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BSA 1-1
What is the difference between the world today and the world before? In the past,
gadgets were not fashionable, technology was not yet advanced, children were always
outside playing with their friends, there were those who played patintero, habul habulan
and so on. but nowadays there doesn't seem to be a child on the road playing. Nowadays,
it seems like most kids are holding cellphones or tablets; even toddlers are taught to hold
them and watch cocomelon.
I remember when I was young, gadgets were not very fashionable, cellphones were
just keypads, Facebook was not very fashionable, I grew up only watching TV and when
there were no cartoons to watch, we went outside even though it was very hot and start to
the friends, But now our daily activities are now digitized, monitored, and correlated with
metrics. The online versions of our real selves are now divided into avatars, profile
pictures, and status updates. Although social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and
Tiktok are effective tools with the ability to foster communities and link distant relatives.
Technology has an impact on how I communicate, learn, and think. It benefits me and
impacts how I relate to one another on a regular basis. Today's civilization is significantly
influenced by technology. It affects people's daily lives and has both positive and harmful
consequences on the world. Modern times are characterized by frequent technical
advancements. Examples include the internet and mobile phones. However, there is a
drawback to all of the technical advancements. When it comes to interacting with people
face-to-face and being friendly, mobile communication has a negative impact on me.
Mobile technology may hinder interpersonal interactions and communication. I find that
I don't have enough personal time because I'm constantly in communication with
someone, thus there is less of it. Additionally, it can hinder me from finishing my
homework. Additionally, my privacy has been lost because anyone may locate me at
anytime, anywhere.
All of these things impact how humans act today. Without technological
advancements, our way of life would not be as complex. Technological influences shape
the way humans act today. I remember social psychologist Kenneth Gergen in his 1991
book The Saturated Self, he foresaw an Orwellian future in which technology may
overwhelm people to the point of "multiphrenia," a fragmented version of the self that is
pushed in so many ways the person would become lost. He made a famous play on
Descartes' "I think, therefore I am," saying "I am linked, therefore I am." Little did Gergen
know how accurate his forecast would be.

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