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Guías pedagógicas de Aprende en Casa para estudiantes F-COL-87

por contingencia pandemia COVID 19
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Area English Grade Tenth

Workshop 10 Date September 7th – 25th

Unit Writers
Understanding goal Students will understand how past simple is used to talk and
write about a concrete state or situation in the past.
Performance of understanding Students identify and write the past simple of regular and
irregular verbs in affirmative.
Time 150 minutes


1. Match the following verbs with its appropriate form in past. Write these connections in
your English notebook.
say - said
______ - ______

say tell go win teach make draw meet come take find run

went took ran met came taught found won told made drew said

1. Read the explanation chart and the verb list presented in the picture section (Picture 1).
2. In your English notebook, complete the following chart with the verbs in the box. Write
the correct form of the regular verbs in the past simple tense depending on the rules.
love hug try like hurry stay rob practice marry appear stop die walk
live travel want

Regular verbs
-ed -d -y> -ied double cons + ed
_________________ ________________ __________________ _____stopped_____

3. In your English notebook, complete the following chart with the verbs in the box. Write
the correct form of the irregular verbs in the past simple tense depending on the rules.
come - eat - buy - find - write - give - tell - meet - read - saw - caught
heard - made - broke - thought - shut - leave - understood - swam

Irregular verbs
Infinitive/Present Past Infinitive/Present Past

_______come_____ ______came_____ __________________ __________________

Additional Resources:
1. Grammar reference Everything 3a page 26,27.
2. Past simple British Council
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Guías pedagógicas de Aprende en Casa para estudiantes F-COL-87

por contingencia pandemia COVID 19
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Explanation chart:
Structure in affirmative:
Subject Verb in past simple Complement
I was born in 1991

We use the past tense to talk about a concrete state or situation in the past
Example: I was at the office when he called
I met my wife in Berlin
Regular verbs spelling rules
1. Regular past simple forms are formed by adding -ed to the infinitive of the verb.
start → started
2. If a verb ends in -e, you add -d.
agree → agreed
3. If a verb ends in a vowel and a consonant, the consonant is usually doubled before
-ed. stop → stopped
4. If a verb ends in consonant and -y, you take off the y and add -ied.
try → tried
5. But if the word ends in a vowel and -y, you add -ed.
play → played
Irregular verbs spelling rules
Rule infinitive past simple past participle
1. Verbs where all 3 forms are the cut cut cut
2. Verbs where the infinitive and the come came come
participle are the same
3. Verbs that have the same form in buy bought bought
the past simple and the participle
4. Verbs that are different in the 3 be was/were been
Retrieved from:
Everything 3a, page 27

1. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate irregular verb in the past simple
in your English notebook.

was/were came drank bought had forgot knew ate did drew

a. I (eat)_______ some eggs for breakfast yesterday.

b. They (drink) _________ some wine last night in the party.

c. She (have) _________ to buy the groceries in Trader Joe’s but she (buy)__________ them
in Walmart.
Additional Resources:
1. Grammar reference Everything 3a page 26,27.
2. Past simple British Council
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Guías pedagógicas de Aprende en Casa para estudiantes F-COL-87

por contingencia pandemia COVID 19
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d. We (be) ___________ at the gym this morning.

e. Tom (come) __________ to my house after I (do) ______ the dishes.

f. The students (draw) ________ on the screen even though they (know) ________ they
shouldn’t do it.

g. The homework (be) _________ due yesterday but we (forget)__________ to do it.

2. Imagine the next situation, you are a grandparent who was born in the 1930’s. When you
were young, you shopped at a special grocery store. Write an anecdote of minimum 5 lines
to your grandchildren, describing why you loved to go there (use only affirmative sentences
in the past simple). Then, underline the verbs in past as you can see in the example.
In the 30’s, I loved to go to Romi. There I could buy delicious fruits like ingas
or guavas. The products were very cheap and excellent. What I loved the
most was the service; they always welcomed the customers with an
enormous smile.

