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IMD 21
Section ; A
Group : 9



This law was formulated by Immanuel Kant. The theory of

deontology states we are morally obligated to act in accordance
with a certain set of principles and rules regardless of outcome.
In religious deontology, the principles derive from divine
commandment so that under religious laws, we are morally
obligated not to steal, lie, or cheat.

There are three formulations of Kant’s categorical imperative:

1. The First Formulation of the Imperative

“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the

same time will that it should become a universal law without

2. The Second Formulation of the Imperative

“Act in such a way that you treat humanity whether in your

own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a
means to an end but always at the same time as an end”.

3. The Third Formulation of the Imperative

“Therefore, every rational being must so act as if he were
through his maxim always a legislating member in the
universal kingdom of ends”.

4)Virtue ethics are normative ethical theories which

emphasize virtues of mind, character and sense of honesty.
Virtue ethicists discuss the nature and definition of virtues and
other related problems which focuses on the consequences of
action . These include how virtues are acquired, how they are
applied in various real life contexts, and whether they are rooted
in a universal human nature or in a plurality of cultures.

1)Consequentialism proposed by John Stuart mill and Jeremy Bentham is a theory of ethics which suggests whether
the action or decision is good or bad taking a note on the outcome of an action or decision, if action is giving more
benefits than harm then action can be considered good, but if the action is causing more harm than benefits then it
will be considered bad.


As a medical student we also use the theory of consequentialism as an example in our life we can take that whether
to attend a lecture or go to the library and study something for upcoming exam, now in above situation both actions
seems right but when. We consider their outcome if I go to library as a outcome I'll just get some good grades or I'll
pass the exam but by bunking that lecture I may lose something which mam going to tell us which is vey useful in

But if I attend lecture I can get to know that thing more than that I'll learn the new topic so its having more benefits
in future so attending the lecture is right decision.


1. If one of my friend tell a secret about himself to me and tells
that don’t share it and take a promise not to share this with
anyone else. But unfortunately you came to a situation in
which you have to share this secret and you broke the
promise then it a example of Deontological in my life. We
shouldn’t break promises because we can’t rationally want
everyone to do so; if everyone broke their promises all the
time, then the whole idea of a promise would no longer
make any sense; therefore a world of broken promises is not
only undesirable but also irrational.

2. Every person of the particular religion has to follow the

rules and regulation. For example, if you are a Hindu you
might believe that it’s wrong to eat beef; this rule would be
part of our deontology because we think it is to wrong to eat

3. In a situation, if our family is in trouble and there is one way

to save. But if there is a way in which we can serve by
killing a intruder. Killing is wrong but to save our family
from others is not wrong. It is good in this way.

4 for example It is virtuous to be courageous when faced

with physIcal confrontation. However,lt Is a vice if you are
over enthusIastic to fight, and also a vice if you are too
cowardly to fight when it is needed. In this way, by
understanding the middle ground to often be the virtuous
path we have our building blocks for morality.

Why I Want To Become A Doctor

I want to become to doctor to fulfil the needs of people by

treating them. And from childhood I had a dream to become
a doctor and atlast my dream to become a doctor succeeds.
As a medical doctor I could witness humanity at its best and
very worst.
It is a highest pursuit of a life’s work for someone who loves
solving problems, relating to and being encompassed by
stories of humanity, and is a curious interrogator of data.
That’s who I am.
Is the only profession in which we deal with human lives
and we can serve people. And this is not just a profession it
is more than that because in this we serve people lives.
Doctor’s profession is something interesting and respectful
than any other profession.

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