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Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 23 (2009) 721–731

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Invited Review

Bioactive components of tea: Cancer, inflammation and behavior

Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia a,*, Marco Vinicio Ramirez-Mares b, Sirima Puangpraphant a
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 228 ERML, MC-051, 1201 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Resources Institute at University Del Mar, Puerto Angel, Oaxaca, Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide. Several studies have suggested that cat-
Received 5 January 2009 echins and theaflavins found in tea may reduce the risk of various types of cancers. Major advances have
Received in revised form 21 February 2009 been made to understand the molecular events leading to cancer prevention; however, the evidence is
Accepted 22 February 2009
not conclusive. Evidence from pre-clinical and clinical studies also suggests that persistent inflammation
Available online 1 March 2009
can progress to cancer. Several possible mechanisms of action may explain the cancer preventive aspects
of tea components specifically anti-inflammatory effects. In regards to brain health, green tea catechins
have been recognized as multifunctional compounds for neuroprotection with beneficial effects on vas-
cular function and mental performance. Theanine, a unique amino acid in tea, enhances cognition in
Bioactive compounds humans and has neuroprotective effects. Human interventional studies with well characterized tea prod-
Theanine ucts are needed.
Cancer prevention Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction introduced in several countries enjoying a semitropical climate.

The assamica variety contains large amounts of tannins and cate-
After water, tea is the most commonly consumed beverage chins and is particularly used for black tea, whereas sinensis tea ac-
around the world (Graham, 1992). The origins of tea drinking date counts for most of the green tea production.
back to 2737 BC (Chow and Kramer, 1990). It is legendarily attrib- The differences among teas arise from processing, growth con-
uted to the Chinese emperor Shen Nung, the Divine cultivator who ditions, and geography. Tea types, based on processing or har-
also apparently invented agriculture and herbal medicine. Tea re- vested leaf development are black (fermented), green (non-
mained as a primarily Chinese beverage until the 17th century fermented), oolong (semi-fermented) and white (harvested leave
when Europeans began its trade. It was then introduced to America buds with white trichomes, non-fermented or semi-fermented).
in 1650 and in 1904 ‘‘the first iced tea” was served (Clark, 1989). Green tea is produced by using young tea leaves (bud and two
The objective of this review is to discuss the potential cancer pre- leaves underneath––a flush). After withering, steaming or pan fir-
ventive and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as the impact on ing, drying and grading, the tea is packaged and sold for consump-
animal and human behavior of tea and tea components. tion without fermentation. Pan firing is required to prevent the tea
leaves from fermenting by the natural enzyme activities. To make
2. Types of tea black tea, tea leaves are allowed to ferment for several hours before
being either smoke fired, flame fired or steamed. Withering occurs
Tea is made from the processed leaf of Camellia sinensis, a plant as water evaporates and the natural process of fermentation takes
cultivated across the world in tropical and subtropical regions. Tea place. During fermentation the chemical composition of the tea
plants belong to the Theaceae family and come from two main vari- leaf is altered (Chow and Kramer, 1990). Unblended teas are
eties: Camellia sinensis var. sinensis, a small-leaved, bushlike plant named by their country of origin or region (Darjeeling, Assam, Chi-
originating from China, grown in several countries of Southeast na). Blended teas are named generically (Earl Gray, Irish Breakfast)
Asia experiencing a cold climate, and Camellia sinensis var. assami- rather than by the teas they include. Chinese people consume pu-
ca, a large-leaved tree discovered in the Assam region of India and erh tea; crude green tea is used as a raw material for its prepara-
tion and a long fermentation process. As for the quality and taste
of pu-erh tea, it is believed that the longer preservation period,
* Corresponding author. Fax: +1 217 244 3198.
E-mail address: (E.G. de Mejia).
the better the quality and taste (Wang et al., 2008).

0889-1591/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
722 E.G. de Mejia et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 23 (2009) 721–731

