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Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308

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Social divisions, party positions, and electoral behaviour

Martin Elff *
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Mannheim, A5, 6, 68131 Mannheim, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The ‘‘new conventional wisdom’’ of a waning impact of social divisions on political choices
Received 14 February 2008 has been subject to debate in recent years. This paper addresses the debate by assessing
Received in revised form 27 November 2008 the relevance of parties’ political positions, using a novel approach to analysing it
Accepted 4 February 2009
comparatively, based on a combination of data from the Eurobarometer with data of the
Comparative Manifestos Project. The findings of this paper lend support to the claim that
the decline in the relation between social divisions and voting behaviour, so far as it can be
observed at all, is attributable to parties’ changing political positions. Once these changes
Class voting are taken into account, the diagnosis of a persistent impact of social divisions prevails.
Religious voting  2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Social cleavages
Party manifestos
Party competition
Voting behaviour
Electoral change

1. Introduction Nevertheless, the notion of a general decline of social

cleavages has been disputed recently, especially with
It is close to a new conventional wisdom that the respect to the role of socio-economic class (Evans, 1999,
impact of social divisions on voting behaviour is on the 2000). Critics argue that the impact of class on voting
wane (Dalton, 2002). While Lipset and Rokkan (1967) behaviour rather shows ‘‘trendless fluctuations’’ (Heath
took for granted, in developing their model of the and Jowell, 1987; Manza et al., 1995) than a general decline
genesis of European party systems, that parties represent (see also Van Der Waal et al., 2007; Elff, 2007). Other critics
or even embody social segments or social strata d such hold that, while a decline of class differences in voting
as Protestants, Catholics, land owners, the working class behaviour cannot be denied for some countries, it reflects
etc.d the now popular view is that social characteristics changes in the political arena rather than diminishing
have lost much of their relevance for vote choice and differences between citizens distinguished by social
continue doing so (Franklin et al., 1992; Clark and Lipset, cleavages (Evans et al., 1999; Heath et al., 1991; Mair et al.,
1993, 2001; Dogan, 1995; Lane and Ersson, 1997; Dalton 1999). Parties may have become more similar in terms of
and Wattenberg, 1993; de Graaf et al., 2001; Dalton, their ideological positions or in terms of the policies they
2002). Some authors even claim that social cleavages propose while competing for citizens’ votes.
have become completely irrelevant (Lane and Ersson, Lipset (1981) already took parties’ political positions
1997). into account when he explained that ‘‘the lower-income
groups support [left parties] to become economically better
off, while the higher-income groups oppose them in order
* Tel.: þ49 (0) 621 181 2093; fax: þ49 (0) 621 181 2099. to maintain their economic advantages’’ with the fact that
E-mail address: ‘‘leftist parties represent themselves as instruments of
URL: social change in the direction of equality’’ (Lipset, 1981

0261-3794/$ – see front matter  2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
298 M. Elff / Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308

[1959], p. 239). But he also maintained that the primary One may of course argue that parties converge in terms
axis of parties’ political division changed over time (Lipset, of their political positions, because voters from different
1981 [1959], p. 233). Even more explicitly, Converse held groups become more similar in terms of their policy pref-
that ‘‘the impact of status on vote decision is dependent on erences, self-interest, or values. This is not a necessary
the degree to which the political parties proffer clear and condition for a centripetal pull of party competition, but
equally polarised policy alternatives’’ (Converse, 1958, p. seems at least to be a sufficient condition for its increase.
397). Yet, most comparative analyses of the changing Nevertheless, because of the possibility that parties follow
electoral role of social cleavages have relied on a fixed voters in their move to the centre, it is not enough to show
classification of parties as left vs. right parties (e.g. Alford, that political polarisation between parties decreases in all
1963; Franklin et al., 1992; Nieuwbeerta, 1995). Such an countries where social differences in voting behaviour
approach implies that the degree to which such parties decrease, in order to make plausible that the latter process
‘‘represent themselves as agents of social change’’ is is a consequence of the former. Rather, one needs to take
essentially constant over time (and across countries) or a closer look on how voters react to parties’ policy positions:
obscures the degree to which parties vary in proffering On the one hand, a decline in class voting may be caused for
‘‘polarised policy alternatives.’’ But if voters from different example by a convergence between working-class voters
income groups or different classes have become more and middle-class voters in terms of their respective policy
similar in terms of their voting behaviour, this might as preferences. That is, working-class voters’ may less often
well happen because the choices they face in the voting prefer parties with leftist policy positions to parties with
booth have become more similar. And if a possible rightist policy positions or middle-class voters may be less
convergence between parties’ political offers to the voters inclined to prefer parties with centrist or rightist policy
is not taken into account, one will face the danger of over- positions to parties with leftist positions. In that case,
estimating the degree to which different groups become a decline in class voting will be accelerated if parties’ policy
more similar in terms of economic self-interest or values. positions converge, but the decline in class voting will occur
For scholars of party competition there is hardly also without such a convergence. On the other hand, if
anything more familiar than the notion that parties may a decline of the electoral impact of social cleavages occurs
change their positions to attract new voters and if there is only because parties converge in their respective policy
one result that has gained prominence beyond the circles of positions, then one will find that social groups’ tendencies
public choice experts, then it is the ‘‘median voter theorem’’ of favouring or disfavouring parties with leftist positions
(Black, 1958; Downs, 1957; Hotelling, 1929): In the long run, over parties with rightist positions are stable.
the competition for votes will draw parties or candidates to In the present paper, I address the question which of
a position at the centre of the political spectrum, because these two scenarios applies for West European countries
from there a party or a candidate can attract the most during the last couple of decades. That is, I examine
voters.1 Yet even scholars from a completely different whether parties’ political convergence may account for
tradition have remarked on a tendency especially of social changes in the electoral relevance of cleavages or whether
democratic parties to become ‘‘catch-all parties’’ (Kirch- a decline of social cleavages occurs that takes place inde-
heimer, 1966) or on the ‘‘dilemma of electoral socialism’’ pendently from parties’ changing political positions. I will
facing labour parties (Przeworski, 1985; Przeworski and not only address class voting but also voting differences
Sprague, 1986): If the industrial working class does not along religious/secular lines, which have proved to be at
reach a majority in a country’s population, labour parties least as important for voting patterns in Western Europe
may need to broaden their appeal to other strata in order to (Elff, 2007).
get a chance to govern, but will then face the risk of There are already some pioneering studies that take into
alienating their traditional social base (see also Rose and account the impact of parties’ changing political positions
Mackie, 1988; Sainsbury, 1990). What these considerations on the electoral salience of social cleavages. Thus Evans
have in common is that the centripetal drive of party et al. (1999) find that much of the change in class voting in
competition is independent of a convergence between Britain can be attributed to the changing left–right position
social groups in terms of their economic self-interests or of the Labour party, whereas de Graaf et al. (2001) show
values. On the contrary, if e.g. Przeworski and Sprague’s how the amalgamation of the three large confessional
dilemma of electoral socialism is real, then the pull of parties in the Netherlands has led to the diminishment of
labour parties to the political centre may even be the voting differences between religious denominations.
stronger the more different in terms of their policy prefer- Chhibber and Torcal (1997) show how strategies of Spanish
ences other strata are from the industrial working class. parties have led to a polarisation of electoral behaviour
This pull to the centre may also increase, if other strata, for along class lines, but not religious/secular lines. While
example a new middle class of service-sector employees, these studies have lent considerable plausibility to the
increase in size relative to the industrial working class. importance of party political factors for changes in the
patterns of voting, they focus only on single countries. But
to assess general claims about the decline or resilience of
Ironically, this median voter theorem is contested in the public choice social cleavages in the electoral politics of Western Europe,
literature. The need for political reputation may counteract the centrip- a cross-national study is more appropriate.
etal tendency of competition, and if there is more than one dimension on
which political positions can be located, the median voter theorem does
One reason why comparative approaches have dis-
not hold (Berger et al., 2000; Hinich, 1977; McKelvey, 1976; Wittman, regarded parties’ changing political positions and studies
1973). that took party competition into account have focused on
M. Elff / Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308 299

