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Why humans have become “hopeless, desperate and insignificant” in a world dominates
by technology?

Throughout the years, technology has reformed our perspective on the world.
Technology changes the way people interact, read, and remember. It supports society
and influences the simple manner in which people communicate with each other. In
today’s culture, technology plays a significant part. But yes, aside from positive
consequences it also has a negative consequences in human life, also in the
environment. and influences everyday life.
Based on the film I watched, humans become hopeless when they tried their best but
they are failing, when no one believes in them, or they lost their loved ones. Humans
become desperate when they really want something or trying hard to make something
happen using technology. Like William Foster, who loses his wife and children and he
desperately wants to revive them by downloading their memories and clone their
bodies. Human become insignificant when they know no one needs them, when
technology takes over control to us, humans.

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