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Media and information literacy

Communication – the act or process of using words, sounds, signs or behaviors to express or
exchange information and the expression of feeling that can result in understanding.

Lasswell’s communication model 1948

Who(communicator)-says what(message)-in which channel(medium)-to whom(receiver)-with

what effect(effect)

Information – data, knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction, signals or symbols.
Also it is knowledge of specific events or situations.

Media – communication tools (internet, radio, tv, magazines, newspaper,billboards, telephone)

- Way to carry message from one person to another. It is a communication channels or

transimission channels through which we disseminate news, music, messages.

Multi-media – media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. (text,
audio, video, podcast, animation, still image.)

Media literacy – is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate a variety of media
messages. An expanded information and communication skill that is responsive to the changing
nature of information in our society.

Media processes skills

1. Access – recognize and understand media

2. Analyze – interpret the message
3. Evaluate – evaluate the quality of message
4. Create – makes use of planning, composing, brainstorming and revising process.

Why do we need media literacy?

- Media messages play role in constructing and influencing reality.

- Media producers are subject to a variety of influences and pressures that often serve a
limited set of interests and perspectives.

Information literacy – is the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate,
evaluate, effectively use and communicate information in its various formats. It is knowing
when and why you need information, where to find it and how to evaluate, use and
communicate it in an ethical manner.
Information competence – is the ability to find, evaluate, use and communicate information in
all of its various formats.

Eisenberg and Berkowitz (1988) – introduced the Big approach to measure information literacy
of the learners.

Task definition – is to identify problem or information needed to complete the task

Information seeking strategies – is to determine all possible sources and select the best.

Location and access – is to be able to locate and find information within sources.

Use of information – is to be able to engage the information in a source.

Evaluation – is to judge the result (effectiveness) and judge the process (efficiency).

Technology or digital literacy – is the ability to use digital technology, communication tools or
networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information. It is defined as the science in industry,
engineering to invent useful things or to solve problems. Also, it is the ability to understand and
use information in multiple formats form a wide range of sources when it is presented via
computer in an ethical and responsible manner. It enhances the learning process through
problem solving and critical thinking.

Technology literacy includes:

1. The presentation of info

2. The evaluation of info
3. The organization of info

72% - are the internet users who are actively engaged on social media.

89% - those are between 18 to 19 years old.

60% - are range from 50 to 60 years old and above.

43% - those are 65 years old and up.

Media literacy primarily focused on how people consume media, fuelled with the right
knowledge on how it can affect them, their beliefs and viewpoints.

Information literacy implies that information becomes worthless if consumers do not have
adequate understanding on filtering what are needed for a certain circumstances.

Technology and media literacy are related:

Media literacy basically covers the knowledge Technology in fact, the innovative means to
on physical and virtual channels in getting the reach such goal.
message across.

Media knowing the right channel. Using right tool designed to let media do its

Those literacies aim for the common goal of achieving their harmonious integration.

It is right for consumption of information through effective media use and technological means.

The evolution of traditional to new media

Pre-historic age - predates history and history is the study of the past using written records.

The concerns of people are food, shelter, reproduction and safety from natural resources and
wild animals.

Oral – is the medium of communication. They developed sound to make meaningful message to
one another.

Clay and stone tablets were found to have some forms of symbolic impressions that make up
ancient languages such as “ code of Hammurabi”

Bahag – it is the clothing of Filipino male

Tapis – it is the clothing of female and it is a piece of cloth to cover the lower part of the body.

SPANIARDS – surprised to see topless women so they covered women with long skirts or saya,
loose blouses or kimono and kamison as underwear also a piece of cloth over their shoulder
called alampay.

Native Filipinos foods – laga or boiled, root crops, ihaw, boiled meat or fish, tinapa or smoked

Gisa and prito - were influenced by the Spaniards.

Bahay kubo – early house of Filipino that is made of bamboo and woven nipa leaves.

There was no term spoon and fork because Filipinos ate with their bare hands.

Oral communication - was shared by the community.

