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English 4


Unipanamericana Fundación Universitaria Panamericana

Av Calle 32 n 17 - 30 Bogotá D.C. Colombia - Teléfono 5558210 - Personería Jurídica 23635/81 del MEN
Elaborado por Formación Virtual

Programa académico

English 4

Duración estimada
Estrategia didáctica
En aula o en plataforma Trabajo autónomo
Análisis de situación 6 horas 12 horas


Learning achievement: To describe people and things. Assessment criteria  Writes in a table square a
summary of the main ideas shown in the opinions and, also, his/ her own opinions.  Answer the
questions and records a conversation made by him /her, interviewing 3 friends and talking about
physical description.  Answer two letters giving advice to two guys who have problems  Records a
video or his / her voice talking about his/ her own family.  Talks about his / her physical description
and other’s physical appearance. Introductory activity In this amusement park, you will meet people
easily, and most of them are from different countries around the world, for this reason, take us to know
how to describe ourselves and other, not only physically but also emotionally. For that reason it is
necessary to know vocabulary that will help us to understand and describe people better.

Al finalizar esta actividad estará en capacidad de:

R.A.1 To apply the linguistic and cultural skills in some communicative situations
R.A.2 To Recognize grammatical structures to use in different communicative situations

Condiciones básicas para el desarrollo de la actividad:

Learning achievement: To ask questions in areas of his/her interest. Assessment criteria:  Students
write about other people’s personal information.  Students answer the questions and start and keep a
conversation made on his /her own (likes and dislikes)

Nota: The students must submit the activity trough the platform taking into account deadlines and in a single
Word file.


Problem setting Meeting people is becoming a hard work for many people, because the isolation
brought by the social virtual groups and the ideal beauty models make that not everybody wants to
socialize in natural environments. For this reason you are going to write 5 lines in which you are going
to say if you are sociable or not, and why, and also, what your strongest qualities are. (Physically and
emotionally). With the information you are going to write, make a recorded information text that is
Unipanamericana Fundación Universitaria Panamericana
Av Calle 32 n 17 - 30 Bogotá D.C. Colombia - Teléfono 5558210 - Personería Jurídica 23635/81 del MEN
Elaborado por Formación Virtual
going to give to other students and your tutor a better way to know who you are. write a conversation
about physical and personality traits with 3 people you know, asking them if they worry about their
personal appearance and if they are sociable (if they do not speak English, you should do the
translation). When you finish your interviews, record the different opinions in the recording voice
multimedia of your computer. Send this recording to your tutor. Emotions rule our lives and we are to
help each other, for that reason, you are going to answer as a friend of these two guys, the letters that
they sent you mentioning their problems and asking for help. Write short advices for them but do not
use more than five lines and use logic answers for this activity. Use windows word for writing what you
would do in their case and send the answer to your tutor. As a very common point of view, people come
from different families and each family has its own characteristics and members

When this part of the activity will be already done by you, you will paste a picture of your family and
describe each member physically and also, you will answer the questions of the quiz, but about your family.
(Video or voice recording) Your picture and family’s description must be sent to your tutor in an audio or
video file. The name of the file must be MY FAMILY. Course Interaction  In this web page -
WWW.VOCAROO.COM – is going to take place an interactive conversation about the experience you had
through the different activities done by you in this section. The tutor is going to give you the complete http,
time or options you will have to participate and answer the questions bellow.  What do you look like? 
What does she / he look like?  What is he/she like?  Can you describe him/ her?  Can you describe each
member of your family?


The minimum to be considered within the creation of the audio is:

1. Use complex grammar with to be and other verbs

2. Use introductory and transitional phrases.

3. Use subject pronouns.

Tiempos estimados para el desarrollo de la
Roles asociados a la Tareas asociadas a tarea
actividad las funciones Presencial /
Create the requested
Estudiante provider task in order to fulfill
the activity
Check the audios
and texts and
Docente evaluator
approve (assess)

Synchronic meetings

Evidencias asociadas (desempeño, producto
Criterios de evaluación
y conocimiento)
C.E.1. Makes use of grammar in a coherent and logical 1. Physical description appearances
Unipanamericana Fundación Universitaria Panamericana
Av Calle 32 n 17 - 30 Bogotá D.C. Colombia - Teléfono 5558210 - Personería Jurídica 23635/81 del MEN
Elaborado por Formación Virtual
C.E.2. Establishes the difference between the different 2. complete all the practice tasks
tenses studied.
C.E.3. demonstrates the use of descriptive and narrative

Instrumentos de evaluación
Rubric: speaking and writing elements .


Técnicos, tecnológicos y
Computador, consulta de bases de datos.
Ambientes de aprendizaje Plataforma.
Recursos bibliográficos


Nombre de la Duración
R.A.1 Evidencia Semana intervinientes en la
Actividad en horas
People Presentación de Docente
R.A.1 6 1,2
appearance resultados Estudiante

Unipanamericana Fundación Universitaria Panamericana

Av Calle 32 n 17 - 30 Bogotá D.C. Colombia - Teléfono 5558210 - Personería Jurídica 23635/81 del MEN
Elaborado por Formación Virtual

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