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10 Characteristics of Learner-Centered

Submitted by Dr. Rhonda Dubec on Mon, 11/12/2018 - 08:16

"10 Characteristics of Learner Centered Experiences" (post) outlines the following features of
"impactful learning experiences" (each more fully developed in the post):
1. "Are Personal"

 "[P]ersonal learning connects to learner’s beliefs, strengths, experiences, and passions to

start from where the learner is and move forward from the towards the desired learning

 The goals may be the same with the difference being "in the flexibility and resources to learn
in ways that met ... unique goals and needs ..." as students work at their own pace and
"set milestones to reach along the way."

 Note that, in the post, the final product (and the working time-frame) was the same for all: it
was the process that differed.

2. "Allow Users to Exert Agency"

 "[W]e can’t control the learners and simultaneously expect them to be motivated without
opportunities to exert agency in the learning process."

 "Agency comes from the power to act and requires learners to have the ability to make
decisions and take ownership of their own behaviors in the process."

3. "Are Inquiry-Based"

 "[W]hen learners are posing questions and seeking answers, they are more invested than if
they are being told what to think or do."

 "When challenges are presented or learners can find their own to solve, they are often more
intrinsically motivated to seek answers to questions that they are genuinely interested in
figuring out."

4. "Are Collaborative"

 "Creating opportunities for learners to build on the strengths of others and work together
allows for new and better ideas to emerge."
 "When we are exposed to diverse ideas and perspectives, we grow in our own practice and
impact others as well."

5. "Are Authentic"

 "[C]reat[e] opportunities for students to share their work beyond the classroom."

 "Connecting students with experts, peers and other learners allow[s] for a different level of
accountability and authentic feedback than one gets from simply handing something into a
teacher for a grade."

 "Experiences, where learners get to solve a challenge that is meaningful and relevant to their
context, can empower learners to take action and do something that matters to them and

6. "Ensure Time for Critique and Revision"

 "Feedback, by nature, will unearth some things that need to improve and is not always easy
to hear."

 "But if we don’t create conditions where feedback is part of the process, how can we expect
real growth in our learning?"

 "[D]eliberately create the conditions where learners feel valued and can openly share
challenges to grow and improve as a critical part of the learning process."  

7. "Allow for Productive Struggle"

 "Creating an environment where learners are encouraged to take risks in pursuit of learning
and growth rather than perfection is absolutely foundational to shifting practices."

 "The learning task has to be within the right zone and allow for a productive struggle or some
learners will shut down if they feel it is too far out of reach, even if you threaten them with a
failing grade."

 "This also means that the right task or product will likely be different based on the learners in
the class."

8. "Have Goals and Accountability"

 "[B]ecause it is easier to measure, we hold people accountable for standardized tests,

grades, and other data that is easy to capture."

 "[S]et goals and hold others accountable for developing the skills that we say we actually
care about like creative thinking, complex thinking and problem solving, communication, and

9. "Provide and Use Models"

 "There is a lot of talk about creating rather than consuming but to create something better, I
relied on models to inspire new ideas, build off of and stimulate my own thinking and
 "Models are so powerful in the learning process but so often in school, we have this fear of
copying or cheating."

 "If an assignment has only one right answer or final product, maybe there are some
opportunities for it to be revised."

10. "Ensure Time for Reflection"

 "[T]aking time to pause and reflect can easily get cut when we lack time but it is often the
most valuable part of the learning process."

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