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The aims of the experiment is to show that the tile intensity of radiation on the surface is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the surface from the radiation source. In
this experiment the mechanism of heat transfer design principle would be subsequently treated
according to the modes of heat transfer, conduction, convection, and radiation. Thermal radiation
is a mode of heat transfer which quantized electromagnetic radiation excited by thermal agitation
of molecules of atoms and having a range that include infrared, visible light and ultraviolet.
[ CITATION Mer19 \l 1033 ] The Radiation Heat Transfer Rig in Figure 1 consist of pair of
electrically heated radiant heat and light source and together with comprehensive range of targets
and measurements instrument.

Figure 1 [ CITATION lab19 \l 1033 ]

The inverse square law was used in the experiment which is a principle that expresses the way
radiant energy propagates through space. [ CITATION tec19 \l 1033 ] Any points of source that
spreads its influenced equally in all directions without a limit to its range that will obey the
inverse square law. The intensity of the influenced of any given radius, r is the source strength
that have been divided by the area of the sphere. Point of sources of gravitational force, electric
field, light, sound or radiation obey the inverse square law. [ CITATION hyp \l 1033 ] Figure 2
shows the energy twice as far from the source is spread over four times the area and hence one-
fourth the intensity.
Figure 2 [ CITATION hyp \l 1033 ]

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