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SMM Assignment – I

By Sushant Ahuja (190103155)

Community Management – 7/10

I plan to improve my managerial skills by indulging in various case studies , being able to
effectively manage has been my prime objective of getting into a B-school , & hope to
achieve the same through social media management skills in SMM course

Creative – 5/10

My creative skills have always been at a sub-par level. The coronavirus pandemic led all of
us to be at our home for months and I have leveraged it by learning various creative
software such as photoshop , coral draw and adobe premier pro .I look forwarding to
enhancing my skills on the social media platform by designing ads , posts etc.

Sales & customer service – 6/10

I had done an internship for pharmeasy while my time in engineering, as a sales executive
which had given me the confidence to see my future in this area of development
.Nevertheless I am still in a nascent stage to comment over my sales skills but looking
forward to SMM to enhance it through leveraging social platform for understanding sales
strategy through digital platform

Organized & effective – 8/10

I try to be as organized as I could be in my day-to-day chores as well as in any professional

work.I have always been habitual of keeping notes and a diary with myself to be meticulous
about my work so that I can be immensely effective. Through social media apps , I plan to be
organized in improving my record keeping skills to be more effective.

Decisive – 7/10

I consider decision making skills as one of the most important skills for a manager , I try to
be as decisive in my financial matters as well as daily negotiations through thorough analysis
but I end up taking too much time over it.I guess these skills are something that will build
over time , but digital platform might support in decisions of posting ads,content usage
,timelines etc, if taught in SMM course.

Analytics – 8/10

I have gone through various analytics courses such as business analytics and have also opted
for Marketing Analytics course ,since I am intensely intrigued by Analytics courses be it any
digital , big data or business analytics courses. I hope to improve my such skills in SMM
course as well which might offer to analyse social trends , customer behavior , set emotional
appeals etc.

Good writing skills – 6/10

I have been an at an average level in writing skills. Although I am trying to enhance my

writing skills by going through news articles , research papers as well as business
conversations(LinkedIn) to improve these skills.SMM course offers an opportunity to deal
with people on the digital platform which can support my writing skills.

Adaptive – 9/10

I have always been known to be an adaptive person. I believe that , depending on the
situation ,one needs to adapt to as in a digital platform , customer behavior heavily
influences the prices on e commerce sites , also the advertisements adapt for a particular
audience and show the posts which might appeal them

Strategic focus – 8/10

I consider myself as a highly focused and indulging person.once I am on my job , I hate any
interruptions till my work is done.Hence I plan to enhance my skills through building a goal
or tasks on social platform to achieve and focus on it to become efficient.

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