single countries, is the difficulty to analyse parties’ policy the question whether changes in the role of social cleavages
positions and voters characteristics in their joint impact on for electoral behaviour can be attributed to movements in
voting behaviour in a cross-national perspective. However, parties’ political positions or are independent from these.
as I show in my paper, discrete-choice modelling can be I start with the simplest form of this type of models,
used to overcome this difficulty. With the help of appro- which contains only one attribute variable. Such a model
priate discrete-choice models I test two competing takes the form
hypotheses that correspond to the abovementioned
scenarios, using data on parties’ political positions taken expðhi Þ
pi ¼ P   with hi ¼ bxi ; (1)
from the Comparative Manifestos Project (Budge et al., exp hj
2001; Klingemann et al., 2006) and data from the Euro-
barometer on citizens’ social characteristics and vote where pi is the probability that an individual chooses
intentions for the period from 1974 to 2002 in Belgium, alternative i from the choice set S, xi is the value of the
Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands. attribute variable x for alternative i and coefficient
In the next section I will explain what discrete-choice b expresses the impact of x on the choice of an alternative in
models can add to our understanding of the interrelation an individuals’ choice set S. For later reference, it is useful
between social cleavages, parties’ positions and voting to consider what this model implies for the log-odds of an
behaviour. Thereafter I will explain the decisions concern- alternative i being chosen from a pair i, k of alternatives:
ing the research design pertaining to the formulation and
testing of the hypotheses. That section is followed by pi
log ¼ hi  hk ¼ bxi  bxk ¼ bðxi  xk Þ: (2)
a presentation of model estimates and their discussion in pk
terms of their support for the two competing hypotheses. I
The influence of parties’ political positions is straightfor-
conclude the paper by pointing out the relevance of the
ward here: The larger the difference between the political
results for the debate on the nature and extend of cleavage
positions of two parties, the higher the log-odds, and this
decline in voting behaviour in Western Europe and what
applies for all voters and all pairs of parties.
future directions electoral research in this area may take.2
Clearly, this model is too simple to address voting
patterns in different groups. To make this possible, one
2. Social divisions, party positions, and voting as needs to include group dummy variables into the model:
a discrete choice Suppose there are, for the purpose of exposition, only two
relevant groups in a hypothetically given country and
When a voter has cast a ballot in a democratic election, individual j’s group membership can be indicated by the
he or she has made a choice between two or more alter- value gj of a dummy variable g, e.g. such that gj ¼ 0 for
natives. In Western Europe it usually is a choice between members of the industrial working class and gj ¼ 1 for
candidates nominated by parties or list of candidates for members of the middle class. The coefficient b can then be
parliamentary seats. These alternatives may differ in considered to vary with individuals’ group membership
various ways. Candidates may differ in rhetorical prowess according to b ¼ b0 þ b1g. Substituting this into equation (2)
or personal attractiveness, parties may differ in the leads to
performance of governments recruited by them or in their pij
ideological stance and policy positions. Those properties of log ¼ b0 ðxi  xk Þ þ b1 gj ðxi  xk Þ: (3)
the alternatives relevant for the choices of the voters are
henceforth called their attributes. The most important If party i is a labour party and party k is a bourgeois party
attributes in the context of this paper are of course the and the dummy variable represents class differences, then
parties’ respective policy positions. the log-odds ratio that describes class voting becomes
Discrete-choice models express the probability that an
individual voter chooses a specific alternative as function pi;g¼1 pi;g¼0
only of its attributes, without the need to take into account log = ¼ b1 ðxi  xk Þ: (4)
pk;g¼1 pk;g¼0
the names or identities of the specific alternatives. The
simplest discrete-choice model is McFadden’s (1974) That is, the log-odds ratio that expresses the level of class
conditional logit model, which in principle even allows for voting depends directly on the difference between the
the set of alternatives available d the choice set d to vary policy positions xi and xj of the respective parties. If the
from chooser to chooser. This model is an excellent tool to difference between the policy positions diminishes over
fulfil a desideratum of scientific analysis, that is, the time, so will the level of class voting.
‘‘substitution of variables for proper names’’ (Przeworski Consider now that the level of class voting changes
and Teune, 1970, 25), and therefore is taken as a point of independently from the parties’ political positions. In that
departure for the modelling approach of this paper. In the case b1 is not constant over time, but e.g. changes according
following I will develop how this model can be adapted to to b1 ¼ b10 þ b11t. The log-odds ratio then will also change,
even if the difference between the parties’ positions is
A web appendix presents some technical details concerning the
reconstruction of parties’ political positions from Comparative Manifestos  
pi;g¼1 pi;g¼0
Project data and concerning the operationalisation of cleavage variables log = ¼ ðb10 þ b11 tÞ ðxi  xk Þ: (5)
based on Eurobarometer data. pk;g¼1 pk;g¼0
300 M. Elff / Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308

