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Teacher Giovanna Page 1

can - can't - could
Can - Can't - Could Page 2

In English, can and could are used to
express ability (I can run quickly) and
requests (Can you help me carry the
Can - Can't - Could Page 3

"Can" Examples:
a. I can speak English.

Expressing b. You can leave early today.

c. Can I come in, please?

Ability Formation:
Positive: Subject + CAN + Verb
We use can to show something is possible Negative: Subject + CAN'T + Verb
(cheetahs can run fast), and to show that we
know how to do something (he can run 10km NOTE: "Can" can be exchanged by "able
in one hour). We use can’t to show that to"
something is not possible and that we don’t I can swin/am able to swin.
know how to do something (pigs can’t fly).
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Can and Could Expressing Ability

QUESTION: Can + subject + verb

Can - Can't - Could Page 5

Match the pictures with the sentences

She can study.

They can cook.

He can drive.
Can - Can't - Could Page 6

Match the pictures with the sentences

Can you see the mountains from


Can we go to the beach


Can you play chess?

Can - Can't - Could Page 7

Could is the past

of Can

We use could and couldn't as the past of

I can come to the restaurant tonight.

I couldn't do my homework last night.

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Other uses of
can and could
5. Possibility
1. Request The florist can deliver the bouquet
Can you help me? early.
Can you tell me the way to the museum? My friend can visit me this week.
Can you come here a minute please?
Note: can is not normal used to
2. Permissions describe future possibility in the
Can I use your cell phone? positive form.
Can I take a day off?
Can I smoke here? INCORRECT: It can rain tomorrow.
Can - Can't - Could Page 9

Let's practice! Choose the right

01. Penguins could/can swim very well.
02. I could/can ran very fast when I was younger.
03. It's snowing, so we couldn't/can't go out now.
04. Yesterday we can't/couldn't play.
05. Could/Can you play the piano when you were seven?
06. You have a nice bicycle.  Could/Can you ride it?
07. He has a broken leg, so he couldn't/can't walk for a few days.
08. I can't/couldn't sleep last night.
09. We came as fast as we can/could.
10. Why are you crying? Is there something I could/can do for you?

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