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Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Sensation?

Sensory Processing

The conversion of information from the

environment into electrical signals in the nervous
Sensory Processing

What is Sensory Adaptation?

Sensory Processing

The decrease in response to a stimulus over time

Sensory Processing

What is Opponent-Process Theory?

Sensory Processing

Cells can only detect the presence of once color

at a time because the two colors oppose each
Sensory Processing

What is the function of Binocular Cues?

Sensory Processing

Provide depth information when viewing a scene

with both eyes
Sensory Processing

What are the types of Binocular Cues?

Sensory Processing

Retinal Disparity and Convergence

Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Retinal Disparity?

Sensory Processing

The space between the eyes that allow binocular

vision to create depth perception
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Convergence?

Sensory Processing

The rotation of the eyes in their sockets to focus

on a single object
Sensory Processing

What is the function of Monocular Cues?

Sensory Processing

Provide depth information that relies on the input

of just one eye
Sensory Processing

What are the types of Monocular Cues?

Sensory Processing

Relative Size, Interposition, Relative Height,

Shading and Contour, Motion Parallax, and
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Relative Size?

Sensory Processing

The size of familiar objects on the ground as a

cue for depth and distance
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Interposition?

Sensory Processing

A distance cue that suggests that closer objects

will cut off our vision of more distance objects
behind them
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Relative Height?

Sensory Processing

A distance cue that suggests that things higher

are perceived to be farther away
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Shading and

Sensory Processing

A distance cue that uses light and shading to

perceive and form depth and objects
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Motion Parallax?

Sensory Processing

A distance cue that suggests that objects at

different distances appear to move through your
field of vision with a different and relative
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Constancy?

Sensory Processing

The ability to recognize the same object as

remaining “constant” under different conditions,
such as changes in illumination, distance, or
Sensory Processing

What is Weber’s Law?

Sensory Processing

The size of a Just-Noticeable Difference is

proportional to the intensity of the stimulus
Sensory Processing

∆ Intensity
How is Weber’s Law calculated? Initial Intensity =k
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of the Just-Noticeable

Sensory Processing

The smallest amount by which a stimulus can be

changed and the difference can be detected half
the time
Sensory Processing

What is the Absolute Threshold of Sensation?

Sensory Processing

The amount of stimulation necessary for a

stimulus to be detected
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Subliminal Stimuli?

Sensory Processing

Sensory Stimulation that is below a person’s

threshold for perception
Sensory Processing

What is Signal Detection Theory?

Sensory Processing

The model of making decisions under

Sensory Processing

What is the definition of a Hit with regards to

Signal Detection Theory?
Sensory Processing

Correctly indicating that a signal is present

Sensory Processing

What is the definition of a False Alarm with

regards to Signal Detection Theory?
Sensory Processing

Incorrectly indicating that a signal is present

when the signal is absent
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of a Correct Rejection

with regards to Signal Detection Theory?
Sensory Processing

Correctly indicating that a signal is absent

Sensory Processing

What is the definition of a Miss with regards

to Signal Detection Theory?
Sensory Processing

Incorrectly indicating that a signal is absent

when the signal is present
Sensory Processing

What is the definition of d’ with regards to

Signal Detection Theory?
Sensory Processing

The ability to tell two signals apart

Sensory Processing

What is the definition of c with regards to

Signal Detection Theory?
Sensory Processing

The types of strategy

Sensory Processing

What are the types of strategies with regards

to Signal Detection Theory?
Sensory Processing

Conservative and Liberal strategies

Sensory Processing

What is the Conservative Strategy with

regards to Signal Detection Theory?
Sensory Processing

The tendency to more likely indicate a signal is

Sensory Processing

What is the Liberal Strategy with regards to

Signal Detection Theory?
Sensory Processing

The tendency to more likely indicate a signal is

Sensory Processing

What is the definition of β with regards to

Signal Detection Theory?
Sensory Processing

The bias of choosing one choice over another

Sensory Processing

What is the study of Psychophysics?

Sensory Processing

The psychological study of the relationship

between a physical stimulus and a mental
Sensory Processing

What are Sensory Receptors?

Sensory Processing

Sensory Pathway
Sensory Processing

What are the types of Sensory Receptors?

Sensory Processing

Mechanoreceptors, Chemoreceptors,
Nociceptors, Baroreceptors, Thermoreceptors,
and Electromagnetic Receptors
Sensory Processing

What are the function of Mechanoreceptors?

Sensory Processing

Detection of Touch and Sound

Sensory Processing

What is the function of Pacinian Corpules?

Sensory Processing

A type of Mechanoreceptor that detects pressure

on the skin
Sensory Processing

What is the function of Auditory Hair Cells?

Sensory Processing

A type of Mechanoreceptors that detects

vibrations caused by sound waves
Sensory Processing

What is the function of Vestibular Hair Cells?

Sensory Processing

A type of Mechanoreceptor that detects the

acceleration and position of the body
Sensory Processing

What are the function of Baroreceptors?

Sensory Processing

Detection of pressure (i.e. blood pressure within

Sensory Processing

What are the function of Chemoreceptors?

Sensory Processing

Detection of chemicals
Sensory Processing

What is the function of Olfactory Receptors?

Sensory Processing

A type of Chemoreceptors that detect airborne

chemicals and allow for smell
Sensory Processing

What is the function of Gustatory Receptors?

Sensory Processing

A type of Chemoreceptor that detects taste (taste

Sensory Processing

What are the function of Nociceptors?

Sensory Processing

Detection of pain
Sensory Processing

What are the function of Thermoreceptors?

Sensory Processing

Detection of temperature
Sensory Processing

What are the function of Electromagnetic

Sensory Processing

Detection of electromagnetic waves

Sensory Processing

What are Electromagnetic Receptors in

Sensory Processing

Sensory Processing

What are Photoreceptors?

Sensory Processing

The rods and cones of an eye

Sensory Processing

What are the function of Exteroceptors?

Sensory Processing

Detection of stimulus from the outside world

Sensory Processing

What are the function of Interoceptors?

Sensory Processing

Detection of stimulus from the body

Sensory Processing

What are the function of Proprioceptors?

Sensory Processing

Detects the position of the body

Sensory Processing

What is the definition of Sensory Pathways?

Sensory Processing

The pathways followed by a nerve impulse from

a sensory organ to the brain or spinal cord
Sensory Processing

What are the properties of Sensory

Sensory Processing

Modality, Location, Intensity, and Duration of

Sensory Processing

What is Stimulus Modality?

Sensory Processing

The type of Stimulus

Sensory Processing

What is Stimulus Intensity?

Sensory Processing

The frequency of neurons firing action potentials

Sensory Processing

What are the types of Stimulus Duration?

Sensory Processing

Non-Adapting, Slow-Adapting, and Fast-

Adapting Stimulus
Sensory Processing

What occurs in a Non-Adapting Stimulus?

Sensory Processing

Neurons that fire at a constant rate

Sensory Processing

What occurs in a Slow-Adapting Stimulus?

Sensory Processing

Neurons that fire in the beginning of a stimulus

then slows to adopt the change in stimulus
Sensory Processing

What occurs in a Fast-Adapting Stimulus?

Sensory Processing

Neurons immediately fire then cease firing until

next stimulus

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