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Neuroembryology and Neurohistology -Sonic hedgehog, the Pax genes, bone

morphogenic proteins, transforming growth

Central Nervous System factor (dorsalin): influence the accurate
-collect info from environment and body structural layout of the CNS
through the sensory system -Failure to close becomes neural tube defects –
-receive the sensory information folic acid deficiency, uptake carbazephim or
-composed of: Brain and Spinal Cord phenytoin

Peripheral Nervous System

-all neurons outside the spinal cord consisting of
cranial nerves and spinal nerves
-afferent: signal from body to brain (sensory)
-efferent: signal from brain to body (motor)

Autonomic Nervous System

-contains both CNS and PNS
-signals the heart, cardiac muscle, smooth
muscle and glands
-sympathetic nervous system: fight or flight
-parasympathetic: rest and digest

Primary Neurulation

-shape of disk with cranial and caudal end
-Day 18: Cross section – 3 germ layers,
ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
-Third week: edges of the neural plate go
upward to be neural fold and neural groove
-Neural fold- neutral tubeCNS
-differentiate because of the influence of
notochord and paraxial mesoderm
-Neural groove become hollow
-Neural plate eventually become: neural crest –
migrate to become schwaan, meninges,
endocardial cushions, medulla

Spinal Cord Development
-caudal part of the neural tube
-Cranial/Rostral Neuropore: closes day 25
-as neural tube thicken, the neural canal
(fourth week) and develops into 3 vesicles –
becomes smaller until a central canal remains
forebrains, midbrain and hindbrain
Histology: neuroepithelium surrounding this
-Caudal neuropore: closes on day 27 (fourth
canal from pseudostratified columnar
ependymal epithelium (cell layer surrounding
-neural tube becomes vascularized become
the ventricles) form neurons and macroglia
the brain and spinal cord
(astrocytes, oligodendrocytes) instead
-opening in the neural tube become the
Multipolar neuron

-neurons are formed from neuroepithelial cells

when the ventricular zone begins to
differentiate into primordial neurons, -Sulcus limitans: a long, thin groove on each
neuroblasts side of the spinal cord that separates the alar
-neuroblasts: form a mantle layer between the dorsal plats from the basal ventral plates (both
ventricular and marginal zones (around the lamina)
neuroepithelial layer) that will eventually -alar plates: develop into dorsal gray
become the gray matter of the spinal cord columns which contain afferent nuclei that form
-primordial supporting cells: glioblasts and the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves (dorsal
spongioblasts; differentiate after neuroblasts gray horn); dorsal median septum grows from
because they will reside in the intermediate and here
marginal zones and become astroblasts and -form the sensory areas of the
oligodendroblasts …> astrocytes and spinal cord
oligodendrocytes. -ventral plates and lateral plates:
-start as apolar neuroblasts and formed from the cell bodies of the basal plates;
differentiates to bipolar neuroblast ventral mediam septum forms and develops a
-becomes multipolar to adult neuron. deep groove called ventral median fissure
Once neuroblasts form, they lose the -form the motor areas of the
ability to divide spinal cord
-ependymal cells: remaining cells after -intermediate horn: neurons
glioblasts and neuroblasts are no longer accumulated in the center of the dorsal
produced and ventral horn that contains neurons
-line the central canal of the spinal cord from the sympathetic portion of the
known as ependymal ANS in T1 to T2 and L1 to L3
-microglia: scattered throughout the gray and
white matter, mononuclear phagocytes that
develop in the bone marrow


Spinal nerves and vertebral levels

Week 8: embryonic spinal cord spans the whole -Oligodendrocytes: form myelin sheath at the
vertebral canal and spinal nerves pass through spinal cord
the intervertebral formina -schwann (neurolemma) cells: form the myelin
-Due to different growth rates the sheath peripheral nerves; derived from the
embryo grows faster than the cord and ends up plasma membranes of the neural crest
with a shorter caudal end than the length of the Found in: somatic motor (1) presynaptic
embryo autonomic motor (2) postsynaptic autonomic
-Lumbar vertebrae: spinal cord stops at the end, motor (3) somatic (4) visceral (5)
around L2 or L3 for infants and L1 for adults. Schwann cells
-conus medullaris: nerve roots at the end of the
spinal cord
-cauda equine: nerve roots branching out