1. Pre-industrial age (before 1700) – people discovered fire, developed paper from plants
and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.

Industrial age – was started in England and other European countries early 18 th century was
marked by the shift from agricultural and handicraft economy.

British started to travel by train and would take hours to reach their destination.

Canterbury Tales – a collection of 20 stories written by Geoffrey Chauser.

Industrial Age (1700 to 1930) – people used the power of steam, developed machine tools,
established iron production and the manufacturing of various products including books through
the printing press. It is a period of history that encompasses the changes in economic and
special organization that began around later in other countries.

First newspaper was printed in the late 1590s in Western Europe.

Magazines followed suit in 1741.


● Cuneiform script – one of the earliest schemes of writing, identified by its wedge-
shaped marks on clay tables, built by means of a blunt reed for a stylus.
● Egyptian Hieroglyphs – orderly writing systems used by Egyptians that combined
anagrammed and alphabetic elements.


● Phoenician Alphabet – the oldest confirmed alphabet which contains 22 letters which
are all consonants.
● Greek alphabet – borrowed the Phoenician alphabet and acclimate it to their language
wherein the vowels were added.

Cave paintings – are painted drawings on cave walls or ceilings, mainly of prehistoric events.
The paintings are the same all over the worlds containing animals and humans. (time: 40000
years ago.)

Body art – is a momentous part of social, spiritual and personal experience. It is a culture’s rite
of passage and represents one’s origin, position of power, experiences, protection from evil
forces and other social symbolisms.

Clay tablets in Mesopotamia 2400 BC

Printing press using wood blocks

Paper – came from the ancient Greek word “papyrus” for the Cyprus papyrus plant.

● Printing press – an apparatus for administering pressure to an inked surface recessing

upon print medium. It is invented by German Johannes Gutenburg 1440.
● Telegraph – long distance broadcast of textual or symbolic message.
● Telephone – telecommunications device that allows many users to administer a
conversation. It is invented by Scottish emigrant Alexander Graham Bell 1876.
● Phonograph – invented in 1877, a device used for the power driven recording and
reproduction of sound. Later it was called gramophone. The spiral groove engraved into
the surface or a spinning disk is called record.
● Typewriter 1800
● New energy sources were used like fuel, motive power coal, steam engine, electricity,
petroleum and combustion of engine.
● Factory system was organized which increased division of labor and specification
● Transportation and communication were developed (steam, locomotive, steamship,
automobile, airplane, telegraph and radio.)
● The primary industries (agriculture, mining, fishing and quarrying.)
● The secondary industry is the manufacturing industry wherein different products were
produced from processed goods.
● The tertiary industry was developed to support primary and secondary industry.
● Service industry (banking, finance, insurance, investment, retail, transportation,
information, communication service, promotional and educational)
● Printing flourished and education became mass based.
● Radio provided a fast communication with people.

Electronic age – began when electronic equipment including computers came into use. The
invention of the transistor ushered when people harnessed the power of transistors that led to
the transistor radio, electronic circuits and early computers. Long distance communication
became more efficient.

Thomas Alva Edison (last quarter of 1800) – tried all kinds of experiments on electricity. He
worked as apprentice telegrapher at the age of 16 as he was creative, imaginative and curious.
(hearing difficulty)

Telegrams – he invent a duplex telegraph that transmit two messages and these messages from
the telegraph.
Cassette recorders – was invented in the last quarter of 1900.

Betamax – became popular as these were recorded films that can be viewed thru a BETA place.
After beta, came from improved of video player with the CD (compact disc.)

DVD and CD player – became handy portable gadgets.

Television – from black and white, now it is colored and can access both local and international
television networks.

Example forms of media:

● Transistor radio
● Television (1941)
● Large electronic computers
● Mainframe computers – IBM 704 (1960)
● OHP, LCD projectors
● Apple 1 computer
● Apple 2 computer

New information age (1900 to 2000) - also known as the computer age, digital age or new
media age is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry
that the industrial revolution bought through industrialization, to an economy based on
information computerization. The internet paved the way for faster communication and the
creation of the social network. People advanced the use of microelectronics with the
invention of personal computers, mobile devices and wearable technology. Moreover, the
voice, image, sound and data are digitalized.

