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Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Covariation Model
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

An attribution theory in which people make causal

inferences to explain why other people and
ourselves behave in a certain way; A person has
information from multiple observations, at different
times and situations, and can perceive the
covariation of an observed effect and its causes
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Consistency cues
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The extent to which the person behaves like this

every time the situation occurs
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Distinctiveness Cues
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The extent to which the person behaves in the

same way in similar situations
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Consensus Cues
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The extent to which other people behave in the

same way in a similar situation
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Attribution Theory
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

How the social perceiver uses information to arrive

at causal explanations for events
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Situational Attribution
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The process of assigning the cause of behavior to

some situation or event outside a person's control
rather than to some internal characteristic
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Dispositional Attribution
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The process of assigning the cause of behavior to

some internal characteristic, rather than to outside
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Fundamental Attribution Error

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Our tendency to explain someone's behavior

based on internal factors, such as personality or
disposition, and to underestimate the influence that
external factors, such as situational influences,
have on another person's behavior
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Correspondent Inference Theory

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

When an individual unexpectedly performs a

behavior that helps or hurts us, we tend to explain
the behavior by dispositional attribution
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Attribute Substitution
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Occurs when an individual has to make a judgment

that is computationally complex, and instead
substitutes a more easily calculated heuristic
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Actor-Observer Bias
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

A tendency to attribute one's own actions to

external causes, while attributing other people's
behaviors to internal causes
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Self-serving Bias
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

A tendency to attribute positive events to their own

character but attribute negative events to external
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Optimism Bias
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Causes a person to believe that they are at a

lesser risk of experiencing a negative event
compared to others
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

A preconceived notion, especially about a group of

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Paternalistic Stereotype
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Low status, not competitive (e.g., housewives,

elderly people, disabled people)
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Contemptuous Stereotype
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Low status, competitive (e.g., welfare recipients,

poor people)
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Admiration Stereotype
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

High status, not competitive (e.g., in-group, close

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Envious Stereotype
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

High status, competitive (e.g., asians, jews, rich

people, feminists)
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Stereotype Threat
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

A situational predicament in which people are or

feel themselves to be at risk of conforming to
stereotypes about their social group
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

An unfavorable opinion or feeling formed

beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different

categories of people or things, especially on the
grounds of race, age, or sex
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Individual Discrimination
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

One person discriminating against a particular

person or group
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Institutional Discrimination
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The discrimination against a particular person or

group by an entire institution
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Unintentional Discrimination Types

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Side-Effect Discrimination and Past-In-Present

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Side-Effect Discrimination
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Practices in one institutional area that have a

negative impact because they are linked to
practices in another area
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Past-In-Present Discrimination
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

How things that were done in the past, even

though they may no longer be allowed, they can
have consequences for people in the present
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

A prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself

to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy
itself, due to positive feedback between belief and
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings,

mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons
of expediency
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Frustration Aggression Hypothesis

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Aggression is the result of blocking, or frustrating,

a person's efforts to attain a goal
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Relative Deprivation
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The lack of resources to sustain the diet, lifestyle,

activities and amenities that an individual or group
are accustomed to or that are widely encouraged
or approved in the society to which they belong
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Just World Phenomenon

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The tendency to believe that the world is just and

that people get what they deserve
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Halo Effect
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The tendency for an impression created in one

area to influence opinion in another area
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Judging another culture solely by the values and

standards of one's own culture; Opposite of
cultural relativism
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Cultural Relativism
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The idea that a person's beliefs, values, and

practices should be understood based on that
person's own culture, rather than judged against
the criteria of another; Opposite of ethnocentrism
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The preference for the products, styles, or ideas of

someone else's culture rather than of one's own
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

Cultural Imperialism
Perception, Prejudice and Bias

The extension of the influence or dominance of

one nation's culture over others, now usually
through the exportation of cultural commodities
such as film, music, etc

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