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Checklist for 8 SMART TECHNIQUES

The right order restores balance

 Foods that are SOFT on the stomach (starch items like fruits, rice, ragi) digest faster
But the foods that are HARD (like wheat chapathi, maida paratha) take longer time to digest
 To digest every meal easily, follow the simple rule – ‘S’ first, ‘H’ last
S (first): Soft foods - Soup | Sweet | Starchy items (Fruits, Rice)
H (last): Hard foods [Chapathi, Paratha etc. (wheat/maida) ] | Hot beverages (Tea/Coffee/Green Tea/Hot water)
 Hot beverages like water, tea, coffee, green tea and soup break down food substances effectively in the stomach, aiding
digestion. Hot beverages can be had just before or after the meal

Eat better and enhance Digestion

 Chew your food thoroughly, as digestion begins in the mouth
 Eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner around the same time every day. Delaying your meals will hinder digestion. If your meal gets
delayed by 45+ minutes, commence the meal with something natural, like fruits or nuts. Even a piece of sweet would work
 When you are moderately hungry, you can eat minimum quantities of snacks like samosa, bonda, murukku, chips, panipuri etc.
But if you are feeling very hungry, you have to eat (or start with) healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, sprouts, channa, corn, murmura

Sugar: eat smartly! Salt: restrict aptly

 Avoid mindlessly munching on sugary foods and having soft drinks frequently
 Avoid drinking water soon after consuming sweets. Give a gap of at least 30 minutes. Similarly, allow a gap of 60 minutes after an
exercise session before having sugary drinks or sweets
 Restrict eating processed /restaurant food, which typically contain more salt than home-cooked food

Cut down on soft drinks and maida

 Avoid caffeinated, carbonated and artificially sweetened drinks. Instead, stick with healthier options like tender coconut water or
green and herbal tea or just water!
 Avoid frequent consumption of foods with maida content, like biscuits and cakes, to prevent obesity. Maida is also considered a
chief cause for type 2 diabetes. It also leads to hyperacidity and constipation
 Maida, a refined wheat flour (dust), is bleached with chemicals. Maida products are heavy and take a long time to digest. So apart
from leading to obesity over a period of time

Free your muscles with frequent movement

 Exercise your leg muscles and avoid continuous sitting
 Make sure you STAND or MOVE or STRETCH the calf muscles every 20 minutes
 Even sitting on the floor, or on a chair/sofa/bed, in cross-legged posture is good for you, as the calf muscles get exercised

Free your muscles with frequent movement

 Make sure you STAND or MOVE or STRETCH the calf muscles every 20 minutes (SMS-20!)
 The WHO has already identified physical inactivity as the fourth biggest killer on the planet. It recommends that an
adult should do at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. However, it would not protect you from the
dangers of sedentary lifestyle if you spend too much time sitting.
 Combine every day moderate exercise and SMS-20 (spending less time sitting on the chair), and you can literally add
years to your life.

Breathe well and achieve big

 While breathing in - your stomach should move outwards, and while breathing out, it should move inwards. Such
correct breathing deeply interrupts the body’s stress response and you will start to relax.
 Focus on your breathing for 10 minutes a day to enhance your potential and manage stress
 Heart-focused breathing, for 3 to 5 minutes, three times a day, helps deal with stress and build confidence

An erect spine is a key for a healthy mind and body

 Always try and maintain an upright posture to take the whole body’s tension off and deal with stress.
 A straight spine helps you stay alert and results in better memory, better self-esteem and a positive frame of mind.
 It also builds a stronger core and prevents back pain.

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