Aging of the population and limitations of modern medicine human liver cytosol. In the intestine, both SULT1A1 and SULT1A3
have caused consumers to look for new ways to improve their also contributed to the sulfation. Sulfation of ()-EC was consider-
health. Tea is now considered a healthy drink with bioactive mol- ably less efficient in the rat than in the human. ()-EC was not glucu-
ecules and high antioxidant capacity. ronidated by human liver and small intestinal microsomes. There
was also no evidence of glucuronidation by human colon micro-
3. Phytochemicals in tea somes or by recombinant UDP-glucuronosyltransferase-1A7
(UGT1A7), which is present in stomach and esophagus, but not in li-
Fresh green tea leaves are rich in flavonoids that include cate- ver. Interestingly, in rat liver microsomes ()-EC was efficiently glu-
chin, epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC) collectively known curonidated with the formation of two glucuronides. These results
as flavanol monomers, epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epigallocate- indicated that sulfation of ()-EC was a major pathway in human li-
chin gallate (EGCG) which are also called flavanol gallates. ver and intestine with no glucuronidation occurring (Vaidyanathan
Catechins contain a benzopyran skeleton with a phenyl group and Walle, 2002). Lu et al. (2003) found four EGC-glucuronides (EGC-
substituted at the 2-position and a hydroxyl (or ester) function at 30 -O-glucuronide, EGC-7-O-glucuronide, 40 -methyl-EGC-30 -O-glu-
the 3-position. Variations to the catechin structure include the ste- curonide and 40 -methyl-EGC-7-O-glucuronide) and six EGCG
reochemistry of the 2,3-substituents and the number of hydroxyl glucuronides (40 -O-methyl-EGCG-glucuronide, 40 ,400 -di-O-methyl-
groups in the B- and D-rings. Oolong and green teas have high lev- EGCG-glucuronide, EGCG-7-O-glucuronide, EGCG-30 -O-glucuro-
els of EGCG (50–80% of total catechins) and EGC, but the content in nide, EGCG-3’’-O-glucuronide and EGCG-4’’-O-glucuronide) when
black tea is much lower. Catechins are present at levels of 30–40% exposing EGC and EGCG to human, mouse, and rat liver microsomes
of the dry weight of fresh green tea leaves. Green tea contains and nine different human UGT isozymes . EGCG-4’’-O-glucuronide
approximately 70% catechins (monomeric flavonoids), 10% minor was a major metabolite formed in all incubations.
flavanols (mainly quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin and their glyco- Studies have demonstrated that the absorption of green tea cat-
sides) and 20% polymeric flavonoids. Because some oxidation oc- echins (GTCs) in the small intestine is relatively small. Flavanols ap-
curs during the withering process, 20–30% of total flavonoids in pear to pass through biological membranes and to be absorbed
green tea may be oxidized to polymers such as those found in black without deconjugation or hydrolysis. The low absorption in the
tea. Tea contains several amino acids, but L-theanine (c-glutamyl- small intestine implies that the majority of ingested GTCs will reach
ethylamide), specific to the tea plant, is the most abundant, the large intestine where they encounter the colonic microflora,
accounting for 50% of the total amino acids. Volatile fractions of with further hydrolysis of glycosides into aglycones and extensive
tea leave contain more than 600 different molecules. In addition, transformation into various aromatic acids (phenylvalerolactones
tea contains carbohydrates, caffeine, adenine, gallic acids, tannins, and hydroxyphenylpropionic acids) (Nakagawa et al., 1997). These
gallotannins, quercetin glycosides, carotenoids, tocopherols, acids are further metabolized to derivatives of benzoic acid. The
vitamins (A, K, B, C), small amounts of aminophylline and a yellow microbial metabolites are absorbed and conjugated with glycine,
volatile oil that is solid at 25 °C and has a strong aromatic odor and glucuronic acid, or sulfate (Manach et al., 2004). GTC plasma bio-
taste (Jayabalan et al., 2008). availability in humans is very low. After the administration of either
During fermentation of fresh tea leaves, some catechins are oxi- 697 mg of green tea or 547 mg of black tea to healthy volunteers,
dized or condensed to larger polyphenolic molecules (dimers or plasma EGC and EC content was 0.26–0.75% compared with EGCG
polymers), such as theaflavins (theaflavin, theaflavin-3-gallate, and ECG with 0.07–0.20% and the same trend was observed in urine
theaflavin-30 -gallate and theaflavin-3-30 -digallate) (3–6%) and (Henning et al., 2008). When an individual catechin was used, plas-
thearubigins (12–18%). These polymers are responsible for black ma concentration was reported as high as 1.53 lM at a dose of
tea’s bitter taste and dark color. Black tea contains mainly thearub- 1050 mg for ()-EC, 3.1 lM at a dose of 664 mg for ECG, 5 lM at
igins (70%), theaflavins (12%), flavonols (10%) and catechins a dose of 459 mg for EGC and 6.35 lM at a dose of 1600 mg for
(8%). The total polyphenol content of green and black teas is sim- EGCG (Feng, 2006).
ilar, but with different types of flavonoids present, due to the de- In human urine, six metabolites were identified as ()-EC-glu-
gree of oxidation during processing (Stangl et al., 2006). An curonide, three ()-EC-sulfates, two O-methyl-()-EC-sulfates.
average cup of tea (10 g of tea leaves in 1 L water) contains around Microbial metabolites ()-5-(30 ,40 -dihydroxyphenyl)-c-valerolac-
300 mg of solids with 30–42% catechins and 3–6% caffeine (Khan tone, and their glucuronide conjugates were also found. Although
and Mukhtar, 2007). ECG has been studied, no metabolites were observed in both plas-
ma and urine. In human urine, several metabolites were identified
as EGC-glucuronide, two EGC-sulfates, three O-methyl-EGC-glucu-
4. Metabolism and bioavailability ronides, three O-methyl-EGC-sulfates, and 40 -O-methyl-EGC.
Additionally, microbial metabolites ()-5-(30 , 40 ,50 -trihydroxyphe-
The knowledge of pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, nyl)-c-valerolactone, ()-5-(30 ,50 -dihydroxyphenyl)-c-valerolac-
metabolism, and excretion of tea components is essential to deter- tone, ()-5-(30 ,40 -dihydroxyphenyl)-c-valerolactone, and their
mine its potential bioactivities and overall significance in disease sulfate and glucuronide conjugates from EGC were also found.
prevention (Wheeler and Wheeler, 2004). Progress has been made For EGCG, several metabolites in human plasma and urine were
in understanding biotransformation and bioavailability of the four identified as: 40 ,4’’-di-O-methyl-EGCG, ()-5-(30 ,40 ,50 -trihydroxy-
major green tea components (EC, ECG, EGC, EGCG); their fate in phenyl)-c-valerolactone, ()-5-(30 ,50 -dihydroxyphenyl)-c-valero-
animals and in humans depends on intestinal, microbial and hepa- lactone, ()-5-(30 ,40 -dihydroxyphenyl)-c-valerolactone, and their
tic metabolism, as well as their transporters and chemical stability. sulfate and glucuronide conjugates (Feng, 2006).
Three types of metabolic pathways, methylation, glucuronida- Large and extensively conjugated metabolites are more likely to
tion, and sulfation, have been observed for all catechins. be eliminated in the bile, whereas small conjugates such as mono-
Methylation, a major metabolic pathway, forms the metabolites: 30 sulfates are preferentially excreted in urine. Biliary excretion
and 40 -O-methyl-()-EC and O-methyl-()-EC-glucuronide, seems to be a major pathway for the elimination of EGCG. The total
400 -O-methyl-ECG, 40 -O-methyl-EGC, 400 -O-methyl-EGCG and 40 , amount of metabolites excreted in urine is roughly correlated with
400 -di-O-methyl-EGCG, and 400 -O-methyl-EGCG-30 -O-glucuronide maximum plasma concentrations. Urinary recovery was 0.5–6% for
and 30 ,40 - or 30 ,50 -di-O-methyl-EGCG-4’’-O-glucuronide (Feng, some tea catechins (Yang et al., 2000). The half-lives of flavanols in
2006). ()-EC was efficiently sulfated mainly through SULT1A1 in plasma are in the order of 2–3 h, except for EGCG, which is elimi-
E.G. de Mejia et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 23 (2009) 721–731 723

