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Eswatini College of Technology SRC

P O Box 69
20 April 2020
The Senior Management Team
P O Box 69
Dear Sir\Madam
SRC concerns on the online Teaching and Learning
This letter is written not only to highlights difficulties faced by the student body in taking part of
the online Teaching and Learning but also to advise on how this program can be rolled out in a
manner that is inclusive to them.
The challenges faced by the student body:
1. In a country living through poverty and families headed by middle to low income
earners, students are unable to purchase data to access online material.
2. There are students who live in remote areas who may be able to purchase data to
access online material, however reliable internet connectivity in those areas is a myth.
3. Students are having difficulties in doing group assignments as they stay in different
locations and using social media platforms such as Whatsapp takes up more data
which students do not afford.
4. Google classroom and other related research websites such as Operamini also
requires more internet data and a reliable internet connectivity.
5. Although Eswatini Mobile has been preferred as to offering plus more internet data as
compared to Eswatini MTN its connectivity is poor more especially in areas on the
country side. Efficiency and Speed is a very scarce performance objective for both
frequently used internet providers in the country.
6. In a country where we do not have reliable sources of electricity many students are
prejudiced by time constraints that have already been put in place for online
Following the outlined problems, the SRC finds it unjust for the online assessments to continue
without eminent modification in the program. If a single student experiences one or more of the
problems highlighted above, then the purpose of this program is unattainable. This has posed
numerous questioned to the student body such as,What happens if a student fails to submit an
assignment as a result of one or more of the problems highlighted?
1. Engagement of service providers to create zero rated internet sites for ECOT student body to
increase accessibility.
2. Refunds on WIFI fee so that students can purchase data
3. Do away with group assignments.
ECOT SRC recognizes the difficult, uncertain and uncharted situation we find ourselves in as a
country and we also recognize the challenge this pandemic has posed on the higher education
sector. We are also aware that by the time of the outbreak of this pandemic we were few weeks
away from our final examinations and that the College is trying its level best on ensuring that we
do not lose this academic year.
As the SRC our concern is that the entire student body is assessed fair and just, therefore the
online Teaching and Learning should be inclusive to all students, as this may compromise the
academic result of a student if not done fairly. The student body should not to be subjected to
trial and error as a result of Covid-19. NO STUDENT SHOULD BE LEFT OUT.

Yours Faithfuly
Malungisa Mhlanga
(SRC President)

Cc. Academic Board

The Registrar

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