If one supplements this with a trend in b0, that is clear that for the research question it is immaterial whether
b0 ¼ b00 þ b01t, then the linear component h of the condi- voters follow a directional or proximity model of voting.
tional logit model in (2) becomes: Nevertheless, the models used later in this paper include
quadratic main effects in order to allow for the possibility
h ¼ b00 x þ b01 tx þ b10 gx þ b11 gtx: (6) that voters follow a proximity rather than a directional
In case of the class voting example, the main effect of model.
parties’ political positions b00 expresses how they influence Users of discrete-choice models often are concerned
party choice in the industrial working class, the first-order about the assumption of independence from irrelevant
interaction effect of parties’ positions with time b01 alternatives, which will be violated if certain attributes of
expresses how this influence changes over time, while these variables are relevant for choice behaviour but are
another first-order interaction effect, that of the class not present in the model (McFadden, 1984; Alvarez and
dummy variable with parties’ positions b10, represents how Nagler, 1998). Of course, parties’ political positions and
the middle class differs from the industrial working class in voters’ reactions to these are not the only kind of attributes
weighing parties’ positions. A second-order interaction effect that are relevant for party choice. Other such attributes are
b11 of the class dummy g with parties’ positions x and time t e.g. candidates’ rhetorical prowess or personal attractive-
then describes how this difference changes over time. ness, past performance of governments recruited by
In this simplified exposition it is presupposed so far that a party, a party’s recognition due to a long history of its
voters follow a directional model of voting (Rabinowitz and presence in the electoral arena, etc. Since such attributes
MacDonald, 1989): If, for example, negative values of x are difficult to measure and are not relevant in the present
denote leftist positions and positive values of x rightist context, it is more suitable to represent their impact by
positions, and if b0 in equation (3) is negative while b0 þ b1 random effects, as proposed by McFadden and Train (2000).
is positive, then the support for a party from the industrial For the purposes of this paper, two levels of random effects
working class will increase the more leftist its position is, are considered, one level representing party-specific attri-
and the support for a party from the middle class will butes that are constant over time, and party-specific attri-
increase the more rightist its position is (holding the butes that may change from one point in time to the next.
positions of other parties constant). Yet also a proximity Including these random effects into the model leads to
model of voting (Davis et al., 1970; Westholm, 1997) can be
h ¼ b00 z þ b01 tz þ b10 gz þ b11 gtz þ b20 z2 þ u1 þ u2 : (10)
expressed with this model (see also Johnston et al., 2000):
If one starts again with the simplest model 1, but lets x Including such random effects has the advantage of
represent, instead of parties’ political positions themselves, accounting for unobserved heterogeneity on the part of the
the utility of the respective parties’ political positions for choice alternatives, without the need for including alter-
the voters, which declines with the squared distance native-specific parameters. Instead, only the variances s21
(z  a)2 of a party’s policy position (now denoted by z) from and s22 are parameters to be estimated in addition to the
the voters’ ideal point (denoted by a), that is x ¼ (z  a)2, coefficients b00, b01, b10, b11, and b20.
one obtains the following equation for h: In the introduction I presented two contrasting accounts
of changes in the relation between social divisions and
h ¼ bx ¼ bðz  aÞ2 ¼ bz2 þ 2baz  a2 : (7) voting behaviour: According to the first account, voters
from different social groups or strata become more similar
Since the term a2 is constant across alternatives and drops
politically, because they become more similar socially
out of the conditional logit model, because of
d they differ less in terms of values or self-interest.
expðhi þ cÞ expðhi ÞexpðcÞ expðhi Þ According to the second account, voters from different
pi ¼ P  ¼P   ¼P  ; (8) social groups or strata become more similar politically,
exp hj þ c exp hj expðcÞ exp hj
j˛S j˛S j˛S because options available give them less incentives to
choose differently. The model proposed in this section
specification (7) is equivalent to one from which the term allows to put these competing claims to an empirical test. If
a2 is dropped. the second account is correct, then the second-order
To accommodate for differences between ideal points of interaction effects of social-group membership, parties’
voters from different social groups, one can set a ¼ a0 þ a1g, political positions, and time will be empirically indistin-
where g again is a group-membership dummy variable. guishable from zero. However, if the first account is correct,
Trends in the ideal points of the groups can then be then second-order interaction effects will be substantially
expressed as a ¼ a0 þ a1g ¼ (a00 þ a01t) þ (a10 þ a11t)g. different from zero and will have a different sign from the
Substituting this into (7) and dropping constant terms lead first-order interaction effects of social-group membership
to: and parties’ political positions. In the following section I
describe the data used to test these competing hypotheses.
h ¼ b00 z þ b01 tz þ b10 gz þ b11 gtz þ b20 z2 ; (9)
where b00 ¼ 2ba00, b01 ¼ 2ba01, b10 ¼ 2ba10, b11 ¼ 2ba11, and 3. Data and operationalisation
b20 ¼ b. This specification thus differs from the directional
one in equation (6) only by the presence of the term b20z2, It is the aim of the present paper to apply the model
that is, by a quadratic main effect of the parties’ political presented in the previous section to the question whether
positions (see also Johnston et al., 2000). Thus, it becomes changes in the relations between social cleavages and
M. Elff / Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308 301

