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Helps you relax and

have fun making

various videos


Many people
These days, it is really important to learn English, although many
people do not believe it just because they know English, they will have
many doors in the world, they will have too many benefits, both
educational and employment. ICPNA and GPE are very important
programs and have a different methodology, but both offer us benefits.
First of all, many of us know several institutions where we can learn
English, but the best known institution at the national level is ICPNA. It is
an institute where, in just three years, we can learn English. On the other
hand, we can find the GPE as another English learning program, where
students can complete their studies in just six months.
Another thing that we can compare between ICPNA and GPE is the
way of teaching. While at ICPNA, they teach you grammar, pronunciation,
how to read a book, and teacher explanations. At the GPE you learn
pronunciation by interacting with people from other countries. You can
interact with people who are fluent in the language and with people who
are learning the language.
And finally, we can see that at icpna you can miss classes only 3
times and if you want to make up those lost hours, you must go to the
tutorials and sign their attendance so they can share it with your teacher
and erase some of your absences. On the contrary, in the GPE institution,
if you miss classes twice, you can no longer participate in the program and
the teacher can remove you without any problem.
In conclusion, if you want to learn English by practicing, you can
study at GPE since through this program you can meet people from
different countries who speak English fluently or people who are learning
the language. On the other hand, if you want to learn grammar or
pronunciation, you can study at ICPNA, but both institutions are very good
if you want to learn English.
Many of today's people think that private schools are better than
public schools, but they do not realize that both schools are good in
education, only that they differ in their work methodology. Rosario and
María Auxiadora are more different schools because one is public and the
other is private, but both schools offer different benefits, but neither
school is bad.
First of all, one of the things that can be differentiated between the
Rosario and María Auxiliadora schools is study time. While at the Rosario
school they only study until 12:30 p.m. At the school of Mary Auxiliadora,
they study until 4 p.m. Apart from that, the Rosario school begins its
activities at 7 in the morning, at the María Auxiliadora school. starts at
7:45 a.m.
Another of the things that we can compare between the different
schools is that in Rosario they take general courses such as mathematics,
communication, science, technology and the environment, history,
geography and economy, tutoring, religion, physical education, education
through work, methodology. At the Maria Auxiadora school they take
more specific courses such as geometry, trigonometry, algebra, physics,
chemistry, language, biology, verbal reasoning, mathematical reasoning,
history, economics, geography, etc.
And finally we can see the breaks that each school has. While
Rosario School only has a break of only 20 minutes for students to clear
their minds for a moment and do what they have to do. On the other
hand, at the Maria Auxiliadora school, the students enjoy 2 breaks, on the
first break the students clear their minds and do what they want, while on
the second break they enjoy the lunch they bring.
To conclude, we can say that private schools are not better or worse
than state schools, only that both schools have a different work
methodology. Both schools work in the way they see fit, just as both
schools seek the well-being of their students.
Tik Tok is a social network where users create normally short music
videos (between 15 and 60 seconds) and in 'stories' format (such as
Snapchat and Instagram Stories). As on Instagram, it also allows users to
tag users, use filters and animations, use hashtags and include music in
the videos. But most young people do not make proper use of this
application, since many of them do not think about the consequences of
misusing any application, such as the TIK TOK. Based on this, the use from
TIK TOK has advantages and disavantages.

Firstly one of the negative effects and the most important is that
many of the people take advantage of anonymity to carry out cyber
bullying. How all of us know that TIK TOK is aplication where we do not
need to know the mayority part of the people for to talk about them. A
very important point to take in this part is that many of the people who
use TIK TOK are not public or popular people but are normal people who
are not models, so we can see that they show themselves as they are.
More and more people begin to criticize the body of someone who makes
comments like these fat ones, I would like to have your self-esteem to
upload videos, looking at yourself in the mirror is not pretty. When they
just upload the video for fun, comments like that cause discomfort and
depression. On the other hand, we can see on the other side of the coin
that not everything is bad, many of the people use TIK TOK to relax, since
we know that we are going through a difficult situation and people are
looking for ways to escape from reality. a moment and that is not bad
because it makes each person have a moment of leisure because being in
classes or doing work all day is very exhausting and we must take a break
from everything, but we must make accredited use of the application.

In conclusion, we can say that the TIK TOK application has

advantages and disadvantages, but we are the ones who decide whether
to make good use of the application or not. Since a lot of people are not
careful about the things they do or post, it would be very important for
each person to use their mind when performing an act in the app and not
just do it on impulse.

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