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Name: Deymar Alexander Morales Tobar 

Course: 9 Semester International Trade 


DAY # 1
This week we had our first two english classes with Mr. Martillo Class in which we
talked about our aspirations as students in this new subject, and also what would be our
commitments to achieve the desired learning. First, on Wednesday class, Mr. Martillo
greeted everyone and presented the agenda:
- Reviewing useful vocabulary

After that he told us that we will start to work in groups.

Each group had five members and we had to make a
presentation using the text provided by the teacher.

We did that work thinking on present it the same day, but

we didn’t have time to do it.

DAY # 2
On the second day of class, the teacher arrived as always, greeted, and we started
class. This day we had to present the exhibition made in the previous class, my group
was the first and although we had difficulties with intergroup connection and
communication, the presentation went acceptable.
After all the groups presented their respective tasks, he divided us into groups again,
this time with the aim of carrying out a dialogue that would be presented on video the
following week through the virtual classroom.
I think the goals are being achieved by using technical words, around our career.
But unfortunately, I also think that there are many colleagues who do not understand
most of the instructions since they are mostly in English.

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