Information Era:

● Radio – technology of using radio waves to convey information such as sound by

modulating some property of electromagnetic energy waves transferred through
● Television – telecommunication medium used for transmitting sound with moving
pictures in monochrome or in color and in two or three dimensions.
● Personal computer – general purpose computer. Its size, capabilities and v=novel
sale price make it beneficial for individuals. It is envisioned ne worked directly by an
end user with no superseding computer time sharing models that permitted larger,
more lavish minicomputer and mainframe systems.
● Internet - a worldwide system of unified computer networks that use internet
protocol suite (TCP/IP) that links billions of devices across the planet.
● Portable laptop 1980, netbooks 2008 and tablet 1993
● Augmented reality or virtual reality
● Video chat: Skype 2003
● Search engines: Google 1996 and Yahoo 1995
● Smartphones
● Wearable technology
● Cloud and big data
● Friendster 2002
● Internet explorer
● Skype 2003
● Google 1997
● Twitter 2007
● Facebook 2004

1980 – When desktop arrived in the Philippines.

1998 – The telephone was evolved into a portable gadget called cellular phone.

2000 – The cellular phone became more compact and handy.

In the present time, new media is undeniably very useful, but

this does not mean that traditional media has already
become obsolete. Traditional media is still valuable and
influential because it has wider reach and market

PRINTING WAS DISCOVERED BY THE CHINESE but Europeans and their countries contributed to
the present technology in printing.

Printed materials

Magazines – is the publication issued periodically and contain essays, stories, poem etc.

Newsletters – publication issued regularly to provide information of interest to the members of

an organization or any institution or company.

Journals – publications that contain scholarly articles and/or current information on research

Broadcasting – is the transmission of radio and television programs that are intended for
general public reception.
Sound broadcasting – started in 1920

Television broadcasting – began in 1930 (television was in black and white 1950) and (television
was already colored in 1970)

Cable television – started in 1950

Broadcasting satellite – began in early 1960

Reginald Aubrey Fessenden and Brant Rock – broadcast the program radio in the 1906.

Film, movie or motion picture – all refer to big screen which are effective medium in conveying
drama, comedy, action and science fiction.

Alvin Toffer – in the book THE THIRD WAVE divided civilization into three.

● Agricultural revolution – took thousands of years in the lives of people in different parts
of the world.
● Industrial period – pave the way to the industrialization of Europe, America, Middle East
and Asia the development of machines made production easy and fast that took
hundreds of years.
● Electronic period – developed in just few decades but a lot of changes have been
happening in the different areas of life, information and media.

Computers – started to evolve as early as 1872 when LORD KELVIN developed a special purpose
computer as a tide predictor.

Types of computers:

1. Analog computer – which operates on data represented by variable physical quantities

such as voltages and measures continuously.
2. Digital computer – which works with numbers, words and symbols expressed as digits,
which is manipulates and counts discreetly.
3. Hybrid computer – combines digital and analog functions.

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) the first generation computer which was
completed 1940.

CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) it was developed by US as computer based or data based
on Federal Bureau of Investigation on it was done in the field of education.
Computer plays the role of artificial intelligence and the development of robotics, machines
which can automatically function without human assistance.

Microcomputer – it was developed 1980 and became handy and portable.

Social networking sites – were developed like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and communication
become fast, easy and inexpensive with the Skype.

The new media changed the different areas in life:

● In business – the used of ATM (Automated teller machine)
● In government – transactions like LTO (Land transportation office),
SSS (Social security system), GSIS (Government service Insurance system)
● In education – used in the classroom as well as administrative operation of
the school like enrollment and records of students.
● In education – the students do not have to stay in the library because they
can access e-journals and e-books. They can also access diverse sources of
● In entertainment – both children and adults can access all kinds of game
online or computer games but parents or adult’s supervision is necessary in
terms of monitoring children’s use.

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