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Masao: *Nervously grabs a pen and a notebook* I think it’s time to finally write something

down in my diary… I wonder what my classmates would think if they ever saw me carrying this
notebook everywhere in school… I hope they won’t think I’m weird or anything… *wipes
sweat* Here it goes.
Masao proceeds to write down what’s in his mind
Masao: “Today I saw doves flocking to spring break sites and it was a beautiful sight, I could’ve
sworn I had a dream like that when I was 10.” Hmmm, guess I’ll write down something else
“I’m not smart, nor stupid, I think I’m an average student with an average IQ, though I remember
receiving my test paper with something written on it and it says, please fixeth yer wordings and
grammar for I hath trouble with understanding yer essay ye gink!”
Masao: *chuckles* this is go-
*furiously knocks the door*
Masao: Oof… that one nearly gave me a heart attack, I guess he’s home… I bet he’s drunk again
*sigh* here we go again.
Masao opens the door immediately
Aiko: You p-punk… How many times do I have to tell you… Stop locking your door y-you
Masao: I’m sorry.
Aiko: Huh? What was that? What the hell did you say to me you good for nothing kid?
Masao: I’m sorry.
Aiko: Also… I don’t like the way you look at me, I always feel like you’re trying to figure out
what I’m thinking… J-just die already! Huh.. I bet that’s what your thinking right now.. *burps*
Masao: No… I would never think like that.
Masao’s father punched him in the face so hard he almost went unconscious, Masao let out a
faint cry.
The next day, Masao’s face hurts and is not feeling well.
Masao: …
But he still went to the school.
Masao: This feels like a bad idea.
It’s lunchtime, Masao is on the roof, he can see everyone, he begins observing anyone that
passes by his field of vision, he saw someone eating alone and writes them down in his diary.
Dismissal, Masao goes to his usual route that would lead back straight to his house and then
suddenly, a group of student flocks around him, it turns out to be the bullies, they punched him
in the face and in the guts and took his money, he wasn’t able to defend himself.
Masao: *grunts* *crying in pain* W-w-why am I so weak… why is this happening to me? Why?
I’m tired of it… The same thing happens everyday… When will my suffering end? Someone
please… answer me… *cries* G-God please..
Masao fainted, after a couple of hours he wakes up.
Masao: … *sigh*
Masao decided to go home, crippled.
Masao opens the door and surprisingly, his father is nowhere to be found, Masao lets out a sigh
of relief.
Aiko: HEY!
The voice comes from behind, Masao turned around to find his father standing with his fist
Masao: Woah!
The minute he turned around, his father come rushing through him and punched him repeatedly,
his father grabbed the bottle and hit him with it.
Masao: S-stop it! Arrgh… Ughhhh
Masao: *screams in pain*
He beat his son repeatedly, it lasted for an hour but to Masao, it feels like days.
The next day
He wakes up and tried his best to stand on his feet but the pain from last night made his body
ache. He grabbed some ice for his bruises.
Masao: *grunts* it hurts, it hurts, my whole body hurts… *cries* why won’t this pain go away…
I’m tired of being treated like crap.
He tried his best to stand up to head to school, his body still aches from last night and can barely
move his body but he managed to endure the pain thinking…
Masao: I want to get outta here… This place is hell… I can’t take it anymore… I have to escape.
Masao hesitantly grabs a rope and put it in his bag.
He actually never went to school, he wasted his time in the mall, he spent all his allowance
eating and playing, and then something popped up in his mind.
Masao: tired… tired… end my suffering…*chuckles* I’ve never thought of killing myself
before but… *quietly laughs* I guess this is it huh? I actually have no idea why I grabbed the
rope but now I know.
After spending his last moments, he went to search for a perfect place to hang himself up.
Masao: …
He saw a burnt up house and it seems like no one really cares about it.
Masao: Ahhhh… I guess this is the perfect place to end my suffering.
He hesitantly ties a rope onto a piece of wood hanging in the ceiling.
