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04 0113

Learning Module

Basic Korean
Course Packet 04

친구를 사귀고 있습니다

Making Friends

Knowledge Area Code : LANG

Course Code : FOLA0113
Learning Module Code : LM- FOLA0113
Course Packet Code : LM- FOLA0113-04

Learning Module: Basic Korean 3

About the Faculty

Christine A. Lulu is a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) major in Social

Science. She was currently enrolled for master’s program (Master in Arts in Education Major
in Social Studies) at the Bataan Peninsula State University- Main Campus.

She served as part-time instructor of foreign language (Basic Korean) since 2017. She earned
her Korean Certificates at KRT International Training Center, King Sejong Institute, and passed
the TOPIK Exam last 2015.

Learning Module: Basic Korean 1

Course Packet 04

Making Friends

Course Packet 4 contains a lesson that will help you express your suggestion and making
appointments by expressing time. You are expected to learned to used negation on how to
decline the invitation, also in introducing yourself by telling where you from in hanguel.

By the end of this lesson you should able to:
• Make an appointment with friend and decline an offer.
• Asking opinion and making suggestion
• Days of the Week
• Know the country and people

Learning Management System

You will be requested to join the Google Classroom. A link will be sent in your g-mail

Topic 01 : Making Appointment
Appointment / Telling and Asking Time
Using Negatives
Grammar: VS (으)ㄹ 까요

Demonstrative Pronouns
-저거, 그거

-VS – 지 않아요 / 안
(Verb) - 이에요 / 예요
WH Question
언제 – When
몇시 – What time = 6 hours
(1.5 Synchronous via Google Meet
and 4.5 Asynchronous)

Topic 2 : Countries and people = 3 hours (Asynchronous)

Where do you from?

Countries’ Name in Korean
- 사람 이에요.

Learning Module: Basic Korean 2

- (country) 에서 왔어요.

Delivery Mode
Topic 1 Making Appointment - 1.5 hours synchronous (Power point presentation
discussion of the Introduction of topic)
4.5 hours self-directing learning with practical
Topic 2 Countries and People - 3 hours asynchronous

Assessment with Rubrics

Pen and paper test

Requirement with Rubrics

Sentence construction using the (으)ㄹ까요 form of the verb and time expressions


In preparation for the discussion, you may refer to this link: Making an Appointment.


This course packet deals with the different Hangeul term of the
different country, the nationality and occupation in introducing
yourself. It will also, tackle on how to make an appointment,
suggestion. Expressing of the day of the week.

Match each English name of the country with the corresponding
Korean name from the following.

1. Japan 한국
2. China 일본
3. Vietnam 모골
4. Philippines 중국
5. India 베트남
6. Mongolia 태국
7. Russia 필리핀
8. Thailand 대만
9. Taiwan 인도
10. Korea 러시아

Lesson Proper
In the previous lesson, you have learned the two number system
used in Korea in making request and buying things and also

Learning Module: Basic Korean 3

along with the counters used to make complete sentence
construction. Now you will leaned how you will use the number
system and the counters in making appointment, expressing the
time and introducing yourself using some of the counters you

대화를 잘 읽으세요. (Study the dialogues below)

수미: 수요일 몇시에 만날까요? Vocabulary:

린다. 세 시쯤 만나요.
어때요? – How
수미: 어디에서 만날까요? about?
린다: 서울 극장 앞이 어때요? 그래요. – Okay
수미: 그래요, 세 시에 서울 극장 앞에서 만나요. 저녁 - dinner

린다: 영화를 보고 저녁도 같이 먹어요.

수미: 네, 좋아요.
Sumi: What time will we meet on Wednesday?
Linda. Let's meet at three o'clock.
Sumi: Where shall we meet?
Linda: How about in front of the Seoul Theater?
Sumi: Yes, we meet at the Seoul Theater at three o'clock.
Linda: Watching a movie and having dinner together.
Sumi: Yes, good.

– (으)ㄹ 까요.

• -(으)ㄹ까요? Is used when the speaker wants to either to suggest doing something
together with the listener or to ask about the listener’s preference regarding something.

Learning Module: Basic Korean 4

The subject of these sentence 우리, which is often omitted. The English equivalent is
“Shall we..?” or “Why not don’t we..? When answering, the suggestive form – (으)ㅂ
시다 or –아/어요 is used.