3. Read the following text. Then highlight the verbs that are in past simple as it is indicated:
Yellow for regular verbs and red for irregular verbs.
Sally left home when she was 18. She didn’t want to go to university, so she went to work
in a book shop in London. One day, a customer came to the store. His name was Bill, and
he was tall and handsome. He liked Sally, and asked her out. They went out to dinner
and had a nice time. Bill told Sally that he worked in a bank in the financial district. Sally
liked Bill, too. After dinner, they kissed in front of her door. She smiled and said that she
hoped she would see him again. Nobody is sure how it happened, but Sally and Bill fell
hopelessly in love, and ended up getting married. They moved into a small flat together,
and paid incredibly high rent prices for a few years, until Sally announced that she was
pregnant. Bill asked for a loan from the bank so they could buy a nicer flat in a friendlier
neighborhood outside London. Sally quit her job, and a few months later she had her
baby. They named the baby Andrea. For a while, they were very happy…
Text retrieved from:

Left: Irregular - Liked: Regular

Criteria of assessment:
Criteria ✔/X How can it be improved?
Students write in a right way the past simple of regular and
irregular verbs.
Students write an anecdote of minimum 5 lines in past
simple affirmative and recognize the verbs in past simple
written in it.
Students recognize and highlight the past simple of
regular and irregular verbs from a text.
Additional Resources:
1. Grammar reference Everything 3a page 26,27.
2. Past simple British Council
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Guías pedagógicas de Aprende en Casa para estudiantes F-COL-87

por contingencia pandemia COVID 19
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Students deliver the guide by the according time and

the required form.

What can I do if I don’t understand? / (Y si no entiendo, ¿qué puedo hacer?)

1. Identify the friendly words. (Words in English that look similar to Spanish)
2. Highlight the unknown words. (New words in English)
3. Use the dictionary to understand the unknown words and write these new words in
your English notebooks.
4. Ask one of your family members for help to understand the information in the
5. Contact your English teacher. Each school has established how.
1. Nobody: no one/ no person. 2. End up: Situation that was not planned or expected.
3. Quit: Stop doing something.




Cut Cut Feel Felt Be Was/were

Hit Hit Find Found Begin Began

Put Put Get Got Break Broke

Read Read Have Had Do Did

Shut Shut Leave Left Drink Drank

Come Came Pay Paid Drive Drove

Run Ran Say Said Give Gave

Bring Brought Sell sold Forgive Forgave

Build Built Sleep Slept Go Went

Buy Bought Teach Taught Know Knew

Catch Caught Think Thought Take Took

Feed Fed Win Won Write Wrote

Designed by: Revised by: Approved by:

Karen Contento Angie Castillo Judith Alvarez

Additional Resources:
1. Grammar reference Everything 3a page 26,27.
2. Past simple British Council
V.0 – 13/05/2020

Guías pedagógicas de Aprende en Casa para estudiantes F-COL-87

por contingencia pandemia COVID 19
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Lista de chequeo de la guía para el diseño de guías

Descriptores de forma Sí No Observación

Extensión máxima de 4 páginas, con anexos incluidos (salvo
matemáticas y español que tienen 8 páginas)

Letra es Century Gothic 11

Tamaño hoja es Oficio/Legal (21,6 cm X 35,6 cm)

Márgenes 3 cm arriba X 2.5 cm abajo X 2 cm izq y der

Interlineado 1.5

Las citaciones están escritas en normas APA (ver en

Encabezado en espacio sencillo. Contiene área, grado y
número de guía

Additional Resources:
1. Grammar reference Everything 3a page 26,27.
2. Past simple British Council
V.0 – 13/05/2020

Guías pedagógicas de Aprende en Casa para estudiantes F-COL-87

por contingencia pandemia COVID 19
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Las imágenes son claras y están en escala de grises para

Descriptores de estructura y contenido Sí No Observación

La guía está escrita para los estudiantes

Las instrucciones son oraciones concretas y claras para la
edad de los estudiantes y para sus acudientes

La guía cuenta con tres momentos específicos para
organizar la experiencia de aprendizaje de los estudiantes:
Exploración, Aclaración y Aplicación.

Exploración: 2 a 3 preguntas / actividades que permitan
conectar con los conocimientos previos

Aclaración: acciones que deben realizar los estudiantes
para ampliar su conocimiento con Instrucciones para
acceder a los recursos virtuales.

Contiene uno o dos desempeños de procesamiento de la

información: preguntas (rutinas de pensamiento, guías de
lectura, etc.), construcción de textos, esquemas (mapa
mental, mapa conceptual, diagrama de Venn, etc.) y otros.

Aplicación: desempeño que los estudiantes entregan para
demostrar su comprensión sobre el tema. Debe contener
una instrucción sobre la relación entre el concepto
trabajado en la unidad y otros conceptos

Las actividades y/o desempeños planteados pueden ser

realizados en casa sin contar con presencia del profesor.
Además, le permiten avanzar al estudiante en su
comprensión de la asignatura.

Los criterios de evaluación están presentados en una lista
de chequeo o con una rúbrica que especifica las
características del producto de aplicación en cuanto a su
forma y contenido

Additional Resources:
1. Grammar reference Everything 3a page 26,27.
2. Past simple British Council

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