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On 7 of February of 2021 is the next match that the teams that disputed by national conference
and American conference I think that the next champion will be san Francisco because have a
motivation that is take the championship and get revenge of Kansas City and because they have a
good time and at the same time a good team. this event will take part in Tampa and in the house
of Buccaneers and I think that san Francisco on the playoffs can give the lose to Kansas City and
the final will be san Francisco vs buccaneers


This championship going to beginning on June 28 of the 2021 I think that the final will be Federer
vs Djokovic and the winner will be Djokovic because he wins the last championship and he is in a
good form because he was in another finals and win others is a spectacular player. The place is
Wimbledon like the torneum obviously.


This tournament begin on November 9 to 15 of 2020 because they have to put another date
because the pandemic of the coronavirus I think that woods will win and I like to win because I
read that this is the last tournament that he play.

The World Series

The inauguration is on march 31 and I think that the winner will be rangers of texas can be the
winner most of the people don’t believe this but I think that is a very good team is not a good time
of this team but I believe they can win.

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