voting can be attributed to changes in parties’ policy posi- percentages of all objectives that belong to the same policy
tions or whether they occur independently from them. I area.
will now turn to the data used to address this question. Given measures of distances between parties’ polity
Policy positions of parties and candidates may play positions and specific policy objectives covered by the CMP
a central role for many political science research questions, data, it is possible to use metric multidimensional unfold-
but data on such positions are relatively hard to come by. ing (Schönemann, 1970) to reconstruct positions both of
For the purpose of this paper, data on policy positions are parties and of policy objectives within the respective policy
needed that do not only capture positions at a specific point spaces. However, since there is no mathematically consis-
in time,3 but track them over a longer period. Given this tent linear relation between distances and emphases (see
requirement, the data produced and published by the e.g. van der Brug, 2001), I use a non-linear transformation
Comparative Manifestos Project (CMP) (Budge et al., 2001; as point of departure of the unfolding procedure that rests
Klingemann et al., 2006) are the only option. The CMP data on the assumption that the relation between a distance
are based on an impressive collection of texts produced by d and a relative emphasis r is r f exp(d2), which implies
most of the major parties of almost all established that the emphasis declines with the distance and increases
democracies since World War II. These texts are mainly with the proximity between a parties’ position and a policy
party manifestos, but in some instances also press releases objective.
or public speeches on occasion of an upcoming general Following Laver and Garry (2000) I examine two
election, in which parties or their main candidates declare different policy areas, economic policy and (non-economic)
their policy objectives. In their published version, the CMP societal policy. The positions of policy objectives that result
data consist of the percentages of the respective texts’ from the unfolded space of these policy areas are shown in
‘‘quasi-sentences’’ that deal with 57 policy objectives. Table 1. The dimension characterising the space of
The assignment of ‘‘quasi-sentences’’ to policy objec- economic policy can be interpreted as the traditional left/
tives has been justified by CMP authors (Budge et al., 2001) right dimension contrasting interventionist with ‘‘laissez-
with the ‘‘valency and saliency theory’’ of party competi- faire’’ positions, as becomes obvious from the positions of
tion. This theory holds that competing parties ‘‘talk past objectives such as ‘‘free enterprise,’’ ‘‘controlled economy,’’
each other’’ by selectively emphasising political goals for and ‘‘nationalisation.’’ Although Laver and Garry (2000)
which they successfully claim competence (Budge and assume the spaces of both policy areas to be unidimen-
Farlie, 1983). But if all political issues addressed in party sional, unfolding analysis suggests the space of societal
manifestos were, as this theory seems to suggest, ‘‘valence policy has at least two dimensions.4 The first dimension can
issues’’ rather than ‘‘position issues’’ (Stokes, 1973), then be interpreted as a libertarian/authoritarian dimension. It
the CMP data would be unsuitable for the reconstruction of contrasts objectives such as enhancing (participatory)
parties’ policy positions. Yet the CMP data have several democracy to objectives that relate to state authority, such
times been used for this even by core authors of the as ‘‘law and order’’ and positive mentions of a ‘‘national
Comparative Manifestos Project (Budge et al., 1987, 2001). way of life.’’ The second dimension can be interpreted as
Further, the CMP data contain political goals that can hardly a modern/traditional dimension, which contrasts the
be seen as pure ‘‘valence issue’’ objectives, for example objective of protecting or promoting ‘‘traditional morals’’ or
objectives like nationalisation of business enterprises or traditional ways of life to most of the other objectives in
the protection of freedom of enterprise. Of course, the this area. While most theories of political divisions over
salience of policy objectives in party manifestos will be societal policy assume its space to be one-dimensional
influenced by the urgency of certain problems in the policy (Flanagan, 1987; Inglehart, 1977; Middendorp, 1989; Laver
area to which they belong, that is, policy objectives in the and Garry, 2000), this finding is consistent with the exis-
area of economic policy will gain salience if a country faces tence of two ‘‘Rights,’’ a secular-conservative or nationalist
economic problems, but parties may differ in terms of one, exemplified by British and Scandinavian conservative
which economic objectives they emphasise rather than parties, and a traditionalist one, exemplified by Christian
others. That is, the emphasis given to a specific policy democrat parties in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands
objective reflects both the saliency of the policy area to (von Beyme, 1985; Ware, 1996; Lipset and Rokkan, 1967).
which it belongs and the position that it represents within I complement these data on parties’ policy positions with
this policy area (Laver, 2001). For this reason, I take the data from the Eurobarometer on vote intentions and social
relative emphasis of policy objectives as point of departure, positions of citizens from several Western European coun-
which is the emphasis relative to other objectives within tries. While in later surveys of the Eurobarometer much
the same policy area, e.g. economic policy. This relative more countries were included, this analysis considers only
emphasis is then interpreted as reflecting the proximity of countries that were covered by the Eurobarometer since the
the party’s policy position to this objective and the distance earliest surveys of 1973, that is, Belgium, Denmark, France,
to other objectives. It is operationalised by the ratio of the Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, and West Germany.
text percentage of a specific objective to the sum of the text Thus it is possible to make comparisons simultaneously
across countries and across time, thereby maximising the