Stem Ending in Vowel or ㄹ Stem ending in Consonant

가다 + -ㄹ까요 = 갈까요? 먹다 + -을까요 = 먹을까요

Base Form -ㄹ까요? Base Form -을까요?

사다 살까요? 닫다 닫을까요?

여행하다 여행할까요? *듣다 들을까요

열다 열까요? *걷다 걸을까요

• -(으)ㄹ까요? is used when the speaker wants to make a suggestion to the listener or to
ask the listener for his or her opinion. The subject is normally 제다 or 내가 and may be
omitted. In English, this expression corresponds to “Shall I...?’ or “Do you want me
to…?” When responding, the imperative form –(으)세요 or –(으)지 마세요 can be used.

Stem Ending in Vowel or ㄹ Stem ending in Consonant

사다 + -ㄹ까요 = 살까요 닫다 + -을까요 = 닫을까요

Base Form -ㄹ까요? Base Form -을까요?

가다 갈까요? 읽다 읽을까요?

오다 올까요? 놓다 놓을까요?

만들다 만들까요? *듣다 들을까요?

This ending takes two forms depending on the last letter of the verb stem.
a. If the verb stem ends in a vowel or the consonant ㄹ, -까요 is used.

Learning Module: Basic Korean 5

b. If the stem ends in a consonant other than ㄹ, -을까요.
(1) 가 : 우리 언제 만날까요? When shall we meet?
나 : 내일 만나요. Let’s meet tomorrow.
(2) 가 : 제가 전화를 걸까요?
나 : 네, 수미 씨가 전화를 하세요.
(3) 뭐 먹을까요?
제가 means “I” and this
(4) 음악을 들을까요?
form is used when there
(5) 주말에 같이 _____________________________?
(6) 제가 책을 _______________________________? is a special focus on the
How to as day of the week?
무슨 요일? (What Day of the Week?)

일 월 화 수 목 금 토

일요일 월요일 화요일 수요일 목요일 금요일 토요일

오늘이 무슨 요일 입니까? What is the day today?
오늘은 목요일 입니다. The day today is Thursday.

Declarative Pronouns

이거, 그거, 저거 are demonstrative pronouns, which can be expressed as “this,” “that,” and
“that over there” respectively. These words are pronouns and are used just as nouns are.

이거 means “this.”
그거 means “that.”
그거 indicates the speaker is far from item under discussion but the listener is close to it.
저거 means “that.”
저거 indicates both the speaker and listener are far from the item under discussion.

All three of these have corresponding written forms.

이거, 그거, 저거

이것, 그것, 저것

The written form of these words can be broken down as such:
[demonstrative modifier] + 것 = 이것, 그것, 저것
것 means thing.
Literally, 이것 means “this thing” 그것 means “that thing” and 저것 means “that thing over

Learning Module: Basic Korean 6

In spoken Korean, however, they are as follows
[demonstrative modifier] + 거 = 이거, 그거, 저거
거 means thing.
Example Sentences
1.이거는 제 책이야. This is my book.

2.저거는 누구꺼예요? Who\'s is that over there?

3.그거요? 그거는 모자입니다. That? That's a hat.

Negative Expression
The long form negation -지 않아요 and 지 못해요.
The long form negation has the following constructions:
[stem + 지 않다] 수잔 고기를 먹지 않아요. Susan does not eat meat.
[stem + 지 맛 하다] 수잔이 고기를 먹지 못해요. Susan cannot eat meat.

As seen above, the long form negation is created by adding 지 to the stem, which followed by
a negative auxiliary 않다 or 못 하다. Here are examples:
[verb stem + 지 않다]
보지 않아요 do not see
가지 않아요 do not go
먹지않아요 do not eat
마시지않아요 do not drink
배우지않아요 do not learn
[adjective stem + 지않다]
좁지않아요 is not narrow
비싸지않아요 is not expensive
작지않아요 is not small
크지않아요 is not big
높지않아요 is not high

[verb + 지 못 하다]
만들 지 못 해요 cannot make
팔지 못 해요 cannot sell
자지 못 해요 cannot sleep
뛰지 못 해요 cannot run
읽지 못 해요 cannot read

Learning Module: Basic Korean 7

There is no meaning difference between the long form negation and the short form
negation. Consequently they are used interchangeably. However, the long form negation tends
to be more often used in written and formal communication.