nated more slowly probably because of higher biliary excretion or Interest in tea and tea extracts as dietary supplements, arises
greater complexing with plasma proteins (Diniz et al., 2008). For from the fact that some tea compounds have beneficial protective
tea catechins with rapid absorption and a short half-life, repeated effects against chronic diseases (Chen et al., 2008). However, the
intakes must be very close together in time to obtain an accumula- effectiveness of any tea from a pharmacological perspective de-
tion of metabolites in plasma; otherwise, plasma concentrations pends upon providing an effective dosage of the standardized ac-
regularly fluctuate after repeated ingestions, and no final accumu- tive compounds.
lation occurs (Warden et al., 2001).
The nature of the tissular metabolites may be different from 6. Studies on tea and human cancer
that of blood metabolites because of the specific uptake or elimina-
tion of some of the tissular metabolites or because of intracellular One third of the human cancers are caused by dietary habits
metabolism (Youdim et al., 2003). An intervention study with and manipulation of the diet is recognized as a potential strategy
green and black tea confirmed the presence of gallated and nongal- against this disease. Chemoprevention has emerged as a practical
lated flavan-3-ols in human prostate after 1 week of daily con- approach to reducing cancer incidence and therefore the mortality
sumption of 5 cups of tea; EGC was found after green tea and and morbidity associated with it. An ideal chemopreventive agent
black tea intervention (Henning et al., 2006). for humans should have minimal side effects, high efficacy in mul-
Adverse events associated with high flavanol intake are rare, tiple sites and a known mechanism of action. In addition, it should
which may be explained by their relatively low absorption, and their be nontoxic to normal cells, capable of oral consumption, inexpen-
rapid metabolism and quick elimination. Cancer patients, consum- sive, sufficiently bioavailable and with human acceptance.
ing 6 g/day of a caffeinated green tea extract in three to six equal The use of tea, as a cancer chemopreventive agent has been
doses, reported mild to moderate nausea, abdominal pain and diar- appreciated in the last twenty years. Epidemiological as well as
rhea, along with agitation, insomnia, dizziness and tremors, likely laboratory studies have shown an inverse association of tea con-
due to the caffeine content (Jatoi et al., 2003). The above would sug- sumption with the development of certain cancer types (Artali
gest that relatively large amounts of flavanols are well tolerated. At et al., 2009; Mann et al., 2009; Kuo et al., 2009). The first epidemi-
present, it would seem that a safe upper limit of chronic intake is on ological report indicating an association between tea composition
the order of one gram or more of flavanols per day. in humans and cancer was published in 1966 (Higginson, 1966).
It has now been suggested that tea polyphenols potently induce
5. Quality and standardization apoptotic cell death and cell cycle arrest in tumor cells but not in
their normal cell counterparts and affect several biological path-
The quality of a tea is mainly assessed through its appearance ways (Chen et al., 2008). As supporting evidence, various animal
(color, color intensity, and cloudiness), its flavor (astringency, bit- studies have revealed that treatment with tea inhibits tumor inci-
terness, and sweetness), and its aroma (floral, sweet, grassy). Bit- dence and multiplicity in different organ sites such as skin, lung,
terness and astringency are attributed from alkaloid caffeine and liver, stomach, mammary gland, and colon (Chen et al., 2008).
catechin (tannins), respectively. Sweetness is attributed to amino Most of the research related to cancer prevention by tea has been
acids, especially theanine, which has the taste described as done with flavanols; although, caffeine is another bioactive compo-
‘‘umami” or ‘‘brothy” or 5-N-ethylglutamine. The appearance of nent in green and black teas. There are some studies that attribute a
the leaves and the color of the brew play a major role in the eval- chemopreventive effect to caffeine. For instance, Chung et al. (2003)
uation of green tea; young leaves and a clear brew with a pale found that a black tea preparation was effective in inhibiting
green–yellowish tint are indicators of high quality. The quality of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK)-induced
a green tea declines with signs of cloudiness and brown–reddish lung tumorigenesis in F344 rats, and concluded that caffeine appears
pigments. Green teas of different origin have their distinctive char- to be the major chemopreventive component. Huang et al. (1997)
acters, but in general, high quality green teas are described as ‘‘del- reported that orally administered decaffeinated green and
icate” or ‘‘sweet”. The highest quality tea from Japan, called black teas, were much less effective than the caffeinated teas in
Gyokuro (pulverized for ceremonial tea ‘‘Matcha”), is grown under reducing the incidence and multiplicity of UVB light-induced skin
shade, and is reported to contain high amino acid but low catechin tumors in SKH-1 mice. Also, Castro et al. (2008) demonstrated that
concentration (Willson, 1999). Theaflavins, thearubigins, catechins, administration of caffeine to pregnant and nursing B6129SF1 female
and caffeine are known to be responsible for black tea quality; mice exposed to dibenzo[a,l]pyrene (DBP), provided cancer chemo-
green tea quality depends more on content of amino acids, cate- prevention for her offsprings. In humans, there are insufficient
chins, and caffeine. Qualitative and quantitavive methods have studies to make any meaningful conclusion on the role of caffeine
been used to evaluate active compounds involved in the quality in tea on cancer protection.
assessment of green tea (Gall et al., 2004; Fujiwara et al., 2006), Other studies have also demonstrated the inhibitory action of
including principal component analysis and partial least-squares green and black teas against tumorigenesis in animal models and
projection to latent structure analysis based on gas chromatogra- on different organ sites such as skin, oral cavity, lung, esophagus,
phy/mass spectrometry/metabolomics (Pongsuwan et al., 2007). small intestine, stomach, liver, colon, bladder, pancreas, mammary
Teas are natural products and thus do not have a consistent, stan- gland, and prostate. Recent reviews on this subject present results
dardized composition. Batch-to-batch and manufacturer-to-manu- of pre-clinical studies on tea and cancer prevention, using different
facturer variation in preparations of the same tea will occur. animal models (Yang et al., 2007; Ju et al., 2007; Lambert et al.,
Several manufacturers now produce standardized tea extracts 2005).
(based on an active ingredient) as an approach to achieving more There are several human studies which support a positive effect
consistent quality, at least within manufacturer. Manning and Rob- of tea consumption and cancer. Stages I and II breast cancer pa-
erts (2003) found wide variability and much lower amounts in 5 tients (n = 472) showed a lower recurrence rate (16.7%) and a long-
catechins compared to claims on the labels. It is recommended that er disease-free period (3.6 years) when consuming more than five
phytochemicals in dietary supplements should be standardized so cups of green tea per day, compared to those consuming fewer
that consumers can make a rational choice; however, due to large than four cups per day (Nakachi et al., 1998). Pisters et al. (2001)
number of organic compounds present in tea, it is difficult to pro- carried on a phase I trial of oral green tea extract (GTE) and con-
cess tea to an absolute standard (Heinrich et al., 2004). cluded that a dose of 1850 mg GTE three times daily could be taken
724 E.G. de Mejia et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 23 (2009) 721–731