3 4
Expert surveys that have been used to pinpoint parties’ policy posi- The unfolding solution supports up to four dimensions, yet only the
tions (e.g. Castles and Mair, 1984; Huber and Inglehart, 1995; Benoit and first two dimensions allow, after a suitable orthogonal rotation, for
Laver, 2006) generally apply only to one point in time or a limited period. a substantive interpretation.
302 M. Elff / Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308

Table 1 Until 2002, the Eurobarometer included questions

Positions of policy goals on the economic left/right, libertarian/authori- about which party to vote for in an upcoming election. This
tarian, and modern/traditionalist dimensions.
vote intention forms the main dependent variable in the
Econ. L/R analyses of this paper. Respondents’ occupations and/or
(a) Economic their head of household are included in almost all Euro-
policy domain barometer surveys. Questions on church-attendance
Free enterprise 1.59
appear considerably less often in the Eurobarometer, the
Economic orthodoxy 1.36
Incentives 0.67 last time in 1996 and 1999. Unfortunately, these surveys do
Market regulation 1.02 not include questions on vote intentions. While the impact
Economic planning 1.24 of class on vote intention can be tracked up to 2002, it is
Nationalisation 1.40 possible to track the impact of church-attendance only up
Controlled economy 1.46
to 1994.
Libertarian/authoritarian Modern/traditionalist
(b) Non-economic
policy domain 4. Results
Law and order 0.83 0.17
National way of life pos. 0.45 0.56
Based on data described in the previous section and
National way of life neg. 0.03 0.29
Traditional morality pos. 0.13 1.56 the model discussed earlier, it is now possible to examine
Traditional morality neg. 0.02 0.20 which of the two competing accounts of the development
Democracy 1.16 0.34 in the relation between social structure and voting
The entries in the tables are positions of policy goals reconstructed on the behaviour finds more empirical support. The two
basis of a metric multidimensional unfolding procedure of transformed competing accounts correspond to estimates of the first-
CMP data. The CMP data cover mainly only established democracies. For and second-order interactions present in a discrete-choice
the analysis reported here, parties from countries are covered for which it
model fitted to a combination of CMP data on parties’
is expected that they share the political dimensions of party competition
specific for major established democracies. A list of these countries can be policy positions and Eurobarometer data on individuals
found in the web appendix. social characteristics and their vote intentions, where
parties’ positions taken on occasion of the election of the
number of countries and the number of time points. That current year or the last preceding election are matched to
way the statistical power for identifying general trends is the parties in the choice sets of the individuals, that is, to
maximised. If there are any general trends characterising the answer categories of the survey questions about
the politics of Western advanced industrial/post-industrial respondents’ vote intentions.7
countries, they should show up in a cumulated data set built If changes in the impact of class and church-attendance
from these series of surveys. on voting behaviour can completely accounted for by
Two dimensions of social division are considered in this changes in parties’ policy positions, second-order interac-
paper: social class and religious vs. secular orientations. tions of class with parties’ positions and time and of
The operationalisation of these divisions follows Elff church-attendance with parties’ positions and time will be
(2007), that is, class is measured based on respondents’ statistically indistinguishable from zero. Conversely, if
occupations or those of their households’ main bread- there is a decline in the impact of class and of church-
winner, or if respondents or main bread-winners are attendance on vote intention that occurs independently
retired or unemployed, on the last occupation of respon- from changes in the political positions of parties, estimates
dents or main bread-winners.5 The Eurobarometer occu- of the second-order interactions will be substantially
pation categories are grouped into manual workers, different from zero and have opposite sign to the first-order
intermediate class (routine non-manual and qualified interactions of class, church-attendance, and time, respec-
employees), service class, self-employed, and farmers. tively, with parties’ political positions.
Farmers, however, are excluded from the analyses because Of course, the discrete-choice model as applied to
their numbers in the Eurobarometer samples is too small to Eurobarometer data on individuals’ class, church-atten-
allow for reliable results on trends. The distinction between dance, and vote intentions and on CMP data on parties’
religious and secular orientation is measured via respon- political positions is a little more complex than the some-
dents’ frequency of church-attendance. In this paper, I what simplified exposition in the Section 2 of this paper.
distinguish between those who never attend church, which Instead of just one dummy variable distinguishing between
I also will call ‘‘non-churchgoers,’’ those who attend church two groups, it contains up to two sets of dummy variables,
a few times a year, which I also will call ‘‘occasional three dummy variables that distinguish between manual
churchgoers,’’ and those who attend church once a week or workers, the intermediate class, the service class and the
more often, which I will also call ‘‘weekly churchgoers.’’6 self-employed and two dummy variables that distinguish
between non-churchgoers, occasional churchgoers and

The details on how respondents’ and main bread-winners’ occupa-
tions are combined into the class variable are described in the web Parties on whose positions no data exist in the CMP data are dropped
appendix. from the individuals’ choice sets, yet these are mostly minor parties with
The Eurobarometer surveys distinguish between those who attend very limited support. The inclusion of random effects into the model also
church once a week and those who do so even more often. The latter helps avoid distortions caused by excluding these parties from the choice
category has very low frequency, so these two categories are collapsed. sets.
M. Elff / Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308 303

