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Passing now – bipartisanship and urgency key

Lindberg 9/15 Brian Lindberg is the chief legal officer and chief policy officer for the National Marrow Donor Program/Be
The Match., "Full House and Senate should reauthorize the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program |
Many congressional watchers would tell you that absolutely
It is September of a presidential election year, with a divided government and a deeply polarized electorate.

nothing could pass in this environment in the spirit of all too rare bipartisanship,. Earlier this month, however, in defiance of the naysayers and

the House Energy and Commerce Committee overwhelmingly voted to reauthorize the C.W. Bill Young
Cell Transplantation Program (“ the Program”). We must extend this demonstration of bipartisanship and willingness to work together to save American lives to the full House and the Senate and ensure that the Program is

. For 30 years, Congress has authorized and re-authorized the Program,

reauthorized before it expires at the end of September which provides access to life-saving

bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cell and cord blood transplants for patients living with one of the more than 70 blood cancers or blood disorders for which transplant is the only curative option. The Program was first established through a partnership with the Navy in 1986,

During those 30 years, the National Marrow

transferred to the NIH for oversight the following year, then authorized by Congress in 1994 and has been reauthorized in 1998, 2005, 2010, and 2015.

Donor Program/Be The Match (“NMDP”) has facilitated more than 100,000 lifesaving and life-extending
transplants While the Program enjoys broad bipartisan and bicameral support, as it has during every

other reauthorization, it is still in jeopardy — which is why we strongly urge Congress to act swiftly to protect

the Program and the patients who rely on it. Because of its unassailable mission, because of its great successes over three decades, and because the Program is relied upon by more patients than ever before, reauthorization of the national registry remains non-controversial.

Reauthorization was critical before the pandemic, but now because of the wild unpredictability of COVID-19, and its downstream impacts that create life-threatening risk to bone marrow transplant patients, it is even more urgent that
Congress reauthorize the Program before adjourning for the election.

Link – get cards that say healthcare policy leads to fights, is controversial, takes up floor time

Impact – get some shit abt how this bill is good. I remember seeing some cards that say it sves 100s of
thousands of people.

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