Masao: *sweat intensifies* I can’t believe I’m doing this…I hope you don’t get mad at me God,
please forgive me for I’m about to do something really bad. If the world gets better without me
in it, I’d gladly exchange my life for it, if this world keeps rejecting me, then it’s my duty as a
human being to end my suffering by means of killing myself. *hysterically laughs* what the hell
is wrong with me.. *tears falling from his eyes* Heh…
He started placing the rope around his neck while standing on a piece of furniture.
Masao: …

*cries* I-I can’t do it…. Why??? I’m useless, I don’t have any purpose, so why am I hesitating…
*sniff* maybe I still have a purpose… i-if I’m useless, I would’ve been gone long ago… no…
why…God.. why are you so cruel to me?! Stop giving me hope\... There’s no hope…
Masao cried for hours and hours
Masao: …
He lets out his final smile, while crying.
Masao: …
Masao decided to head back for now.
Aiko: H-hey…
Masao: …
Aiko: Go buy me some booze you brat.
Masao: …
Masao bought some booze for his father.
Aiko: Tch… what’s wrong with you?
Masao: …
Masao: …
Aiko: Can you hear me? I SAID CAN YOU HEAR ME?!? WHAT ARE YOU, DEAF? YOU
He punched his son right into the stomach but Masao showed no signs of getting hurt.
Aiko: YOU!
Masao: …
Aiko: Uhhh… Tch… You stupid kid… get outta my face, I don’t wanna see your stupid face… it
only gives me a headache
Masao: …
Masao went straight to bed and sleep.
The next day, he goes to school and the bullies came flocking around him as always, they beat
the crap out of him.
Student 1: You like this?
Student 2: HAHAHAHA! Beat him good
Student 3: C’mon, c’mon, *laughs* yeah… tha’s good
Student 1: Oi.. why the bland face? What the hell is wrong with you ye weirdo.
Student 3: Pffft… kill joy… c’mon bud, this faggot’s no fun.
Student 2; Yeah bro, this brat’s a weirdo
Student 1; Ya’ll weird too.
Student 2: W-w-woah! Hey don’t lump me in with the likes of him.
The bullies left, Masao ignore the fact that his uniform has blood in it, Masao never came back to
school, instead of getting lectured by a teacher or one of the authorities, he went to the riverbed,
it’s his sanctuary eversince he was little, he sits down to his usual spot, he decided to lay down
for a bit and take a rest, Masao closed his eyes.
Masao: …
Girl: Wow! You can see everything from here.
Masao opens his eyes and looks at the beautiful girl beside him.
Girl: For some reason, this place feels cozy, right?
Masao: …
Girl: Ehhh… I see… you’re the hard to get type of guy. *chuckles*
Masao: …
Girl: But really, this place really is something else, it’s like the perfect place to get away from
everything, this place is like heaven, don’t you think?
The girl smiles brightly, it’s like an angel smiling.
Masao: y-yeah
Girl: Uwaaaa! *joyfully laughs* so you finally decided to open up your mouth eh, Mr. Quiet.
*cheerfully laughs*
Masao: …
Girl: Oh… Uhmm… I’m not teasing you, I was just trying to cheer you up since you look sad,
teehee, I’m a little bit loud aren’t I, I was born with it so you better get used to it. *smiles*
Masao: *nods head*
Girl: Fufufufu… I really like this place, everything feels new, it feels rejuvenating.
Masao: …
Girl: Oh, where are my manners, my name is Erina… Erina Pendleton, you might’ve heard of
that name before though. *smiles*
Masao: …
Erina: Uhm, how about you?
Masao: M-m-m-my n-name is M-masao Kujo.
Erina: *smiles* Eehhh, that’s a nice name, you should be proud of it *cheerfully laughs*
I’m sorry for spitting out nonsense out of the blue *chuckles* I hope you don’t mind.
Masao: I-I don’t.
Erina: *cheerfully laughs* You have no choice but to keep me company for a while.
Masao: …
Erina: Woah… it’s getting pretty late.
Erina stands up enthusiastically.