safely for at least 6 months. Green tea consumption was inversely ever, based on human studies, the Food and Drug Administration
associated with rate of recurrence, especially in early stages of concluded in 2005 that there was highly unlikely that green tea re-
breast cancer (Nakachi et al., 1998; Inoue et al., 2001). According duces the risk of breast cancer and the risk of prostate cancer, and
to Wu et al. (2003a,b), regular green tea drinkers (90 mL per day) that there was no credible evidence supporting a relationship be-
showed a significant reduced risk of breast cancer compared to wo- tween green tea consumption and gastric, lung, and colon/rectal
men who had tea less than once a month. Zhou et al. (2004) also cancer. Also, the American Institute for Cancer Research (2007)
reported that breast cancer is significantly less prevalent among concluded that evidence from human studies was too limited to
Asian women, whose diets contain high intake of green tea. In a draw any conclusions of the relationship between green tea con-
case-control study with breast cancer confirmed patients sumption and cancer prevention. Research in this area, however,
(n = 1009 female aged 20–87 years), green tea consumption was continues; particularly in regards to the mechanisms of action.
associated with a reduced risk of developed breast cancer (Zhang Khan and Mukhtar (2008) highlighted the pathways related to
et al., 2007). Yamamoto et al. (2003) reported that green tea poly- cancer chemoprevention by GTP, specially EGCG as causing inhibi-
phenols (GTP) could be used to enhance the effectiveness of che- tion of: (1) mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases and activator
mo/radiation therapy to promote cancer cell death while protein-1 (AP-1), (2) nuclear factor-jB (NF-jB) signaling pathway,
protecting normal cells. A case-control study demonstrated a de- (3) epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mediated pathways,
clined risk of prostate cancer with increasing frequency, duration (4) insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 mediated signal transduction
and quantity of green tea consumption suggesting intake of three pathway, (5) proteosome activities, (6) matrix metalloproteinases
cups per day (Jian et al., 2004). Consumption of green tea catechin (MMPs), (7) urokinase-plasminogen activator, and (8) induction
capsules after one year inhibited the conversion of high-grade of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. Authors concluded that the rele-
prostate intraepithelial neoplasia to cancer, in comparison to a pla- vance to humans lies in the fact that these markers, as well as the
cebo (Bettuzzi et al., 2006). Consumption of green tea assessed by a identification of further molecular targets and biomarkers, are
questionnaire (n = 49,920 men aged 40–69 years) was associated needed to allow a better design of clinical trials with green and
with a dose-dependent decrease in the risk of advanced prostate black teas and their components. It is also believed that the chemo-
cancer (Kurahashi et al., 2008). Another study showed that the dai- preventive effects of green tea depend on: (1) antioxidant action;
ly consumption of green tea over a period of 10 years delayed the (2) specific induction of detoxifying enzymes; (3) molecular regu-
onset of cancer in both smokers and nonsmokers (Nakachi et al., latory functions on cellular growth, development and apoptosis;
2000). A randomized controlled tea intervention phase II trial re- and (4) selective improvement in the function of the intestinal bac-
vealed a significant decrease (p = 0.002) in urinary 8-hydrox- teria flora. The effect of tea consumption and cancer prevention
ydeoxyguanosine (31%) after drinking decaffeinated green tea (4 will need to be re-evaluated in the future as new data becomes
cups/day) among smokers over a 4 month-period (Hakim et al., available.
2003). These data suggest that regular green tea drinking might As anti-inflammatory agents are used in chemopreventive strat-
protect smokers from oxidative damage and could reduce risk for egies, this review will discuss the association between inflamma-
cancer caused by free radicals associated with smoking. Arts tion and tea consumption.
(2008) reviewed epidemiological evidence on tea consumption
and found a significant lower risk of lung cancer associated with
a high intake of black or green tea especially among never smokers. 7. Studies on tea and inflammation
Sun et al. (2002) investigated the association between urinary
tea catechin markers and subsequent risk of gastric and esophageal Cytokines are a group of multifunctional proteins that mediate
cancers in Chinese. It was found that the urinary EGC showed a sta- and are involved in several steps related to inflammatory re-
tistically significant inverse association with gastric cancer. Yuan sponses. Inflammatory cytokines are signaling proteins expressed
et al. (2006) also found an association between biomarkers (EGC in a number of tissues, notably monocytes/macrophages, vascular
and 4-MeEGC) of tea consumption in urine and a lower risk of endothelial cells, adipose tissue, and neurons. Inflammatory cyto-
developing colorectal cancer (n = 18,244 men with 16 years of fol- kines respond to injury or infection and have broad effects on
low-up). Borrelli et al. (2004) concluded in a systematic review the organism including fever and inflammation, and promote
that an inverse association for green tea did show a protective ef- wound healing. The secreted cytokines bind to their own receptors
fect on adenomatous polyps and chronic gastritis. In the same way, and exert their effect on target cells. Generally, cytokines can be
Hoshiyama et al. (2004) indicated that green tea consumption had classified as pro- or anti-inflammatory, depending on the way they
no protective effect against stomach cancer, and suggested the influence inflammation (Kundu and Surh, 2008).
implication of other factors such as age, smoking and socioeco- Cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), IL-6, IL-1,
nomic status. Cabrera et al. (2006) published a very comprehensive GM-CSF, interferon-c (IFN-c), and IL-12 are critical in the induction
review on epidemiological studies of the association between of the inflammatory response. The induction of pro-inflammatory
green tea consumption and cancer risk concluding that there are genes by TNF has been linked to most diseases including cancer
several confounding factors that were not considered and there (Kundu and Surh, 2008). The pro-inflammatory effects of TNF are
is a need to assess specifically green tea consumption. Conflicting primarily due to its ability to activate nuclear factor kappa B (NF-
results between cohort studies conducted in different countries jB). Almost all cell types, when exposed to TNF, activate NF-jB,
may also arise from uncertainty in the frequency and timing of in- leading to the expression of inflammatory genes such as cyclooxy-
take, and contrasts in the socioeconomic and lifestyle factors asso- genase-2 (COX-2), lipoxygenase-2 (LOX-2), cell-adhesion mole-
ciated with tea drinkers (Cabrera et al., 2006). The kind of tea or its cules, inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and inducible nitric
preparation (e.g., brewing time and tea temperature) will have an oxide synthase (iNOS).
impact on type and concentration of polyphenols. Definitive con- Some of the cytokines however, have down-regulating effects
clusions concerning the protective effect of tea have to come from on inflammation such as, transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b),
well-designed observational epidemiological studies and interven- IL-10, IL-4, IL-13 and are known as anti-inflammatory cytokines
tion trials. (Chi et al., 2006). Furthermore, a number of cytokines have the
A number of epidemiological and clinical studies have revealed ability to promote migration of leukocytes into inflammatory sites,
various physiological responses to green tea which may be rele- and are described as chemokines (Kundu and Surh, 2008). Exam-
vant to the promotion of health and the prevention of cancer. How- ples of these are IL-8, and growth regulated oncogene-a (Gro-a).
E.G. de Mejia et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 23 (2009) 721–731 725