weekly churchgoers. In addition, in the abstract exposition direction of an increase in class differences rather than of
the time variable was not specified in terms of range and a decrease. But not all of these second-order interaction
unit of measurement. In the present application the time effects are statistically significant. With regards to church-
variable is constructed such that it has length one and is attendance, a comparison of the signs of second-order with
centred on the midpoint of the period of observation. In first-order interactions leads to a similar conclusion.
case of the model discussed next, the period of observation Second-order interaction effects with economic left/right
runs from 1975 to 1994. Consequently, first- and second- dimension and time and with modernist/traditionalist
order interaction effects that involve the time variable positions and time have the same signs as corresponding
represent the total change during this period of log-odds first-order interaction effects involving church-attendance.
and log-odds ratios, respectively, while first-order inter- This points into the direction of increasing rather than
action effects that do not involve the time variable repre- decreasing differences related to church-attendance. The
sent log-odds at the midpoint of the observation period. notion of declining social divisions nevertheless seems to
Table 2 shows estimates8 for the discrete-choice model find some support with regards to the libertarian/authori-
of the impact of parties’ policy positions on vote intentions tarian dimension. Estimated second-order interaction
of individuals from different classes and with varying effects of class and of church-attendance with time and
frequencies of church-attendance and of changes in this parties’ positions on this dimension are all statistically
impact. A comparison of estimated first-order interaction significant and have different signs from the corresponding
effects of class with parties’ positions on the three dimen- first-order interaction effects. Since some of the second-
sions of policy positions reveals that classes differ espe- order interaction effects are larger in absolute size than the
cially in their reactions to parties’ positions on the first-order interaction effects, especially if church-atten-
economic left/right scale. This is consistent with the notion dance is involved, this could also indicate a kind of
that lower classes prefer socialist or social democratic realignment instead of a dealignment.
parties, which differ from liberal, conservative, and other Models containing complex interaction effects are not
parties by their positions on economic policy. A comparison always easy to grasp. This is especially true for discrete-
of estimated first-order interaction effects of church- choice models, where the dependent variable is not just
attendance with parties’ positions on the three dimensions a set of metric values but a set of choices among alterna-
of policy positions makes also clear that religiosity espe- tives. The interpretation of the interaction effects will
cially affects how voters react to parties’ positions on the become more obvious by their visualisation.10 Such a visu-
modern/traditionalist dimension. This result corroborates alisation is given in Figs. 1 and 2.
the finding reported earlier that there are two dimensions Each panel in Figs. 1 and 2 plots the support that one of
of societal policy, one related to the stance towards the two hypothetical parties A and B would get from members
authority of the state and one related to the bindingness of of various social groups, with 95 per cent confidence bands
traditional morals and values, where this second dimen- marked by shaded areas. The leftmost panels in both
sion, rather than the first, distinguishes Christian democrat figures, entitled ‘‘economic left/right,’’ are based on the
parties from other parties.9 assumption that party A has position 1 on this dimension
The estimates of the second-order interaction effects do and 0 on the remaining dimensions, while party B has
not completely support the notion of stability, yet they do position 1 on this dimension and 0 on the remaining
not lend much support to the notion of a decline in the dimensions. In the middle panels it is supposed that party A
impact of social cleavages on electoral behaviour. Second- has position 1 on the liberal/authoritarian dimension
order interaction effects of class with economic left/right while party B has position 1 on this dimension, both parties
positions and time have the same sign as the corresponding scoring again zero on the other two dimensions. In the
first-order interaction effects of class with economic left/ rightmost panels it is assumed that party A has position 1
right positions. Similarly, second-order interaction effects and party B has position 1 on the modern/traditional
of class with modernist/traditionalist positions and time dimension, but have a zero position on the other two
have the same sign as first-order interaction effects of these dimensions. That is, party A is either the leftist, libertarian,
positions with class alone. Therefore they point into the or modernist party, respectively, and party B is either the
rightist, authoritarian, or traditionalist party, while both
parties differ only along the indicated political dimension.
8 These settings allow to isolate the effects of parties’ posi-
The estimates are based on the penalized quasi-likelihood approxi-
mation to the maximum likelihood procedure (Breslow and Clayton,
tions on the respective dimensions.
1993). P-values for the random-effect variances are computed based on Fig. 1 shows how such an either purely (economically)
Lagrange-Multiplier tests of the null hypothesis that these variances are leftist, libertarian, or modernist party A would fare over
zero (Lin, 1997). Given the fact that the cluster sizes of the random effects time relative to an either purely rightist, authoritarian, or
are quite large, the approximation can be expected to work well enough
traditionalist party B in terms of voting support from
not to prevent misled inferences. To reduce the computational cost (or
rather, to make estimation feasible at all) without losing information the members of the four classes who go to church only a few
data are compressed into covariate classes. That is, the minimal sufficient times a year, that is, who fall in the middle category of
statistics of the choices within covariate classes are used for computa- church-attendance. It becomes obvious that a hypothetical
tions. For details see the web appendix. The estimation was conducted by
software written in R (R Development Core Team, 2008), which will be
made publicly available after publication of the paper.
9 10
See also the extended discussion of party families’ policy positions in I am indebted to one of the reviewers of an earlier draft of this
the web appendix. manuscript for suggesting such a visualisation.
304 M. Elff / Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308

