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MEIOSIS  After finding their mates, they align

themselves side by side with a slight space

PROPHASE I separating them.
 Extended phase in which: • ZYGOTENE: synapsis, the close association of
 pairing of homologous homologous chromosomes, begins at this stage
chromosomes and continues
 synapsis (close association of throughout pachytene.
homologous chromosomes)  This process involves the formation of a
 recombination of genetic material synaptonemal complex: a tripartite
on homologous chromosomes is structure that binds the chromosomes
nucleus. together.
 The nucleoli reappear, and the cytoplasm  The synaptonemal complex is often
divides (cytokinesis) to form 2 daughter compared to railroad tracks with an
cells. additional third rail positioned in the middle
 Cytokinesis begins with the furrowing of between 2 others.
the plasma membrane midway between  The cross ties in this track are
the poles of the mitotic spindle. represented by the transverse
 The separation at the cleavage furrow is filaments that bind the scaff old
achieved by a contractile ring -> very thin material of both homologous
array of actin filaments positioned around chromosomes together.
the perimeter of the cell. •PACHYTENE: at this stage, synapsis is complete.
 Within the ring, myosin II molecules are  Crossing over occurs early in this
assembled into small filaments -> interact phase and involves transposition of
with the actin filaments -> ring contracts. DNA strands between 2 different
 As the ring tightens, the cell is pinched into chromosomes.
2 daughter cells. • DIPLOTENE: early in this stage:
 The daughter cells are genetically identical  the synaptonemal complex dissolves
and contain the same kind and number of  chromosomes condense further
chromosomes.  homologous chromosomes begin to
 (2d) in DNA content separate from each other ->
 (2n) in chromosome number. connected by newly formed
junctions between chromosomes
Prophase I is subdivided into the following called chiasmata (sing., chiasma).
5 stages.  sister chromatids still remain closely
• LEPTOTENE: characterized by the condensation associated with each other.
of chromatin and by the appearance of  chiasmata indicate that crossing-
chromosomes. over may have occurred.
 Sister chromatids also condense and • DIAKINESIS: homologous chromosomes
become connected with each other by condense and shorten to reach their maximum
meiosis-specific cohesion complexes thickness, the nucleolus disappears, and the
(Rec8p). nuclear envelope disintegrates.
 Pairing of homologous chromosomes of
maternal and paternal origin is initiated. METAPHASE I
 Homologous pairing can be described as a  Similar to the metaphase of mitosis except:
process in which chromosomes actively  paired chromosomes are aligned at
search for each other. the equatorial plate with one
member on either side.
 Homologous chromosomes are still
held together by chiasmata.
 At late metaphase, chiasmata are
cleaved and the chromosomes
 Once the nuclear envelope has
broken down:
 the spindle
microtubules begin to
interact with the
through the
multilayered protein
structure, the
kinetochore: usually
positioned near the
 The chromosomes undergo
movement -> align their
centromeres along the equator of
the spindle.


 Anaphase I and telophase I are similar to
the same phases in mitosis except that the
centromeres do not split.
 The sister chromatids, held together by
cohesin complexes and by the centromere,
remain together.
 A maternal or paternal member of each
homologous pair, now containing
exchanged segments, moves to each pole.
 Segregation or random assortment occurs
because the maternal and paternal
chromosomes of each pair are randomly
aligned on one side or the other of the
metaphase plate -> genetic diversity.
 At the completion of meiosis I -> cytoplasm
 Each resulting daughter cell (a secondary
spermatocyte or oocyte):
 haploid in chromosome number (1n)
 contains one member of each
homologous chromosome pair.
 the cell is still diploid in DNA content

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