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Name: Yustina Dwi Cahyanti

NIM: P1337420619118

Activities during the long weekend, check ...

Kharisma Anjar said that during the holidays he was only at home. He likes to
play guitar and play it every day. He also spent the holidays raising fish. He has
guppies, betta fish, and channa fish. In addition, he learned how to breed guppies
with his friends, because according to him his friends were more skilled at it.

Gita told me that during the holidays she spends vacation time with her family at
home, she also makes health publications, she just looks for some literature
reviews, she doesn't go anywhere but she is happy, during the holidays she does
college assignments.

Basuki said that during the holidays he only did activities at home with his family,
he also did gardening and only did his daily work during holidays.

Velani said that her name came from Demak. During the holidays he does
activities such as washing clothes, cleaning the house, taking vacations with his
friends, they go to cafes and restaurants, and they have discussions to complete
their college assignments.

Arif said that during the holidays he only did errands, played basketball, and
played games, he went to Magelang for vacation, and he didn't forget to call his
family by vc or video call.

Diva said that during the holidays she was only at home with her family, she only
took care of flowers, namely Aglonema, she bought them from Bandung, she did
relexing activities, such as watching movies.

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