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Name: Yasleydis obregon Date: SEPTEMBER 12 -2020

1. Forme oraciones en inglés con cada uno de estos verbos. Las que escriba en presente
paséalas a pasado y al presente perfecto en afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo.
a. Be
She has been swimming all day
she hasn´t been swimming all day
has she been swimming all day?

b. Eat
I have eaten fruits in the afternoon
i haven´t eaten fruits in the afternoon
do you have eaten fruits in the afternoon?

c. Go
I have gone to the supermarket
i haven´t gone to the supermarket
do i have gone to the supermarket?

d. Have
They have had a family vacation
they haven't had a family vacation
do they have had a family vacation?

e. Take
He has taken virtual classes all week

He hasn’t taken virtual classes all week

Has he taken virtual classes all week?

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