The short form negation [안]

The negative 안 is an abbreviated form of 아니 “no,” as in 아니요 “no,” or 학생이

아니에요. “(I) am not a student.” In addition it is used for general negation.

[안 + verb]

안 봐요 do not see

안 가요 do not go

안먹어요 do not eat

안 마셔요 do no drink

안 배워요 do not learn

[안 + adjective]

안 좁아요 is not narrow

안 비싸요 is not expensive

안작아요 is not small

안 커요 is not big

안높아요 is not high

The short form negation is used for declarative and interrogative sentence types, but
not for the imperative and propositive sentence types.
Declarative 고기를 안 먹습니다 “(I) do not eat meat”

Interrogative 고기를 안 먹습니까? “Don’t (you) eat meat?”

이다 – attached to the end of a noun to make it predicated of the sentence. 이다 is used to

express that the subject and predicate are the same thing. 이다 can also be used to specify

something. The formal descriptive form is 입니다, and its interrogative form is 입니까? The

corresponding informal form, 예요 / 이에요, are the same for the descriptive and interrogative

forms, with this interrogative form rising in intonation s it is pronounced: 예요? / 이에요?

When the preceding noun ends in a vowel, 예요 is used and when the noun ends in a

consonant, 이에요 is used. The negative form of 이다 is 아니다.

Learning Module: Basic Korean 8

Telling Time

언제 – this is used for asking time as an interrogative pronoun

샣일아 언제입니까? When is your birthday?
언제 한국에 오셨습나까? When did you come to Korea?
언제 시간이 있습니까? When do you have time?

몇 시 – is use in asking time. when reading time 시 is the counter of hour.

지금이 몇시예요? What is the time now?
몇 시에 한국어 수업이 끝나예요? What time is the Korean language class over?
오을 몇 시 에 퇴근하십니까? What time do you go to work?

Where are you from?

대화를 잘 읽으세요. (Study the dialogues below)

야마다 : 안녕하십니까?
How are you?
How are you? 사람- Person
이리나 : 네, 안녕하십니까? 네 - Yes
Fine, thanks and you? 반갑습니다 Nice to meet you
일본 - Japan
야마다 : 저는 야마다입니다. 일본 사람이에요.
이름 - name
I am Yamada. I am Japanese.
이리나 : 반갑습니다. 제 이름은 이리나예요.
Nice to meet you. My name is Irina.

사람 used for counter of person and attached the word 이에요 to introduced oneself
including one’s name, nationality, occupation etc. From the word 오다 (Dictionary form) to
come, it became 왔어요 for past tense.

대화를 잘 읽으세요. (Study the dialogues below)

수루 : 투안 씨는 언제 한국에 왔어요? When did you come to Korea?

투안 : 올해 2 월 10 일에 한국에 왔어요. I came here on February 10th.
수루 씨는 언제 한국어 왔어요? What about you?
수루 : 저는 잘년 7 월에 왔어요. I came here last July

Learning Module: Basic Korean 9

Identifying names of various countries in Hangeul

한국 - Korea 일본 - Japan 몽골 - Mongolia 중국 -China 베트남 - Vietnam

태국 - Thailand 필리린 - Philippines 대만 - Taiwan 인도 - India 러시아 - Russia

싱가포르 - Singapore 미국 – U.S.A 카나다 - Canada 멕시코 - Mexico 브라질 - Brazil

아르헨티나 - Argentina 뉴질랜드 – New

칠레 - Chile 호주 - Australia 영국 – U.K

프랑스 - France 독일 - Germany 이탈리아 - Italy 포르투갈 - Portugal 스페인 - Spain

Learning Module: Basic Korean 10

스위스 Switzerland 사우디아라비아 –Saudi
그리스 - Greece 터키 - Turkey 이라크 - Iraq

아랍에미리트 – U.A.E 남아프리카공화국

이진트 - Egypt 케냐 - Kenya 나이지리아 - Nigeria
South Africa

Learning Module: Basic Korean 11

Activity Sheet 01

Name ________________________ Date_______________ Score_______

Change each sentence with –(으)ㄹ까요? Then, translate the sentence as shown below:
Example:자전거를 타요
= 자전거를 탈까요? “Shall I ride a bike?”