-once myelination takes place, the tissue looks

white thus referred to as white matter

Brain Development
-develops from the section of the neural tube
cranial to the fourth pair of somites
-Vesicles in the neutral tube: prosencephalon,
mesencephalon, rhombencephalon (forebrain,
midbrain, hindbrain)
-fourth week: midbrain and cervical flexures are
-fifth week: prosencephalon divides into
telencephalon and diencephalon
-rhombencephalon: divides into the
metencephalon and myelencephalon; this
forms the five secondary brain vesicles
S2 sacral vertebra: dura and arachnoid maters
-alar and basal plates are recognizable until
terminate at
midbrain only
Filum terminale: pia mater threadlike matter
-sulcus limitans of the spinal cord: extends until
that starts at the conus medullaris and ends at
the midbrain and the forebrain meet
the first coccygeal vertebra
-cervical flexure: marks the transition from the
-from fetal period to postnatal first year
hindbrain to the spinal cord
-motor roots myelinated before sensory
-pontine flexure: separates the hindbrain into
the rostral metencephalon -- pons and
cerebellum and caudal myelencephalon: -cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius – ventricular
becomes the medulla oblongata system of the mesencephalon narrows into this
-fourth ventricle: cavity in the hindbrain that aqueduct. It is a pathway that connects CSF to
continues to the central canal flow between the third and fourth ventricles
-trigeminal nerve: develops here also -formation of two superior colliculi (visual
-gracile and cuneate nuclei – neuroblasts form reflexes) and two inferior colliculi (auditory
in the marginal zone of the myelencephalon; reflexes): formed from alar plates that migrate
their tracts instead to the dorsal spinal cord into to the tectum of the mesencephalon
the medulla -red nuclei, oculomotor nuclei, trochlear
-pyramids: contain the corticospinal tracts, nuclei, reticular nuclei: formed from basal
located in the ventral medulla plates of the mesencephalon
-lateral shift of alar plates towards the basal -substancia nigra: responsible for producing
plates in pontine flexure: sensory nuclei dopamine
develop laterally to the motor nuclei -cerebral peduncles: compromised of
Contains: corticopontine, cortocobulbar, corticospinal
>general somatic efferents: contains tract
the hypoglossal nerve motor neurons
>Special visceral efferents: motor Forebrain
neurons supplying muscles from -optic nerves and retinas: develop from optic
pharyngeal arches vesicles that outgrows the side of the forebrain
>General visceral efferents: contain -telencephalic vesicles: second diverticula of
motor neurons of the vagus and the forebrain
glossopharyngeal nerves -cerebral hemisphere lateral ventricles: arise
>general visceral afferents: receiving from the telencephalic vesicles
input from the viscera -third ventricle: forms from the cavities of the
>special visceral afferents: taste fibers telencephalon and diencephalon
>general somatic afferents: receive info -ventricular foramina of Monro: connects the
from the surface of the face and head lateral ventricls
>special somatic afferents: receive -lateral walls of the third ventricle: develop
auditory input into the thalamus, hypothalamus and
mammillary bodies and epithalamus
Choroid plexus and CSF -pineal gland: developed from the midline of
-pia mater: covers the ependymal roof of the the caudal part of the roof of the diencephalon
fourth ventricle -anterior pituitary gland: comes from the
-tela choridea: formed from ependymal cells; hypophysial diverticulum or rathke’s pouch,
-choroid plexus: extension of the tela choridea oral ectoderm upgrowth
into the fourth ventricle when pia mater -rathke’s pouch: forms the glandular
proliferates; also found in the third ventricle component of the pituitary
and medial walls of the lateral ventricles -posterior pituitary: downgrowth of the
-ependymal cells: responsible for neuroectoderm from the diencephalon; forms
producing CSF the neurohypophysial diverticulum>>
-2 lateral foramina of Luschka and 1 medial neurohypophysis, the nervous component of
foramen of Magendie : these 3 form in the the pituitary
fourth ventricle, allowing CSF to flow from the
ventricles to the subarachnoid spaces Third week: growth of the hypophysial
Midbrain Fifth week: grows into contact with the oral
epithelium and infundibulum
-Infundibulum, median eminence, pars Spinal bifida with menigomyelocoele – meniges
nervosa: derivative of neurophypophysial and spinal fold protrude, associated with
diverticulum hydrocephalus, inc alpha protein levels
-Adenohypophysis: hypophysial diverticulum Spinal bifida with myelochisis – no skin covering
disconnects with oral cavity and forms pars and severe type
anterior, pars intermedia, pars tuberalis
Sixth-seventh week: Corpus striatum begins to
cover the floor of the brain
-corticall walls of each hemisphere grow faster
than their floors resulting in C-shaped crown
-Temporal lobes and temporal ventricular
horns: caudal ends containing the lateral
ventricles that have turned ventrally and
-Insular lobe: cortices that have grown over the
external surface of the corpus striatum and
located at the base of the lateral sulcus, the
sylvian fissure
-internal capsule: fiber that divides the corpus
striatum into caudate and lentiform nuclei
-first structure that connects the
cerebral cortex to the spinal cord
-commisure: white matter pathways through
fiber groups that allows different parts to
e.g. optic chiasm – ventral part of the
lamina terminalis that contains fiber
from medial retinas to optic tracts
anterior commissure: connects the
olfactory bulb to cortical regions
hippocampal commissure: connect the
hippocampal formations
corpus callosum: largest cerebral
commissure by birth, covers the roof of
the diencephalon and bride to left and
right cortices
-sulci and gyri: grooves and convolutions that
allows the brain to grow without expanding the

Ancephaly - Cranial neuropore did not close

increase alpha fetal levels and polyhydramnions
Spinal bifida – caudal end did not close,
vertebral arch is open
Spinal bifida occulta – asymptomatic, small tuft
of hair, only affects vertebral arch, spinal cord
intact, no inc of alpha fetal levels

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