Recent evidence has indicated that cytokines are involved in the (Polyphenon 70STM, 80% pure, containing 31.7% EGCG, 15.7% EGC,
pathophysiology of many inflammatory diseases (Kundu and Surh, 10% ECG, 8.5% EC, 4.5% GCG and 1% CG, and no caffeine) plus doco-
2008). These pathological states seem to be linked to an imbalance sahexaenoic acid (an important component of fish oil) enhanced
of the cytokine network and the excessive recruitment of leukocytes brain function in both adult and old mice (Shirai and Suzuki,
to the inflammatory sites (Chi et al., 2006). Because of this, the cyto- 2004). A 0.02% of a catechin preparation (Polyphenol 70STM) pre-
kine system constitutes a very interesting and promising target for vented the decline of glutathione peroxidase activity, reduced pro-
the development of anti-inflammatory drugs (Holfseth, 2008). It tein oxidative damage in brain and maintained its function in the
was found that phytochemical compounds in tea are able to selec- aging mouse (Kishido et al., 2007). Catechins, provided as water
tively interfere with the production and/or function of cytokines. containing EGCG (63%), EC (11%), EGC (6%), and ECG (6%), improved
This interesting observation would constitute an important alterna- working memory-related learning ability and special orientation in
tive for the treatment of several inflammation related diseases. rats (Haque et al., 2006).
Effects of polyphenols such as anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, Tea has been shown to reduce physiological stress responses
and anti-atherogenic could not be explained solely on the basis and increase relaxation ratings (Steptoe et al., 2007a) when com-
of their antioxidant properties. Investigations into the mechanism pared with coffee or other beverages matched for caffeine level.
of action of these molecules have shown that polyphenols modu- Mandel et al. (2008) observed that tea consumption was inver-
late cellular signaling processes during inflammation or may them- sely associated with the incidence of age related dementia, Alzhei-
selves serve as signaling agents (Rahman et al., 2006). mer’s and Parkinson’s diseases showing that tea polyphenols,
Table 1 outlines a summary of the anti-inflammatory properties particularly EGCG, are bioavailable to the brain and can act at mul-
of tea polyphenols to give a general idea of the wide variety of cel- tiple targets, via antioxidant, iron-chelation, signal transduction
lular inflammatory processes that such compounds can modulate. modulation, and other mechanisms to produce neuroprotective
Among the numerous polyphenols isolated from green tea, EGCG and/or neurorescue action. Mandel et al. (2008) suggested a model
predominates and has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory for EGCG neuroprotective/neurorestorative action that goes be-
properties in animal and in vitro models (Hamer, 2007). The effects yond antioxidant/radical-scavenging capacity, including activation
of tea polyphenols on inflammation have also relevance to cancer of protein kinase C signaling pathways preventing apoptosis and
prevention (Beltz et al., 2006). Tea polyphenols appear to modulate mitochondrial membrane collapse. The model also included activa-
at different targets the anti-inflammatory activities related to ara- tion of other signaling pathways, important in neuronal protection
chidonic acid-dependent pathways such as COX inhibition. Within against extracellular insults and essential for neuronal differentia-
the arachidonic acid-independent pathways, NOS and NF-jB are tion and survival, particularly the mitogen-activated protein ki-
targets of polyphenols (Miles et al., 2005). Tea phytochemicals in- nases (especially the ERK1/2 pathway), phosphatidylinositide 30 -
hibit COX-2 and iNOS expression by blocking NF-jB activation. OH kinase/AKT and protein kinase A signaling cascades, and cell
Particularly EGCG suppresses activation of NF-jB by repression calcium influx regulation. Agents such as flavonoids in green tea
of degradation of the inhibitory unit IjBa, which hampers subse- are capable of inducing pathways leading to activation of the tran-
quent nuclear translocation of the functionally active subunit of scription factor cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB)
NF-jB (Kundu and Surh, 2008). with the potential to enhance both short-term and long-term
Based on current evidence, tea polypenols can modulate cancer memory. In contrast to short-term memory, the storage of long-
risk through suppression of chronic inflammation that seems to term memory requires the formation of stable long-term potentia-
pervade many cancers (Fig. 1). The evidence suggests that tea com- tion at synapses. It is also believed that green tea catechins are
ponents protect against inflammation and cancer at the molecular, multimodal-acting, brain-permeable, natural iron chelators, anti-
cellular, and animal levels. Current evidence also suggests that oxidants acting at multiple brain targets to prevent or delay neuro-
stress can affect the development and progression of cancer (Ar- nal death in the degenerating brain (Mandel et al., 2005).
maiz-Pena et al., 2009; Metcalfe et al., 2007; Ben-Eliyahu et al., Black tea ingestion seemed to produce a rapid increase in alert-
2007). For instance, Yang et al. (2009) showed that when human ness and self-reported improvements in mood (Hindmarch et al.,
melanoma cells were treated with the catecholamine stress hor- 1998; Quinlan et al., 2000). The capacity to process information
mone norepinephrine (NE), the angiogenic potential of these tumor was also increased, while adverse effects on sleep duration or qual-
cells was stimulated by the production of the vascular endothelial ity were not evident. As tea is not a high caffeine drink, factors
growth factor (VEGF) and interleukins (IL)-8 and IL-6. Thaker et al. other than caffeine may be influencing these results, for example,
(2006) established, in an orthotopic mouse model, that the release a specific psychological response to tea drinking or other constitu-
of catecholamines induced by stress can activate the b2 adrenergic ents in tea. One of these components is theanine, which could act
receptor on ovarian carcinoma cells to elicit increased expression as a neurotransmitter with neuroprotective effects. A study in rats
of the VEGF gene, which resulted in enhanced tumor vasculariza- found that theanine modulated serotonin and dopamine levels and
tion. Recent studies have suggested that tea consumption may be appeared to improve memory and learning ability (Unno et al.,
associated with a reduction of psychological and physiological re- 1999). It was also suggested that theanine increased neurotrophin
sponses to stress, such as lower post-stress cortisol levels, inhibi- mRNA levels by activating inhibitory neurotransmitter systems
tion of cortical neuron excitation, lower lipid peroxide levels, and promoted CNS maturation assisting in brain function develop-
reduced food intake and decrease DNA damage (Steptoe et al., ment (Yamada et al., 2007). Matching electroencephalographic
2007a; Kimura et al., 2007; Kurihara et al., 2003; Yamada et al., recordings with cognitive task performance, it has been demon-
2008; Hakim et al., 2008). strated that the unique tea amino acid theanine plays a role in
attentional processing, in synergy with caffeine, enhancing cogni-
tion in humans (Kelly et al., 2008). Caffeine acts mainly upon the
8. Tea and behavior central nervous system, stimulating wakefulness, facilitating ideas
association and decreasing the sensation of fatigue (Smith, 2002);
Green tea polyphenols, especially EGCG, have shown neuropro- however evidence exist that caffeine alone cannot fully account
tective activities in a wide array of cellular and animal models of for the positive effects of tea drinking. Some of the effects caused
neurological disorders. For instance, in orally treated mice, green by caffeine are influenced by theophylline tea content because it
tea EGCG had anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective capacities induces psychoactive activity and it also has a vasodilator effect
(Aktas et al., 2004). Also, simultaneous administration of catechins (Cabrera et al., 2006).
726 E.G. de Mejia et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 23 (2009) 721–731