1. 재즈를 들어요.
2. 주말에 같이 노래방에 가요.
3.축구를 해요.
4. 한국 영화를 보요.
5.기차를 타요.
6. 학교 앞에서 막나요.
7. 여기에서 좀 쉽니다.
8. 무슨 영화를 보요.
9. 창문을 닫아요.
10. 일요일에 공부해요.

Learning Module: Basic Korean 12

Activity Sheet 02

Name ________________________ Date_______________ Score_______

Answer the following question according to picture.

1. 몇 시에 친구를 만나기로 했어? _____________________________________

(What time did you say you are meeting friend?)

2. 몇 시에 가 요? (What time are you going?) _________________________

3. 언제 미국에 오셨습나까? (When did you came in America?)

13th of March

4. 생일이 언제예요? ___________________________

17th of April

5. 몇 시에 책을 읽이에요? _________________________

Learning Module: Basic Korean 13

Activity Sheet 03

Name ________________________ Date_______________ Score_______

Listening 듣기 click ctrl the click - (Play)

1. 이 사람들은 언제 만날까요? 그리고 어디에서 만날까요?
When and where will these people meet?
1. a. 토요일 b. 일요일
2. a. 내일 오전 b. 내일 오후
3. a. 서울 극장 b. 서울 커피숍
4. a. 서울 은행 b. 버스 정류장

2. 이 사람들은 만날 거예요, 아니면 안 만날 거예요?

Will these people meet or not?
1. a. 만날 거예요 b. 안 만날 거예요
2. a. 만날 거예요 b. 안 만날 거예요

3. 다음 대화를 잘 듣고 질문에 답하세요.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
1. 이 사람들은 언제 만날 거예요.
When will these people meet?
a. 오늘 오후 1 시 b. 오늘 오후 2 시
c. 내일 오후 1 시d. 내일 오후 2 시

2. 이 사람들은 뭘 할 거예요? 모두 고르세요.

What will these people do? You may choose more than one.
a. 이야기를 할 거예요. b. 영화를 볼 거예요.
c. 밥을 먹을 거예요. d. 커피를 마실 거예요.

Learning Module: Basic Korean 14

Activity Sheet 04

Name ________________________ Date_______________ Score_______

Activity 4
그림을 보고 (보기)와 같이 이야기해보세요. Create a dialogue for each picture as shown in the

가 : 저는 이셍이에요
나 : 이셍 씨는 중국 사람이에요?
가 : 네, 저는 중국 사람이에요
이셍/중국/ 선생님 선생님이에요.

1. 앤드류 / 민국 사람 / 학생

유미 / 한국 사람 / 요리사

수잔 / 독일 사람 / 의사

찰스 / 영국 사람 / 기자

투안 / 일본 사람 / 회사원

Learning Module: Basic Korean 15


Name ________________________ Date_______________ Score_______

Make an appointment with your friends using the word cards.

Image from:재와동포를 위한 한국어 1


A 오늘 공원에 갈까?

B 좋아. 공원에 가자.

A 공원에서 뭐 할까?

B 자전거를 타자.

Prepare location cards.

2 Form a pair with 1 other person and have 1 person select a location card.

3 Use the location from the card and make plans as shown in the example.

Learning Module: Basic Korean 16

이거, 그거, 저거 Demonstrative Pronouns. (2009). Retrieved 19 July 2020, from

서울대 한국어 Student Book 1 In-text: (jeong, 2013) Your Bibliography: jeong, s. (2013). 서울대
한국어 Student Book 1 (p. page 56). Seoul, South Korea: TWOPONDS Co.,Ltd.

(재미있는 한국어 1, 2008) Your Bibliography: KYOBO Book Center. (2008). 재미있는 한국어 1
(p. page 121). Seoul.

Byon, A. (2015). Basic korean (p. 143). [2 pPark Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14
4RN]: Routledge.

Learning Module: Basic Korean 17

Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student: __________________________________________________________

Program : __________________________________________________________
Year Level : ______________ Section : __________________
Faculty : __________________________________________________________
Schedule : __________________________________________________________

Course Packet : Code : _________ Title : __________________________________

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

I completely get it. I’m struggling.
I’ve almost got it. I’m lost.

In what particular portion of this course packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?

Did you raise your concern to you instructor? Yes No

If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?


If No, state your reason?


To further improve this course packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

How do you want it to be enhanced?


Learning Module: Basic Korean 18

Learning Module: Basic Korean 20

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