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Dipitr- Strack Smart Posture Corrector

Strack is a tiny wearable device that vibrates every time you slouch thus helping you live healthy
through better back health. It alerts you with gentle vibration when bad posture is detected. Strack
offers two different posture training to improve your posture significantly at home or at office.
It’s built-in 30-days training program with personalized goals helps you improve your core
muscles and posture significantly. Our body is designed to move. Strack’s built in training
ensures that you are active throughout the day and you don’t become victim of sedentary life
styles. You can monitor your daily, weekly and monthly progress via free iOS and Android App.

Challenges in Initial Stage-

1. Acceptance of the society- Since this is a new to world product, people, especially in India,
never seen such product in their life. The life style of India was never health oriented and
someone need not ever thought of their postures. This product is for those who work for long
hours continuously in their Workplaces or at home.
2. Price- The price of this device is around Rs.6000. Any middle-class family won’t buy it since the
cost is too much. But this product is worth the money.
3. Luxurious Product- People usually a typical middle-class individual would put this product in
those of luxuries. They would not include in one of the necessities.
4. Market is not huge- It is impossible to convince all the different groups of people.
5. Maintenance- There’s also the “novelty factor.” People buy gadgets and their awareness does
indeed get triggered. But after further exposure, the novelty wears off and within several weeks, it
ends up in a kitchen drawer. “They were mostly burdensome to set up, irritating after several
hours, and not terribly exciting after Day One. It’s not that gadgets aren’t helpful, but that it’s all
too easy to shut them off once they start annoying you.”- a customer review.

Key motivation company found to launch these

1. Increase the health standard- The primary motive of the company would be to increase the
health Standard in the society. To make their life easy and balance Work-Health life style.
Continuous slouching of the body could increase many health problems in the body.
2. Reduced the brace into a small device- The posture corrector has been existed in the market
from a long time. There were smart belts, braces etc. wearables that were good but were bulky
and burdensome. Hence this technical revolution has made it very easy and small so that people
feel ease in their day to day lives.
3. Make people aware about the health society- People are not aware about the health lifestyle in

Some of the key suggestions –

1. Reduce the Price- Reduce the price of the device so that people can afford it to buy.
2. Increase the functionality- This product can be made more valuable if the functionality of the
product is increased. If there would be more uses of this product people will definitely buy it.
3. Increase the battery life- The battery life of the product must be further increased, as the Dipitr
Technologies claim it lasts for 2-3 days, but the reviews say that it does not last more than 1 or
1.5 days.

The rate of consumer adoption-

The rate of adoption of this product somewhere lies between good and moderate. People have
adopted it and have seen a positive effect in their body postures. The data shows that people have
reduced slouching by 50% in a month. Since this product has monopoly in the market it has more
numbers of customers. The product has good hold over customers since the product quality is good.
The app of this device works both on Android and iOS so all the customers are covered through this.
The physiotherapist, especially those who deal with the back of the body, are using this product. They
also recommend this product to their clients because they find this product very useful for the posture
of the body.



Percentage(%) 40 5 Star
4 Star
30 3 Star
2 Star
20 1 Star


Ratings of Customers

Fig: The chart shows the customer review on

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