Erina: I have to go! *smiles* it’s nice meeting you though Masao, hope we cross paths again.
Masao: … G-goo-
Erina: Hmmm, what was that? *smiles*
Masao: *shakes head*
Erina: Bye-bye!
Masao is somewhat discombobulated, thinking about Erina makes his heart pyun-pyun, he went
back to his house and dreamed about Erina.
The next day, he wakes up and goes to school as usual but then by the time he reached the gate,
he saw students flocking like a bird he once saw back when he was normal.
Cheerful female student: No way! She’s here… I can’t believe it!
Gossiping female student: She wants a break, right? I saw it on TV, she said that she’s taking a
short break.
Fan-girling male student: Uwaaa! She’s drop dead gorgeous on TV but she’s even more
gorgeous in person.
Nerd male student: I know right! But what about the movie?
Fan-girling male student: Don’t worry about it, she’s only taking a break.
Lesbian student: Kyaaa! She’s here… she’s so pretty… I’m in love!
Teacher: Hey, you guys better go back to your respective classrooms before you all get expelled!
Fan-girling male student: Ughh… What a bummer.
Cheerful female student; Ohh, here comes moron king!
Cool looking male student: Retreat! Erina! My love, you better wait for me.
Erina was smiling the entire time, she saw a glimpse of Masao and their eyes met, Erina smiles
and said.
Erina: *waving her hand* Heyyy!!!
Masao: *waves back surprisingly*
Masao goes straight to his classroom cause the class is about to start.
Teacher: *clears throat* As you may know, Erina is an idol, and I myself is a fan… *coughs*
anyway, she’s here right now because she wanted to take a break from showbiz, because of her,
more people are coming in here which is great cause our little rural town will get famous
*proudly laughs* Ohh… I’m so sorry about that… Please introduce yourself.
Erina: *brightly smiles* Good morning every-nyan, my name is Erina Pendleton, also known as
Eri *cheerfully laughs* I like strawberries and cats, I hope you’re all having a great day, it’s nice
to meet you! *cheerfully smiles*
Everyone is dying cause of her cuteness
Teacher: Quiet down everyone! There Erina, there’s an empty sit beside Chie.
Chie: Yes sir!
Erina: Hello Chie! *cheerfully smiles*
Chie: Hello Erina *smiles* it’s nice to meet you! Oh my goodness, you’re so beautiful in person.
Erina: Awww, thank you! You’re beautiful too!
Lunchtime, Masao decided to eat on the roof, he saw Erina there too.
Erina: Oh, hello senpai! *cheerfully laughs* were you surprised?
Masao: *nods head*
Erina: Eehhh you don’t look surprised to me, you need to speak more often senpai.
Masao: I…
Erina waits for Masao to talk.
Masao: It’s n-nice to m-meet you…
Erina: *cheerfully smiles* See? Talking isn’t so hard *chuckles*
Masao looks away.
Masao: (What is this I’m feeling?)
Erina: Let’s eat together senpai *chuckles* you know the roof is off limits, right?
Masao: Y-yeah… I h-heard t-they’re r-renovating the r-roof…
Erina: *smiles* Yup… which is great because no one comes here… the sky is vast and beautiful.
Masao: *nods head* I-it’s the p-perfect o-opportunity to g-get away f-from e-everything…
Erina: *pats head* You’re getting a bit talkative today senpai *smiles* it’s a great thing and yup,
you’re right… I feel like you and I have a lot in common, it’s just a feeling though *cheerfully
Masao: *panics for a while* …
Masao opens his lunch box
Erina: Uwaa! That’s a pork katsudon, it looks really delicious.
Masao: …
Erina: Did you make that senpai? *smiles*
Masao: Y-yeah…
Erina: Can I have some? Please, please, please… *puppy dog eyes*
Masao: Eh… I uhhm… s-sure…
Erina: Yay! *cheerfully smiles* …Wow! It’s really good, it’s probably one of the best pork
katsudon I’ve ever had *giggles* I’d really be happy if you’re the one making my lunch box
*cheerfully smiles* just kidding! But really, it’s really good and uhm… Thank you!
