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Egg Fingers

In Partial Fulfillment for the Subject

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

To be Submitted to the Faculty of

Tarlac National High School
Senior High School

Lobo, Arvin Christian D.
Baloto, Riza C.
Lawan, Mikaella L.
Soriano, Rona Mae B.
Tinio, Ella Mae P.

Tarlac National High School

November 18,2019

Project Proposal


Have you ever wondered what the food you eat everyday can tell you about

where you come from? Have you ever wondered why people from different parts of the

world eat different types of food? On an individual level, we grow up eating the food of

our cultures. It becomes a part of who each of us are. Many of us associate food from our

childhood with warm feelings and good memories and it ties us to our families, holding a

special and personal value for us. Food from our family often becomes the comfort food

we seek as adults in times of frustration and stress.

The proponents conducting the innovation to gather new experience and

knowledge on how to do the process of making a own food. Being in this project is not

easy because in many cases you may not know what could be the result but being focus

and loving what you do and heading whats on the mind of each and everyone it can be

exciting for being a young entrepreneur makes you overwhelmed seeing every details of

the innovation having a good result.

When you conduct this innovation you have to be a hardworking and always

have a presence of mind. Each day, innovators in the business world create new products,

methods, and ideas. They manage to look at problems differently and come up with

solutions others cannot, and they provide an endless stream of value to their companies.
In fact, innovation just might be the most important component of a successful business.


In general, with the lots of information that is available, in most choices you will

find that you are confronted with too many alternative solutions. For the decision making

to be effective it is important to avoid analysis paralysis that results from having many

options. Everything will slow down as number of alternatives starts to exceed our ability

to mentally keep track of them. In case the proponents will ran out of ingredients

especially eggs, the proponents will immediately go to the market to buy ingredients to

make sure the customers will not go away. Look at the strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats for known solutions and create innovative alternatives that

enhance strengths/opportunities or reduce weaknesses/threats.


A. Objectives

 To generate income

 Increase Sales

 Achieving target customers satisfaction

 Excellent customer service

 Staying ahead of the competition

 Provide the customers with the goodness of our product

 To gain experience for being future entrepreneurs


The study will seek to answer the following research questions:

1. Who are the target beneficiaries or clientele?

2. What is the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT Analysis) of the


3. What is the level of acceptability of the innovative project?

4. What is the ‘perception of the beneficiaries or clientele to the innovation?


Their target clients to test product are the students and teachers in Tarlac National

High School (Main). The proponents chose them because students mostly spend their

money in buying something such as foods. As this product is something new, the

proponents needs to promote the product. Personal Selling will also be applied to catch

the attention of the possible customers. Promoting the product on social media may also

reach more customers.


Their product is Egg Fingers. It is an innovative fun snack idea that is made up of

crispy fried finger-shaped egg with a mayo dip.

Their product is composed of ingredients like egg. Egg is a rich source of

calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus which keeps bones strong. Moreover, egg being rich

in vitamin E and zinc fights germs and protects cells and boosts immune system

It is not easy to make or create a new product by just copying other product

because when you create your own product you need to encourage the potential buyers

why they need to buy the product and what benefits they will get when they ate it.

The concept of the product is something new to the market and the proponents hope to

give the product a chance.


The beneficiaries are the students and teachers of Tarlac National High School



Strength Opportunities

The product is unique The proponents will gain

The product is affordable experience

The product is delicious

The product is nutritious

Weaknesses Threats

The product is easy to Competition, if the other

imitate competitors sell the same

The product is new to the product

market If the products is not in the

good state


4-Very Good




The aim of this study is to determine the Acceptability of Egg Fingers in terms

of appearance, taste, aroma and overall quality of the product. Therefore study

participants were selected using convenience sampling from the student and teacher of

Grade 12 Senior High School.

Teacher Teacher Teacher Student Student Overall

1 2 3 1 2 Acceptability
How do you rate

product according 5 5 5 5 5 5.0

to the taste?
How do you rate

the product 5 5 5 4 4 4.6

according to the

How do you rate

the product 4 5 5 4 4 4.6

according to the

How do you rate
the overall quality 5 5 5 5 5 5.0

of the product?

Acceptability 4.8

Statistical Treatment

To get the acceptability of Selected Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management

Senior High School in Tarlac National High School (Main) in terms of critical thinking,

creativity, communication and together with their strength and weaknesses the formula is

as follows:

Weighted Mean

WM= ( Σ xi ) / n


• WM=just stands for the “sample mean”

• Σ = “add up”

• xi =“all of the x-values”

• n =“the number of items in the sample”

Likert Scale. refers to a psychometric scale commonly involved in research that employs

questionnaires. It is the most widely used approach to scaling responses in survey

research, such that the term is often used interchangeably with rating scale, although

there are other types of rating scales.

Weighted Mean. refers to a type of mean that is calculated by multiplying the weight (or

probability) associated with a particular event or outcome with its associated quantitative

outcome and then summing all the products together Weighted Value. refers to

corresponding value of the verbal description.

Likert Scale:

4.5-5.0 = Excellence

3.5-4.49 = Very Good

2.5- 3.49 = Good

1.5- 2.49 = Fair

1.0- 1.49 = Poor


This proposal was also concerned about the perception of the beneficiaries in the

line of the quality of the product according to the taste, aroma, appearance and the overall

outcome of the project innovation. The table presents the result of the acceptability of

their product. According to the table on the quality of the product and base on the Likert

scale, the taste overall acceptability result has the weighted mean of 5 which is

interpreted as Excellence in the verbal description. The appearance overall acceptability

result has the weighted mean of 4.6 which is interpreted as Excellence in the verbal

description. The aroma overall acceptability result has the weighted mean of 4.6 which is
interpreted as Excellence in the verbal description. The overall quality of the product has

the weighted mean of 5 which is interpreted as Excellence in the verbal description. The

creativity overall acceptability result has the weighted mean of 4.8 which is interpreted as

Excellence in the verbal description. From this result, the innovators can say that most of

the target customers involve in their acceptability test are satisfied with their product.


As the proponents are conducting the research inside Tarlac National High

School, the innovators therefore conclude that the product egg fingers is available for

students and teachers. The product is simmering new and different from the others, also it

has benefits that can help the customer's health.


Based on the findings of the study and conclusions drawn, the following are

hereby recommended:

1. The innovators recommend others to have similar innovation like theirs. The

innovators encourage other people starting or in business to continue to making new

products. In this way, the innovators can show their ideas by making new products, aside

from expressing their ideas, they can also earn money.

2. The innovators recommend to cook it properly because undercooked eggs may cause

3. The innovators recommend students to make new products to discover something new.

It can help them to be creative and be able to create new business that may help them



Appendix A- Business Plan

Egg Fingers is a crispy fried finger-shaped egg. It is an innovative product which

aims to satisfy the customers' needs and wants, earn a position in the market, gain a lot of

customers, and earn profit. Their target market are the students and teachers of Tarlac

National High School (Main). In which the innovators are going to promote their product

with the spokesperson technique, and promoting through social media. The innovators

will sell their product inside the campus. The innovators expect to attract potential

customers and satisfy them with their innovative product Egg Fingers.

Appendix B- Documentation

Project Innovation

Proposal Making Their Product Acceptability Survey

Appendix C – Accomplishment report

The innovators were able to produce their product and let their teachers and

classmates taste it for their acceptability survey.

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