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Constantly we meet faks news mostly on social media but they are everywhere.

Fake news are false

documents and information but it is not so easy to recognize the difference between a real news and a
fake news. The fake news are false documents and information but it is not so easy to recognize the
difference between a real news and a fake news. Why is fake news a problem for everyone? First of all,
in a first part we will see how to recognize a faks news and then in a second part we will see who is at
the origin of these faks news and what is the purpose of creating these faks news.

First, we will see how to recognize a fake news. Fake news are very well hidden everywhere, whether it
is in social networks, in newspapers, in advertisements. There are several types of fake news: fake
photos or just fake written information. To get information, you should not just rely on one photo or one
text, you have to do other research to compare them. And even with that we can think that it is a real
news because fak news is a mixture of real information and some false information that is enough to
deceive the reader. Often, the title is catchy, it appeals or generates an emotion. Hence the importance
of keeping a cool head. One of the reasons why people are fooled by fake news is that it seems credible,
sometimes even more than the truth. Rather than reacting directly to the message, it is better to take
the time to think it through.

Secondly, we will show who is behind the fak news and for what purpose. It can be anyone, a stranger, in
a basement. Someone whose name we will never know. Why do they do this? People who invent fake
news can do it for a multitude of reasons: out of spite, malice, jealousy, to take revenge, to teach
someone a lesson, for political reasons, to promote an ideology, to harm a commercial opponent, to
promote products and the main reason to invent them is to make money! You have to understand that
on the Internet, a popular news item corresponds to advertising revenues. The more clicks to a page, the
more the advertisement on the page is seen. And the more it is seen, the more income there is for the
creators of the page. It is not even necessary to click on the ad. Creating fak news can succeed for all
these reasons, but it can also fail and if you know the perpetrator there will be consequences for him.

To conclude, these fak news can harm our world because they are often misused, or used to make
problems, that's why we must be informed about every information we see because everything can be a

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