Table 2 leftist party A would lose support in the service class and
Class, church-attendance and voters’ responses to parties’ positions on the among the self-employed, whereas its support among the
economic left/right, libertarian/authoritarian, and modern/traditionalist
dimensions in Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, the
manual workers and in the intermediate class while remain
Netherlands, and West Germany, 1975–1994. almost constant. Consequently, class differences in support
for a party that is leftist exclusively in economic terms
Econ. L/R Lib./auth. Mod./trad.
relative to an economically rightist party, will not decrease
but increase. A purely libertarian party A, however, would
Squared effect 0.02 (0.02) 0.02 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02)
Linear effect 0.35*** (0.04) 0.05 (0.04) 0.17*** (0.03) gain increasing support from all four classes, while class
Intermediate/ 0.30*** (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) 0.07*** (0.02) differences would decrease, because the increase in
Manual worker support is the strongest where the support is the lowest to
Service class/ 0.56*** (0.02) 0.09** (0.03) 0.12*** (0.02) begin with. A purely modernist party A would gain slightly
Manual worker
Self-employed/ 0.62*** (0.02) 0.19*** (0.02) 0.06** (0.02)
among all classes except for the manual working class,
Manual worker which again would lead to an increase in class differences.
Occasional/ 0.22*** (0.01) 0.06*** (0.02) 0.22*** (0.02) Fig. 2 shows how the support for an either purely
Non-churchgoer rightist, authoritarian, or traditionalist party B would
Weekly/ 0.18*** (0.02) 0.09*** (0.03) 0.79*** (0.02)
evolve over time relative to an either purely (economically)
Time 0.12 (0.08) 0.00 (0.08) 0.03 (0.07) leftist, libertarian, or modernist party A among regular
Time  Intermediate/ 0.03 (0.04) 0.07 (0.05) 0.10* (0.04) churchgoers, occasional churchgoers, and non-churchgoers
Manual worker from the intermediate class. A purely rightist party would
Time  Service class/ 0.10 (0.07) 0.19* (0.08) 0.16* (0.07) lose among the non-churchgoers, and gain among the
Manual worker
Time  Self-employed/ 0.18** (0.06) 0.26*** (0.07) 0.20*** (0.05)
occasional churchgoers to the degree that its support rea-
Manual worker ches that of the regular churchgoers, which would remain
Time  Occasional/ 0.13*** (0.04) 0.18*** (0.05) 0.10** (0.04) almost constant. A purely authoritarian party would lose
Non-churchgoer mostly among the regular churchgoers, to the degree that
Time  Weekly/ 0.24*** (0.06) 0.60*** (0.07) 0.32*** (0.05)
a support that was the highest of all groups to a level that is
the lowest of all groups. Support among the occasional
Variance parameters churchgoers would drop to a level of support among the
Party 1.13*** (0.00)
non-churchgoers, which declines only slightly. As the
Party  EB wave 0.11*** (0.00)
rightmost panel in Fig. 2 shows, the church-attendance
Model summary
groups would differ the most in terms of their support for
Dispersion 1.69
Deviance 19,992.7
a traditionalist party and their differences would even
N 89,242 increase over time as the party would gain among the
regular churchgoers and lose among the non-churchgoers.
The entries are coefficients and variance parameters (with standard errors
in parentheses) of a conditional logit model of party choice (vote inten- As mentioned in the previous section, the availability of
tion) with random effects. Model estimates were computed by a penalized data on respondents’ church-attendance is much scarcer
quasi-likelihood procedure (Breslow and Clayton, 1993). P-values of the than that of data on respondents’ vote intentions and
variance parameters are based on Lagrange-multiplier tests of a fixed-
occupations. Given that data on class voting are available
effects-only model. Data come from Eurobarometer surveys and from the
Comparative Manifestos Project. * ¼ statistically significant at 5 per cent
until 2002 and the fact that class voting plays a more
level; ** ¼ statistically significant at 1 per cent level; *** ¼ statistically central role than religious/secular divisions in the debate
significant at 0.1 per cent level. about a decline of social cleavages in voting behaviour, one

Manual workers Service class

Intermediate Self−employed

Party A econ. left (−1), Party A libertarian (−1), Party A modernist (−1),
party B econ. right (1) party B authoritarian (1) party B traditionalist (1)
Probability to vote for party A








1975 1980 1985 1990 1975 1980 1985 1990 1975 1980 1985 1990
Fig. 1. Predicted support among occasional churchgoers for a hypothetical party A that competes with party B broken down by class, 1975–1994. In each panel,
parties differ from one another only on one dimension. Predictions are based on the model in Table 2. Shaded areas denote 95 per cent confidence bands.
M. Elff / Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308 305

Non−churchgoer Weekly churchgoer

Occasional churchgoer

Party A econ. left (−1), Party A libertarian (−1), Party A modernist (−1),
party B econ. right (1) party B authoritarian (1) party B traditionalist (1)
Probability to vote for party B 0.8







1975 1980 1985 1990 1975 1980 1985 1990 1975 1980 1985 1990
Fig. 2. Predicted support in the intermediate class for a hypothetical party A that competes with party B broken down by church-attendance, 1975–1994. In each
panel, parties differ from one another only on one dimension. Predictions are based on the model in Table 2. Shaded areas denote 95 per cent confidence bands.

