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Step 1 - Previous Knowledge

Daniel Steven Moreno
C.C 1030702267


Yohom Fredy Sánchez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia –

Bachelor in English as a Foreign Language

Step 1.

Gather information about the different types of test and assessment.

Evaluation name Type test
Direct testing Placement test
It consists of determining what are the productive and
focuses on assessing a specific receptive skills of a person in this way, it seeks to
skill identify what would be the appropriate form of teaching
for the person
Indirect testing: Diagnostic test
It requires knowing what are the strengths and weaknesses
an attempt is made to know or of the students in order to give a consistent objective to the
assess underlying abilities of other evaluation
core abilities
Objective testing Formative evaluation
It is an objective test in which the learning time of the students is determined in order to
different types of knowledge that offer feedback that is concrete and feasible
are of interest to the evaluator will
be evaluated
Subjective testing Aptitude Test
It is based on a sincere opinion on measures a person's ability to learn a new language
the part of the students themselves whether they have a talent for learning or have superior
as well as a subjective judgment on comprehension skills
the part of the teachers or
Discrete point testing
Measure one skill or knowledge at
a time, one by one. Each test
involves a
test in particular.
Integrative testing
Requires the student to complete an
assignment in a different language.
Norm-Referenced testing
This is a more competitive test
since it evaluates the abilities of a
student comparing them with those
of their peers
Criterion-Referenced testing
Like the previous one, this type of
test evaluates students by ranks but
this one divides it into two groups:
those who pass and those who fail.

Establish the difference between formative assessment and summative assessment

Formative assessment Summative assessment

used to evaluate at the beginning of a course used to evaluate at the end of a course or class
or class

assesses student learning and likewise gives measures learning effectiveness

feedback to their knowledge
provides information that may be useful for has long-term benefits
future work
It can be tested through a quiz. test students' knowledge

It helps to identify students’ strengths and assess the quality of learning


identifies the strengths and weaknesses of It assesses how well something has been
students learnt in order to give learners a grade.

Reflection about assessments

It is a very useful tool since it helps to evaluate the knowledge of a student after a lesson or
as the lesson progresses, you will be a very useful tool not only in the educational field but also in
the parental field, since it helps to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of a person it does not
matter if they are a teacher or a student, as well as it is used to evaluate the effectiveness of a
strategy, usually when a person knows that it is being revealed they will get nervous which affects
the result of the evaluation

Reflection about dichotomies

By having a more direct relationship with the concepts, its objective is to take the tests as a
way to evaluate the specific abilities of a person, with this method, problems in the learning
process of students can be identified, as well as that Parts of the course benefit students based on an
element such as the university pensum or the objectives of a course and in this way identify what
the student's strengths and weaknesses are in front of the course, both before, during and after the
The objectives are aimed at improving the educational system, knowing the impact of the methods
and strategies used by the teacher

Step 2. Q&A

 What is Standardized assessment in education?

It is an instrument that is worth redundancy, it is used to evaluate the particular strengths and
weaknesses not only in students but also standardization has been established in the various
evaluation processes such as teachers, institutions and educational systems, it is an evaluation
created by experts that comes with explicit instructions and are taken by a large number of people
at the same time in different degrees as mentioned before, evaluation standards are met, these are
quite complex, for example, to evaluate institutions or educational systems to reduce the concept of
quality in the interpretation of educational results, given that it can be applied in different cases,
each test has different central axes as can be seen in the evaluative analysis, the use of standardized
educational performance or achievement tests

 What is the purpose of a standardized test?

These tests have the purpose of evaluating and comparing the schools with respect to the
performance of the students, in this way to give a guarantee about the responsibility in education of
that institution, it also has the responsibility to inform the results to the teachers so that in this way
improve, in the implementation of techniques and teaching methods so that the school and
individual average of the students is favored

 What are the types of standardized test?


(Preliminary (Certificat English as a
(Key (Certificate in English Test) e of Foreign (Michigan Test
English Advanced Proficienc Language) of
Test) English) y in English
English) Langua
Basic level Advanced level Intermediate Most The most this exam gets
and ability for most Level, include advance famous exam for advanced level
about professional four skills colleges and and business
everyday people exam, universities level


 What are the norms for standardized tests?

Great Schools Partnership (2014) suggest the following norms:

 Test require that all applicants or test takers answer the same questions.
 Test are scores in a standard and consistent manner.

