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Fake News Multiplied

by: Marie Soul

Fake news. Familiar isn't it? Fake news is actually a term that most of us hear
these days, whether it may be from the television, radio and even social media. We may
interpret fake news as incorrect information, hoax stories or even well-crafted issues to
spice up the minds of the audience, but actually fake news is more than just the
misinformation. Fake news has various types and each with a specific objective that we
need to be aware of.

Clickbaits, the first type of fake news, are attention-seeker stories with
exaggerated headlines, with the main goal of gaining more website visitors. Clickbaits
are actually widespread on social medias. Next are the propagandas, propagandas are
created stories that mislead audience to a favored side, desired by the author. This type
is very particular when it comes to political agendas.

Though gives entertainment, the satire or most commonly known as parody, is

also classified as fake news. Parodies especially when well-crafted, can easily mislead
the audience to a humorous but still fake information. Another type is the sloppy
journalism, which is actually a violation of journalists to their responsibility of reviewing
information before publishing. Published stories with unreliable information when heard
by an unwatchful audience can cause misinformation.

Sometimes, the body of a certain story is not actually a hoax but misleading
headings can greatly affect the spreading of fake news, especially that the headings are
the windows before the full story is displayed. And lastly is the biased or slanted news.
This type of fake news can attract audience that are trying to find stories that confides
with their beliefs and favors their biases. Stories of this sort support the imbalance scale
of information, that is supposed to be fair.

Overall, may it be clickbaits, propaganda, parody, sloppy journalism, a story with

a misleading headline or slanted news, fake news of any kind misinforms, misleads, and
incapacitates us to be informed with the correct information. Thus, already a great
excuse for us to avoid fake news, whatever it may be.

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