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kகா ேகll' ப)lகll: (1-12)

1. Who was filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb? த, தா-, வ-/0l
இ2k3mேபாேத ப56tத ஆ'யாl :ரpபpப=ட யாr? (1:13-15)

a. Jesus Christ இேய6 @0sB b. Zachariah சக5யா c. John ேயாவா%.

2. In which place did Gabriel the angel met virgin mary? காπ5ேயl எ,Fm Gத, எnத ஊ5l
க,J ம5யாைள சn)tதா,? (1:26,27)

a. Nazareth நாசேரt* b. Bethlehem ெபtலேகm c. Judea Pேதயா

3. Who will reign over the house of Jacob forever யாkெகாπ, 3Qmபtைத எ,ெற,ைறk3m
அரசாT@றவr யாr? U(1:31-33)

a. David தாVB b. Jesus இேய, c. Jacob யாkேகாU

4. Who greeted mary saying “blessed are you among women!””? “s)WகTk3llேள
ஆXrவ)kகpப=டவll” எ,Y ம5யாைள வாZt)யB யாr? (1:28,41,42)

a. Angel. ேதவGத, b. Elizabeth எ[செபt c. Both இ-வ-m

5. When the first census was counted all over the world, who was governing syria? µதலாm
3]ம)pU உ_டானேபாB X5யா நா=], ேதசா)ப)யாy இ2nதB யாr? (2:2)

a. Herod ஏேராB. b. Agustus caesar அகsB ராய, c.Quirinius /ேர01

6. Who was just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel? d)em ேதவபk)ellளவனாem
இsரேவ[l ஆYதl வர காt)2nதவ, யாr? (2:25)

a. Zachariah சக5யா b. Simion /2ேயா% c. Joseph ேயாேசpU

7. Who will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God?

இsரேவl சnத)யா5l, அேனகைர அவrகll ேதவனா@ய கrtத5டt)/3 )2pU@றவ, யாr?


a. John ேயாவா% b.Jesus Christ இேய6@0sB c. Peter ேபB2

8. Who was destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken
against? இsரேவ[l அேனகr 'f@றத/3m எfn)2k@றத/3m 'ேராதமாக ேபசpபQm
அைடயாளமாவத/3m :யgkகpப=டB யாr?(2:34)

a. John ேயாவா, b.Jesus Christ இேய,34s* c. Simeon hgேயா,

9. Joseph the husband of mary is the lineage of which son of David? ம5யாi, கனவr ேயாேசpU
தாV), எnத πllைள-, வmசt)l πறnதவr? (3:31,32)

a. Solomon சாலேமா, b.Nathan நாtதா% c.Absalom அpசேலாm

10. In which book of the prophets do the following sentence is written ? “And all flesh shall see
the salvation of God.’ ” ? மாmசமான யாவ2m ேதவFைடய இர=hpைப கா_பாrகll எ,Y எnத
jrkகத5சன ஆகமt)l எf)ellளB? (3:5)

a. Isaiah ஏசாயா b.Jeremiah எேரgயா c.Daniel தாJேயl

11. In which village did Jesus grew up ?இேய6 @0sB வளrnத ஊr எB? (4:16)

a. Nazareth நாசேரt b.Bethlahem ெபtலேகm c. Capernaum கpபநkm

12. செரpதா ஊr எŋேக உllளB? (4:26)

a. Galilee க[ேலயா b. Capernaum கpபநkm c. Zidon 8ேதா%

13. How was the word of Jesus? இேய6 @0sB', வசனm எpப]-2nதB? (4:32)

a. With Grace @2ைபellளதா-2nதB b. With Love அ,Ullளதா-2nதB c. With

Authority அ:காரµllளதா?-nத*

14. To whom did Jesus Say “Man, your sins are forgiven you.”?

“மFஷேன உ, பாவŋகll உனk3 ம,Jkகpப=டB” எ,Y இேய6 யா5டm k0னாr? (5:20) a leper 3nடேரா@-டm b. To simon XேமாJடm c. To the paralysed


15. Who is Levi? ேல' யாr? (5:27)

a. Priest ஆசா5ய, b. Tax collector ஆயkகார% c. Man of God ேதவ மJத,

16. Jesus healed whom in the deserted place belonging to the city called Bethsaida.? இேய6
@0sB ெபtசா-தா ப=டனt), அ2@l உllள வனாn)ரமான ப3)கil யாைர
ெசாsதமாk@னாr? (ப3)கil9:11)

a. All those who came வnத யாவைரem b.all the sick πJயாiகளா-2nதவrகைள c. who
had need of healing. ெசாsதமைடயேவHIெம%4-nதவrகைள