Table 1
Summary of anti-inflammatory activities of tea and tea components.
Type of Compound Proposed target Results Ref.
study molecules
In vitro EGCG IL-6 EGCG (101-103 mg/ml) suppressed IL-6 in cultured Xia et al.
human keratinocytes (2005)
EGCG IL-8 EGCG (3–100 lM) suppressed IL-8 in human lung Chen et al.
epithelial (A549) cells (2002)
EGCG CD11b EGCG (100 lM) down regulated CD11b expression on Kawai et al.
CD8+ T cells (2004)
EGCG TNF-a, IL-1b, IKK EGCG (3–100 lM) inhibited TNF-a and mediated Wheeler et al.
activation of the nuclear factor-jB (NF-jB) pathway, (2004)
through inhibition of IjB kinase (IKK) in human lung
epithelial (A549) cells
EGCG IL-8, MIP-3a, PGE2 EGCG (50 lM) inhibited the synthesis of IL-8, MIP-3a, Porath et al.
and PGE2 in human colon adenocarcinoma cell lines (2005)
HT29 and T84
EGCG IL-2, TNF-a and EGCG (10–100 lM) pretreatment or co-treatment to Watson et al.
IFN-c in T cells murine lymphonode cells (Balb/C). EGCG suppressed the (2005)
production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-2, TNF-a,
IFN-c) in T cells
EGCG NF-jB EGCG (20 lM) suppressed TNF-a-induced NF-jB Navarro-Perán
activation, the phosphorylation and degradation of IjBa et al. (2008)
and the phosphorylation of Akt in human colon
carcinoma cell line (Caco-2)
EGCG IL-1b EGCG (10, 50, and 100 lM) suppressed IL-1b in MUC5AC Kim et al. (2008)
(mucus hypersecretion) and normal human nasal
epithelial (NHNE) cells by suppression of the
phosphorylation of ERK MAP kinase, MSK1, and
transcription factor, cAMP-response element-binding
Green tea extract iNOS Green tea extract (40 lg/mL) inhibited iNOS expression Tedeschi et al.
in human epithelial cell lines, alveolar A549/8 and colon (2004)
DLD-1 cells by down-regulation of the DNA binding
activity of STAT-1a
Black and green teas, iNOS, NO Both green tea and black tea (0.5 mg/mL) reduced NO by Paquay et al.
Theaflavins, EGCG suppress the LPS mediated induction of iNOS in rat (2000)
pulmonary macrophage cell line (NR8383)
Green tea polyphenols, NOS activity, NO Green tea polyphenols (0.5 mg) and tannic acid Srivastava et al.
tannic acid (0.5 mM) inhibited 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13- (2000)
acetate (TPA)-induced NO generation and NOS activity
in rat hepatocytes
Green, paochong, iNOS, NO Green, paochong, and black teas (500 lg/mL) inhibited Lin et al.
and black teas NO production, iNOS catalytic activity and iNOS protein (2006)
expression in LPS-activated RAW 264.7cells
Catechin TNF-a Catechin (31 lM) inhibited TNF-a production on LPS/ Wang and Mazza
IFN-c-activated RAW 254.7 macrophages (2002)
Black and green teas NO, peroxynitrite Both black and green teas (100 mg/mL) had minor and Heijnen et al.
nonspecific effect on NO mediated vasorelaxation (good (2000)
NO). This study showed that tea separates effects
between the good and bad NO and tea is likely to
prevent NO toxicity primarily
Theaflavin TNF-a, IL-8, NF-jB, and AP-1 Theaflavin treated to human lung adenocarcinoma cell Aneja et al.
line (A549) at concentrations of 10 and 30 lg/mL, (2004)
showed inhibition to tumor through the suppression of
IL-8 transcription and by inhibition of IKK and AP-1
EGCG, EGC, ECG, Thromboxane (TBX), 12- EGCG, EGC, ECG and theaflavins (30 lg/mL) inhibited the Hong et al.
Theaflavins hydroxyheptadecatrienoic formation of TBX, HHT, COX-2 and PGE2 in normal (2001)
acid (HHT), COX-2, PGE2 human colon mucosa and colon cancer cells
Green and black tea IL-6, TNF-a, IL-1-b, IL-8, Both black tea and green tea extracts (2.5%) treated to Pajonk et al.,
extracts PGE2, and chymotryptic human monocytes isolated from buffy coats decreased 2006
26S proteasome activity LPS-induced IL-1b, IL-6, IL-8, TNFa and PGE2. Black tea
and green tea extracts (0.5% and 2%, respectively)
treated to RAW 264.7 macrophages inhibited
chymotryptic 26S proteasome activity
Green tea polyphenol NF-jB Green tea polyphenol extracts (0.1–0.4 mg/mL) inhibited Yang et al.
extracts, EGCG the phosphorylation of IjBa resulting in a reduction in (2001)
NF-jB activation in the fetal rat intestinal epithelial
(IEC-6) cell line. EGCG (100 lM) inhibited NF-jB by
blocking IKK activity
Theaflavin-3, NF-jB, iNOS TF-3 (30 lM) inhibited IKK activity in LPS-induced Pan et al.
30 -digallate murine macrophages (RAW 264.7), prevented the (2000)
(TF-3) degradation of IjBa and IjBb, blocked phosphorylation
of IjB from the cytosolic fraction, inhibited NFjB
activity, and inhibited iNOS levels
E.G. de Mejia et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 23 (2009) 721–731 727