may ask whether the claim of a decline in class voting will with respect to dimensions of political divisions between
find more support if the period of observation is longer parties that have the strongest impact on divisions between
than up to 1994. I address this question by presenting social groupings in terms of voting behaviour. To the
estimates of a model that does not contain church-atten- contrary: Classes increasingly differ in the way they react to
dance but that is fitted to data for the period from 1975 to parties’ positions on the economic left/right dimension and
2002. These estimates are shown in Table 3. groups distinguished by church-attendance increasingly
The estimates shown in Table 3 lead to conclusions with
Table 3
regards to the development of class voting similar to those
Class and voters’ responses to parties’ positions on the economic left/right,
derived from Table 2. The only differences are that in this libertarian/authoritarian, and modern/traditionalist dimensions in
table none of the second-order interaction effects of class Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, and West
with time and parties’ economic left/right positions is Germany, 1975–2002.
statistically significant and that one of the first-order Econ. L/R Lib./auth. Mod./trad.
interaction effects of class with parties’ position on the Coefficients
libertarian/authoritarian dimension has a different sign Squared effect 0.01 (0.01) 0.02 (0.01) 0.02 (0.01)
from that in Table 2. What these estimates would imply for Linear effect 0.25*** (0.03) 0.02 (0.03) 0.04* (0.02)
the development of the support for a purely economically Intermediate/ 0.26*** (0.01) 0.05*** (0.01) 0.05*** (0.01)
Manual worker
leftist party A, purely libertarian party A or modernist party
Service class/ 0.52*** (0.02) 0.02 (0.02) 0.11*** (0.02)
A, that competes with a purely economically rightist, Manual worker
authoritarian or traditionalist party B, respectively, is Self-employed/ 0.56*** (0.01) 0.12*** (0.02) 0.09*** (0.01)
shown in Fig. 3. Manual worker
Again one does not find that the classes become less Time 0.03 (0.07) 0.06 (0.07) 0.03 (0.06)
Time  Intermediate/ 0.07 (0.04) 0.10* (0.04) 0.12*** (0.04)
polarised in terms of their support for an economically Manual worker
leftist party relative to an economically rightist party. They Time  Service class/ 0.01 (0.06) 0.22** (0.07) 0.19** (0.06)
seem to converge in their support for a libertarian party Manual worker
and they seem to become more polarised (but only slightly Time  Self-employed/ 0.07 (0.05) 0.30*** (0.06) 0.25*** (0.05)
Manual worker
so) in their support for a modernist party.
Variance parameters
In sum, neither of the two accounts of electoral change Party 1.09*** (0.00)
gets complete support by the findings reported in this Party  EB wave 0.13*** (0.00)
section. The effects of parties’ positions on class differences Model summary
and on differences related to church-attendance are not Dispersion 1.58
Deviance 14,253.7
constant. That is, some of the changes in the patterns of N 20,2079
voting behaviour may occur independently from parties’
The entries are coefficients and variance parameters (with standard errors
changes in policy positions. Yet the notion that a general
in parentheses) of a conditional logit model of party choice (vote inten-
decline of social cleavages occurs does not get support tion) with random effects. Model estimates were computed by a penalized
either. The only aspect of the findings consistent with an quasi-likelihood procedure (Breslow and Clayton, 1993). P-values of the
expectation of a decline of social cleavages is that classes variance parameters are based on Lagrange-multiplier tests of a fixed-
converge in their support for libertarian parties vs. effects-only model. Data come from Eurobarometer surveys and from the
Comparative Manifestos Project. * ¼ statistically significant at 5 per cent
authoritarian parties (other positions of the parties held level; ** ¼ statistically significant at 1 per cent level; *** ¼ statistically
constant). Yet class differences in this respect were only significant at 0.1 per cent level.
modest to begin with. No convergence occurs, however,
306 M. Elff / Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308

Manual workers Service class

Intermediate Self−employed

Party A econ. left (−1), Party A libertarian (−1), Party A modernist (−1),
party B econ. right (1) party B authoritarian (1) party B traditionalist (1)

Probability to vote for party A








































Fig. 3. Predicted support for a hypothetical party A that competes with party B broken down by class, 1975–1994. In each panel, parties differ from one another
only on one dimension. Predictions are based on the model in Table 3. Shaded areas denote 95 per cent confidence bands.

differ in the way they react to parties’ positions on the shows all shades of grey, but nevertheless they help to
modernist/traditionalist dimension. That is, if one focuses situate the results of this paper and to point to possible
on those political divisions between parties that matter the implications.
most for the specific social cleavages, one has to conclude The results of this paper add very much plausibility to
that traditional social cleavages neither have lost nor are the second of the two stylized positions. If the alternatives
losing their impact on electoral behaviour. that voters face are not sorted into fixed categories with
pre-assigned labels, but the variability of parties’ political
5. Conclusion positions is taken into account, the inter-group differences
of vote intentions show stability rather than a decline in the
In the present paper I set out to make a contribution to relevance of social divisions. Citizens that differ in social
the debate about the existence and nature of a long-term class differ especially with respect to their responses to
change in the relation between social structure and voting. parties’ positions on a economic left/right dimension:
Somewhat over-accentuated, the two polar positions in this Respondents of manual-worker background tend to favour
debate can be rephrased as follows: (1) Social divisions, parties relatively leftist on this dimension while voters with
from which modern party systems had emerged at the service class or self-employed background tend to favour
beginning of the 20th century, are in a irreversible decline parties relatively to the right. Church-attendance is espe-
d if not in all of their social aspects, then at least in their cially relevant for voters’ responses to parties’ positions on
political consequences. The decline in the social pattern of a traditionalist/modern dimension: Weekly churchgoers
voting is mainly the outcome of large-scale long-term prefer parties with relative traditionalist positions, while
changes in Western societies associated with processes non-churchgoers prefer parties with relative modern/
such as post-industrialisation, secularisation, value change, secular positions. Of course, such findings will not surprise
and individualisation (Inglehart and Rabier, 1986; Dogan, any participant of the debate about changes in the patterns
1995; Lipset, 1999; Dalton, 2002). If voters from different of voting. But what should surprise those who attribute
social groups or strata become more similar politically, they such changes to a decline of social divisions per se is that
do so because they become more similar socially. (2) Voters the differences just mentioned persist over time. So far, the
can decide politically as they are socially only to the degree results of this paper corroborate and generalise findings
that available political options reflect or appeal to the reported by Evans et al. (1999) and vindicate suggestions
voters’ specific values or economic interests. If voters from made by Mair et al. (1999) and Evans (2000) and consid-
different social groups or strata become more similar in erations by Elff (2007).
their choices, it is because the alternatives become more While it turns out that some changes in the patterns of
similar d parties become more similar in their appeals to voters’ responses to parties’ political positions do occur,
the voters’ values and economic interests. Since a political these changes concern political dimensions that are in
convergence of parties’ political positions is a joint outcome a certain sense marginal to the social divisions in focus
of decisions of each of the major parties in a country, the here: For example, classes become somewhat more similar
pace and direction of change in the relation between social in terms of their responses to parties’ positions on the
structure and voting behaviour is by no means irreversible libertarian/authoritarian dimension. This finding may
and also contingent on the strategies of parties in each indicate that some sort of value change as claimed by
democratic country (Mair et al., 1999; Evans et al., 1999; Inglehart (1977) indeed takes place in the middle classes.
Evans, 2000; Elff, 2007). Of course, these two stylized However a finding such as that the pattern of how church-
positions present black and white in a debate that in fact attendance is related to the support for libertarian vs.
M. Elff / Electoral Studies 28 (2009) 297–308 307

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