17. Who did not recieve Jesus? இேய6 @0sBைவ எnத ஊராr ஏ/Ykெகாllள'lைல? (9:52,53)

a. Samaritains சமாJயா b. Jerusalemites எ2சேலm c.Gadarenes கதேரனr

18. Who said to Jesus “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.”?

“ஆ_டவேர dr எŋேக ேபானாom உmைம π,ப/0 வ2ேவ,” எ,Y ெசா,னB யாr? (9:57)

a. One person on the way to samaria சமா5யாpk3 ேபா@ற வq-l ஒ2வ, b. One person on
the way to Galilee க[ேலயாpk3 ேபா@ற வq-l ஒ2வ, c. One person on the way to
Jerusalem எ-சேலµkM ேபா3ற வP?l ஒ-வ%

19. Who are the more blessed said Jesus? அ)க பாk@யவா,கll யாr? (11:28)

a. those who hear the word of God and keep it!”

ேதவSைடய வாrtைதைய ேகTI அைத காt*kெகாll3றவrகll b. The poor த5t)ரrகll
c. The servants who are found awake when the Lord comes எஜமா, வ2mேபாB
'qt)2k@றவrகளாக காணpபQ@ற ஊqயkகாரrகll

20. Take heed about what said Jesus? இேய6 @0sB எத/3 எcச5kைகயாக இ2 எ,றாr?

a. Not to backslide π,வாŋ@ ேபாகாதpப] b. That the light in you might not be
darkened உ%0l உllள ெவVcசm இ-ளாகாதபX c. That no one decieves you ஒ2வFm
உŋகைள வvhயாதப]

21.Therefore you also be ————————— for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not
expect.” “dŋகll :ைனயாத ேநரt)l, மFஷ3மார, வ2வாr ஆைகயாl dŋகll
———————————“ (12:40)

a. Awake 'qt)2ŋகll b. Be ready ஆயtதமா?-ŋகll c. Be vigilent ஜாk@ரைதயாக


22. Who did Jesus Called as Apostles ?இேய6 @0sB யா2k3 அpேபாsதலr எ,Y ெபய5=டாr?

a. The Chosen ெத5nBெகா_டவrகTk3 b. The called அைழtதவrகTk3 c. The disciples


23. Who said “You are the Christ, the Son of God!”? “dr ேதவFைடய 3மாரனா@ய @0sB”
எ,றB யாr? (4:41)

a. Peter ேபB2 b. John ேயாவா, c. Demons πசா,கll

24. Who have taken away the key of knowledge?. அ0வா@ய )றpேகாைல எQtBkெகா_டவrகll
யாr? (11:52)

a. Peter ேபB2 b. Rulers ]யாயசாs:Jகll c. Scribes ேவதபாரகrகll

25. Who was deserving to be helped by Jesus? இேய6 @0sBவாl தயp ெசy@றத/3
பாt)ரவானா-2nதவ, யாr? (7:1-5)

a. The servant of the centurion x/Ykக)ப)-, ேவைலkகார, b. The widow’s son of

Nain நாyzr 'தைவ-, மக, c.the centurion ^_`kக:ப:

26. to who is the Gospel preached said Jesus? இேய6 @0sB யா2k3 πரசŋ@kகpபQ@றB
எ,றாr? (7:22)

a. The sinners பா'கTk3 b. The people ஜனŋகTk3 c. The poor தJt:ர-kM

27. what did the people decalre after taking baptism through John? ேயாவாFைடய உபேதசtைத
ேக=டவrகll ஞானsநானm ெப/Y எ,ன அ0kைக-=டாrகll? (7:29)

a. Jesus is the Son of God இேய6ேவ ேதவFைடய 3மார, b. God is Righteous ேதவ%
a:பரr c.Jesus is Lord இேய6ேவ கrtதr

28. Who was Herod’s Steward? ஏேரா), கா5யkகார, யாr? (8:3)

a. Reza ேரசா b. Chuza bசா c.Chozam ேகாசாm

29. Jesus went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of what ?
இேய6 @0sB ப=டனŋகllேதாYm @ராமŋகllேதாYm எத/35ய ந/ெசy)ைய k0 πரசŋ@tB
வnதாr? (8:1)

a. The Gospel 6'ேசஷt)/30ய b. The kingdom of Heaven பரேலாகராj}யt)/35ய

c. The Kingdom of God ேதவSைடய இராjdயt:_MJய
30. ெபா2tBக:

1. π[pU Philip - 1. Pேதயா Judea

2.எ[யா Elijah - 2. ெபtலேகm bethlehem

3.x/Ykக)ப) Centurion - 3. செரpதா - Zarepath

4. சக5யா Zachariah - 4. இnBேரயா - Indureah

5. ேயாேசpU Joseph - 5. கpபrகனkm- Capernaum

a. (1-5)(2-4)(3-1)(4-2)(5-3) b. (1-4)(2-3)(3-5)(4-1)(5-2) c. (1-4)(2-1)(3-5)(4-2)(5-3)

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