ) 3 × 3C3 × ( ) 4 × 4C3
2 2

Step 5
The probability of getting same number heads in both coins will be a sum of all above individual
1 12 18 4
probabilities: + + +
128 128 128 128
= .

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(13) 270°

Step 1
Join points B and C. ∠ACB is the angle subtended at the point C by the diameter.
As, the angle in a semicircle is 90°. Therefore, ∠ACB = 90°

Step 2
Now, BECD is a quadrilateral formed by 4 points on the circumference of a circle. So, BECD is a
cyclic quadrilateral.
As, the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral add up to 180°.
∠BCD + ∠BED = 180°

Step 3
We can see that ∠ACD = ∠ACB + ∠BCD
So, ∠ACD + ∠BED = (∠ACB + ∠BCD) + ∠BED
= ∠ACB + (∠BCD + ∠BED)
= 90° + 180°
= 270°

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(14) 243°

Step 1

Draw a line MN parallel to both lines AB and PQ.

According to the given figure, ∠Y1 + ∠Y2 + ∠Y makes a full angle, i.e., 360°.
Therefore, ∠Y1 + ∠Y2 + ∠Y = 360°
⇒ ∠Y = 360° - ∠Y1 - ∠Y2

Step 2
Now, AB and MN are two parallel lines cut by a transversal OB.
Hence, ∠NOB = ∠OBA (Alternate angles)
⇒ ∠Y2 = 57°

Step 3
Now, PQ and MN are two parallel lines cut by a transversal OQ.
Hence, ∠NOQ = ∠OQP (Alternate angles)
⇒ ∠Y1 = 60°

Step 4
We know, ∠Y = 360° - ∠Y1 - ∠Y2
= 360° - 60° - 57°
= 360° - 117°
= 243°
Hence, ∠Y = 243°.

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(15) d. a rational or an irrational number

Step 1
The right answer is that it could be either. This can be seen with the help of an example.

Step 2
A) Consider the two irrational numbers and . Their product = × = .
is an irrational number.

Step 3
B) Consider the two irrational numbers and .
Their product = × = 12 + 2 = 1 + 9 = 10.

10 is a rational number.

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