Table 1 (continued)

Type of study Compound Proposed target Results Ref.


In vivo Tea catechin iNOS, peroxynitrite Male Wistar rats were given 0.5% tea catechin extract for Suzuki et al.
extract 5 days. Catechin blocked serum NOx concentration in (2004)
the jugular vein, and also reduced plasma lipid peroxide
EGCG iNOS, NO EGCG (50–200 lM), treated to rat peritoneal Alvarez et al.
macrophages stimulated with sodium, blocked the (2002)
production of NO
EGCG NO, iNOS EGCG (50 and 75 mg/kg) were administered in mice Chen et al.
treated with carbon tetrachloride, caused liver necrosis. (2004)
EGCG decreased iNOS, nitrotyrosine, and NO levels
EGCG NO, malondialdehyde (MDA), EGCG (50 mg/kg/d) was orally treated to male rats’ acid- Ran et al.
superoxide dismutase (SOD), induced colitis for 7 days. EGCG decreased NO, MDA, and (2008)
TNF-a, IFN-c, NF-j Bp65 increased SOD. Modulated mucosal inflammation by
inhibiting the production of TNF-a, IFN-c and NF-jBp65
and may be a potential therapeutic agent in colitis
EGCG NF-j B, AP-1 Mice were treated twice daily with EGCG (10 mg/kg). Abboud et al.
EGCG inhibited NF-jB and AP-1. This may be beneficial (2008)
in colitis through selective immunomodulatory effects
Green tea extracts Serum albumin levels Green tea extracts (20 g/L) reduced serum albumin in Kaori et al.
mouse model infected with Trypanosoma brucei which (2008)
is a tissue invasive parasite that causes mice to develop
extensive tissue damage
Green tea extracts Nitrotyrosine, TNFa Rats were administered with green tea extracts (10 or Muià et al.
20 mg/kg) 15 min prior or post to reperfusion. Green tea (2005)
extracts reduced nitrotyrosine formation and the
production of TNFa. This study showed that green tea
extract significantly reduces ischemia/reperfusion injury
of the intestine
Theaflavin mixture: theaflavin, IL-1b, IL-6, PGE2, Theaflavin mixture (10 lL) was applied to mouse ears Huang et al.
theaflavin-3-gallate, theaflavin- leukotriene B4 (LTB4) 20 min prior to TPA application once a day for 4 days. (2006)
30 gallate, and theaflavin-3, Theaflavins inhibited TPA-induced edema of mouse ears
30 digallate as well as inhibited TPA-induced increase in IL-1b and
IL-6 protein levels. Theaflavins also decreased amount of
PGE2 and LTB4 levels
Green tea polyphenols IFN-c, TNF-a Mice model of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Varilek et al.
were fed with green tea polyphenols (5 g/L) for up to (2001)
6 weeks. Green tea polyphenols showed a decrease in
IFN-c and TNF-a. Mice treated with green tea
polyphenols had less severe colitis
Black tea extracts Rat paw oedema Black tea extract was given orally (2.5 and 5 ml/kg) to Nag Chaudhuri
(Sikkim variety) different groups of rats and mice. Tea extract et al. (2005)
significantly inhibited carrageenin, histamine, serotonin
and prostaglandin-induced pedal inflammation
Indian black tea Rat paw oedema Rats and mice were administered orally with Indian Roy et al.
(Himalayan variety) black tea (200 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg). Treated group (2008)
significantly reduced carrageenin-induced paw oedema
Epidemiological Tea C-reactive protein (CRP), Data from a large cross-sectional study (BELSTRESS) De Bacquer
serum amyloid A (SAA), indicated that of all participants (1031 healthy men), et al. (2006)
serum haptoglobin 22% consumed tea regularly and 10% drank more than
two cups per day. Tea drinkers had significantly lower
levels of CRP, SAA and haptoglobin. This suggested that
drinking tea might help in reducing the inflammatory
process of cardiovascular disease
Black tea Platelet activation, plasma Healthy non-smoking men (n = 37, 18–55 years) were Steptoe et al.
C-reactive protein (CRP) randomized to 6 weeks black tea extract (1050 mg/day). (2007b)
Treatment was equivalent to drinking four cups of
strong black tea per day. Chronic tea consumption
presented lower platelet activation (platelet–monocyte
aggregates, platelet–neutrophil aggregates and total
platelet–leukocyte aggregates), and plasma CRP
compared with placebo. This study suggested that black
tea has anti-inflammatory effects that may protect
against cardiovascular disease development