Masao: Y-you’re welcome… Wha-
Bell rings
Erina: Time’s up! Come on senpai, let’s go.
Masao: …
Dismissal time, Masao went home and goes straight to the bed, Masao wakes up, night falls and
he is feeling somewhat bad for no apparent reason that’s why he went to the riverbed (his so-
called sanctuary) so that he could contemplate about it and of course, to have a peace of mind
while writing in his diary.
Masao: When was the last time I write something down in my diary…
He sits down to his usual spot and looked beside him, where Erina was sitting when he was
having a hard time, he looks troubled and is questioning the feeling inside him. He can’t stop
thinking about Erina and if will they ever cross paths again. He then proceeds to write in his
diary, it’s about Erina. “I would describe her in my mind as her hair was a rich shade like
blossoming flowers , it flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, porcelain-like skin. Her eyes,
framed by short lashes, were a bright, emerald-green and seemed to brighten the world. A
smoking shining nose, full lips - she seemed the picture of perfection, had she smiled, the world
would sigh beneath her feet. Had she laughed, the world would laugh with her. And had she
wept, the whole world would want to comfort her.” admitting the fact that he wants to see her
again because of her optimistic personality makes Masao more curious about her. “Unexpected
things happen to those who wait” is what Masao said when Erina suddenly appeared right in
front of his eyes.
Erina: Hi! Fancy meeting you here senpai. *cheerfully smiles*
Masao: H-hello *faintly smiles*
Erina: *cheerfully laughs* I knew it! I get a feeling that we’d meet again.
Masao: M-me too…
They had a small talk, he started humming while writing.
Erina: How did you know that song?
For a moment, Masao is shocked when eventually she talked to him and said,
Masao: M-my grandma used t-to sing i-it to m-me as my lullaby but I never knew the title of it.
Erina stares at Masao for a couple of second.
Erina: Do you mind if I ask you a slightly odd question?
Masao: S-sure.
Erina: Do you know Gekkoukan Elementary School near Hokkaido, it’s a small school in a small
Masao: Y-yeah… I-I used to study there when I was s-seven years old.
Erina: No way! Not many people knows that school a-and I used to study there too! Masao…
Masao… Is that you M-mochi?
Masao: *shocked* Ho-how did you k-know t-t-that n-name? W-wait…
Erina: *cheerfully laughs* Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it, you really are Mochi!!! It’s me
Ichigo… remember?
Masao: Oh…
Erina: You were pretty chubby back then and you looked like an actual Mochi so I gave you a
nickname. *laughs*
Masao: Oh! I-Ichigo… Y-you like strawberries t-that’s w-why I m-made y-you a strawberry
Erina: It was really good! No wonder why you’re katsudon tastes good! *cheerfully smiles*
Masao: Yeah…
Erina: So how have you been lately?
Masao: I…
Erina: You don’t have to force yourself if you don’t want to tell me Mochi *gently smiles*
Masao: No… I uhm…
Masao told her everything, Erina was silent the whole time but she knows what he’s going
through because she too has a problem, Erina cried a little.
Masao: I-I’m sorry… D-did I say anything wrong?
Erina: No…*wipes tears* it’s just… I have no idea that you’re going through such a hard time…
well in fact the reason why I “took a break” is because I was depressed… You know that I used
to be a little crybaby, right? And that I don’t make friends easily. If you weren’t there for me at
that time… I probably would never make it here or be Eri, I actually made you my motivation,
because you’re always smiling and happy and you can easily make a lot of friends… You were
our leader back then.
Masao: Y-yeah but… Now it’s th-the opposite, I’m s-sorry if I’m bad at making conversations…
I’m a-also bad at dealing w-with t-things like t-this.
Erina: *Laughs* Oh don’t worry about it Mochi.
Masao pats Erina’s head.