 Establish the difference between formative assessment and summative

assessment within the educational context.

Formative assessment Summative assessment

is a tool that helps to evaluate the the learning process of the students is
effectiveness of different programs, so that evaluated when the class ends, this takes into
in this way it helps to improve school account the understanding of the subject to
be treated
It is done during class and allows teachers measures the effectiveness of long-term
to get information about how they can learning and in this way know if the methods
improve. they were using were effective in the course
It measures parts of a course, for It assesses what students learnt during

example, a specific lesson or topic. the whole course.

helps to identify the strengths and Seeks to motivate students so that in this
weaknesses of students in order to design way they feel more comfortable when
lesson plans that strengthen students' participating in class
Step 3. Reflection

 What is the difference between formative and summative assessment? Make a

wide description.
In the formative evaluation, more information is sought as the course progresses, evidencing
the strengths of the students and in which areas can innovate to improve the quality of teaching,
through monitoring it is possible to evaluate the performance of the students. students

On the other hand, the summative evaluation is based more on the data collected as the course
progresses in order to be able to generate a final grade, in this way it seeks to identify what the
students' abilities are after having completed the entire course.

 Explain some strategies you will use to help the students to improve their English level.
What steps are necessary to develop an evaluation?

Implementation of ICTs even when learning technologies are very unknown means
in the field of education are little used by teachers, these means open many
possibilities for us to have a more interactive learning both visually and auditory,
as well as the implementation of small games that make students feel interested in
continuing to learn breaking a little the classical learning scheme helps students
learn more effectively.

o The use of music or audios to improve the understanding of the language

and strengthen the ability to listen this helps to differentiate the
pronunciation of the words in addition to making students pay attention
at all times.
o The use of interactive resources found on the web provides students with
a more meaningful learning since students participate in the learning
process, although it has the disadvantage of distraction since that is what
technology has in young people , a plus point is the diversity of activities
and materials that can be used by the teacher to motivate students to learn
Steps to develop an evaluation.

I think the steps to carry out an evaluation are the following:

o First set a goal for the assessment
o Give you prior knowledge of the time and day of the evaluation as well as what
will be evaluated
o give students the knowledge and tools necessary to take the exam
o The communication of the results is something quite common and makes it known
who stands out and who needs to reinforce their knowledge
o opening spaces in which students can clarify their concerns regarding the topics to
be evaluated

What are t h e best times to apply an evaluation?

I believe that evaluating the performance of a student is a fundamental factor in the teaching
practice, normally I see that teachers in the English area carry out an evaluation every month or
month and a half, I think that to evaluate students we must first monitor their learning a good
method to carry out an evaluation is to give them a list of verbs and for them to learn a part of these
in say 1 or 2 weeks and evaluate how many verbs were learned in that time, I think the correct
thing to do in learning is to evaluate skills specific of the students and generate strategies to
improve those skills and over time to re-evaluate that ability to recognize how much they improved
in that skill, as teachers we must form a welcoming space in addition to innovating in the classes
for students so that this way they have a more meaningful learning.
What types of evaluation do you know?
The most common are: direct evaluation, objective evaluation and indirect objective
and I say some more but I do not remember the names of this evaluation

What are the most recommendable for you?

It is complicated since most of the evaluations are useful in the teaching exercises, I
think that the most significant evaluation is the formative one since it allows to see which are
the traits to improve of a student as well as in which they do quite well learning, in addition to
evaluating which are the points in which the teacher's methodology is not effective which
helps to identify what strategies can be implemented and in this way give a more meaningful
learning to students helping them to improve their skills and strengthen their weaknesses in the

What can determine how reliable the evaluation results are?

I believe that for the data to be reliable and verifiable, a connection has to be
established with descriptive statistics in which data is stored to check its veracity and thus
generate reliable studies about a specific topic since descriptive statistics what it does is that
compare a wide database to get reliable information

Arévalo, R. Alberto, E. (2010). “The use of songs as a tool to work on listening and culture
in EFL classes.”
Retrieved from

Britisch Council (2020). “Objective test.”

Retrieved from

Melina. J (2017) “Standardized Assessment”

Retrieved from:

ScholarshipOwl (2017) “Types of Standardized Tests”

The glossary of education reform (s. f) “Formative Assessment”

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