Six studies were reviewed by Gardner et al. (2007) concluding It has been suggested that dietary flavonoids, potent bioactive
that there is weak evidence, due to the low number of participants, molecules in tea, may exert beneficial effects in the central nervous
suggesting increased mood and improved cognitive performance system by protecting neurons against stress-induced injury, by
when black tea was consumed. A moderate caffeine intake from suppressing neuroinflammation and by promoting neurocognitive
tea appeared to improve mental performance, although sample performance, through changes in synaptic plasticity (Spencer,
size in the studies was small. More work on humans is needed to 2007, 2008). Flavonoids are potent bioactive molecules by their
confirm these findings. ability to interact with a number of neuronal proteins and lipid
728 E.G. de Mejia et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 23 (2009) 721–731

Fig. 1. A simplified diagram of the suggested roles of tea components on reduction of inflammation, cancer and improved behavior. Tea flavanols have anti-inflammatory
activity, inhibit COX-2 and iNOS expression by blocking NF-jB activation, and act as blocking and suppressing agents of multistage carcinogenesis. Tea catechins act at
multiple brain targets to prevent or delay neuronal death and theanine has been related to improve attention processing and reduce stress.

kinase signalling cascades. A clear understanding of their mecha- Flavonoids may be capable of exerting antioxidant effects in hu-
nisms of action as modulators of cell signaling will be crucial in mans with the possibility of direct radical scavenging, down regu-
the evaluation of their potential to act as inhibitors of neurodegen- lation of radical production, elimination of radical precursors such
eration or as modulators of brain function and consequently bene- as hydrogen peroxide, metal chelation, inhibition of xanthine oxi-
ficial to human memory and neuro-cognitive performance. dase or elevation of endogenous antioxidants. Human studies on
In a community-based comprehensive geriatric assessment cancer prevention have been limited by sample size and insuffi-
(n = 1178), there was an inverse, dose–response, significant associa- cient control of confounder factors. However, the available evi-
tion between green tea consumption and cognitive impairment dence for tea polyphenols supports their advancement into phase
probably due to the presence of tea polyphenols (specially EGCG) III clinical intervention trials aimed at the prevention of progres-
and to some degree to vitamin C and caffeine (Kuriyama et al., sion of prostate intraepithelial neoplasia, leukoplakia or premalig-
2006). The contribution of caffeine appears to be small because of nant cervical disease. Further mechanistic insights are needed as
the null relation observed between consumption of coffee and cogni- well as an accurate knowledge of the concentration of flavonoids
tive impairment. More recently, Ng et al. (2008) found a strong in- and their metabolites in humans.
verse relationship for black tea consumption and cognitive On the other hand, important advances have been made in
impairment. Nurk et al. (2009) used a self-reported questionnaire understanding the influence of behavioral factors on inflammation
in a cross sectional study (n = 2031 aged 70–74 years) in relation to and cancer initiation and progression, but further research is
cognitive test performance and intake of flavonoid-rich foods such needed to completely understand the complex underlying signal-
as chocolate, wine and tea. The mean intake of tea was 222 mL/day ing that is driving malignant growth (Armaiz-Pena et al., 2009).
without specifying the type of tea consumed or the preparation The biological mechanisms related to the chemopreventive activi-
method. It was suggested that intake of flavonoid-rich foods, includ- ties of polyphenols are believed to occur by the regulation of sig-
ing tea, was associated with better performance across several cog- naling pathways such as NF-jB, activator protein-1 or MAPK
nitive abilities and the associations were dose–dependent. kinases. By modulating cell signaling pathways, polyphenols acti-
vate cell death signals and induce apoptosis in precancerous or
9. Conclusions malignant cells resulting in the inhibition of cancer development
or progression. Polyphenols can also behave as detoxifying enzyme
Human studies are still contradictory and not final conclusions inducers, modulating gene expression including induction of phase
can be drawn on the effect of tea consumption and cancer preven- II enzymes, such as glutathione S-transferases and quinone reduc-
tion. While experimental models have suggested that flavonoids tase, which usually leads to protection of cells/tissues against
attenuate cancer risk, epidemiological studies have not conclu- exogenous and/or endogenous carcinogenic intermediates. Phase
sively demonstrated a clear effect for tea and lowering cancer risk, II gene inducers also activate MAPK kinases that are involved in
although there is moderate evidence for a slightly positive effect of the transcription activation of antioxidant response element-med-
black tea consumption on colorectal cancer. iated reporter gene.
E.G. de Mejia et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 23 (2009) 721–731 729

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