Erina: Thank you Mochi.*smiles*
Masao: *gently smiles*
They started meeting at the same place everyday, Erina is determined to know more about the
current Masao, the same goes for Masao, the current Erina has piqued his interest, Masao is
starting to get the feelings inside of him, everyday they meet, you could even say that Masao is
regaining humanity, he’s now showing little signs of being normal.
6 months have passed.
Masao: Oh, you’re here!
Erina: *giggles* Come on, let’s go.
Masao: Yup! There’s a great restaurant near old man Leif’s store.
6 months have passed since they both met each other again, his father stopped beating his son
when Erina visited the house, she even told Aiko to get rehabilitated, Erina introduced Masao to
her parents once again, her parents were happy to see him again, Erina lives in a fancy looking
house, she’s pretty rich, after that they’d always hang out after school, the students would always
come and question their relationship, Erina told them about it and some of them even gets
jealous of him. Masao was able to grow in such a short time and almost all of it was Erna’s
Present time.
Masao: Here!
Erina: This looks like a good place. *smiles*
Masao: After you, m’lady *gently smiles*
Erina: Thank you so much Mr. Gentlemen *cheerfully smiles*
Masao: Aye!
They both had a wonderful evening.
Erina: Let’s meet at the riverbed tomorrow Mochi-senpai.
Masao: Sure…
Erina: I will tell you something tomorrow so you better be ready *smiles*
Masao: Hmmm… and what is it?
Erina: It’s a secret.
Masao: Arrrghh… why are you doing this to me Ichigo.
Erina: *giggles* Just wait.
Masao: *chuckles* okayyy.
The next day, Masao arrived early, they were supposed to meet at 11 but an hour has passed but
she’s nowhere to be seen, Masao tried to call her cellphone many times but she’s not picking up,
he waited for an hour and a half and she’s still nowhere to be seen, Masao is worried that
something might happen to her, he decided to head to her house but she’s not there, Masao goes
back home thinking about Erina.
Masao: Where is she?
Masao turns on the TV and watches the news, the news is about a girl who was killed near the
liquor store, the body was identified and it was Erina Pendleton. Masao couldn’t believe what
he’s seeing but when he saw the bracelet, his whole world just crashed, he was speechless for a
while and closed his eyes, he felt a sharp pain forming around his chest, he started clenching his
heart and lets out a cry.
The next day, he wakes up and grabs his phone, he remembers the news yesterday but he ignores
it, he’s denying the fact that Erina’s dead, he contacted her, he then realized that yesterday
wasn’t a dream nor a fantasy, it was real, Erina is dead.
Masao: *cries*
Masao goes to Erina’s house, he saw her mother.
Erina’s mother: Oh, Masao please come in.
Masao: Thank you
Erina’s mother: Here, Erina wanted to give this to you, we had her checked up the day before the
accident and it seems like her pancreatic cancer is only getting worse.
Masao: Wait… S-she has a cancer?
Erina’s mother: Yes… Wait… You don’t know.
Masao; She never mentioned anything about her health.
Masao started crying.
Erina’s mother: M-my only daughter… why? Why her? *cries* No… *wipes tears* she hates
being sad… Here… please read this for her.
Masao opens up her diary, he saw everything. Erina’s real feelings, her suffering, her ups and
downs, everything.
Masao: All she wanted was to make people happy and live a happy life.
Erina’s mother: She’s a great child.
*knocks at the door*
Erina’s mother: Oh… please wait here.
Masao: …
Erina’s mother: Oh… Chie, how are you?
Chie: I’m fine, thank you, my heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow… my deepest
sympathy auntie.
Erina’s mother: Thank you sweetie.
*closes the door*
Chie: Masao… I’m so sorry for your loss.
Masao: Don’t worry about it Chie, so what brings you here?
Chie: I just want to see her.
Masao: …
Chie: What’s that you’re holding
Masao: I uhmm… it’s her diary… here… r-read it.
After reading the whole thing, Chie cried too. Years have passed, Chie and Masao ends up
together and they’d visit Erina’s grave every Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
Masao: I’ll always love you Ichigo… always…


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