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Institute of Education
New Visayas, Panabo City, Davao Del Norte

A Coursepack in
Educ 311


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Full Name

IEd Faculty
Course, Year Level & Section
Module 1

The Language of Educational


Objectives, and Indicators

Learning Standards, Outcomes,

Activity: “Tangram”

Now, it’s time for you to perform this entertaining

puzzle game. Just follow the instructions to you which is
given below.

For the first image to be solved, form a resemblance

of any real object that you can think of. Draw it inside the
box on the left side. For the second image, form a square.
Still, draw it inside the box, but on the right side this time.

Figure 1: BIRD Figure 2: SQUARE

7 6
1 5
4 2 1
5 3 4 77

After completing your work above, answer the questions below as guide for reflective thinking.
Use the space after each question to discuss your answer.

1. Is there a difference you noticed as you do the first and second figures asked from
you? If there is/are, what is/are that/those?

For me, I've noticed some distinctions as I performed the first and second
figures. In the first figure, I managed the shapes accordingly to match a
certain design that's why I created and made-up a bird. In the second figure, it
seems manageable for me to arrange the shapes because the pieces fit
together to form a square and there's no need of rotating or flipping the
pieces and sliding them around into different positions.

2. Which figure did you find difficult to form? Why do you think so?
In doing the figure 1, it needs me to rotate and flip the pieces
and slide them into different positions in order for me to acquire the
object that I really wanted to imitate. Also, it needs me to think and
imagine how and where to set the pieces to certainly replicate a real
object. So, I found it difficult and challenging.

3. What aspect or concept do you think is necessary for you to form the image in a
clear and efficient way? Why do you think so?

There are many ways in playing the tangram and it challenges me to

create an exact copy of an object using the seven pieces. While playing
with tans, I've realized that I should think and visualize the object that I
wanted to do because it helps me to boost my arithmetic performance
in classifying shapes, develop an understanding of how geometric
shapes can be decomposed, and efficiently manipulate the shapes. By
thinking and visualizing it enables us to create and replicate a clear
image of an object.

From your specialized field, arrange a list of expectation by choosing a learning

standard from the given curriculum guide and craft its components. Afterwards, make a
discussion using the question provided on the next page.


Specialization: __________________
DRESSMAKING/TAILORING Grade Level: ________________
7 and 8

The learner demonstrates understanding and ought to
possess five common competencies, namely:

1. Using tools, equipment, and paraphernalia.

2. Performing mensuration and calculation.

3. Practicing Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)


4. Maintaining tools, equipment, and paraphernalia.

5. Reading and interpreting drawing designs.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to
identify sewing tools, equipment, and paraphernalia, to
draft and cut patterns for garments, etc.

The learner will be able to identify the function
and usage of tools and equipment in dressmaking.
They will also obtain and perform simple
calculations, identify and evaluate hazards and risks,
and produce garments.

The learner will achieve and enable to perform the
given task by the teacher.
What is the importance of establishing learning standards, outcomes, objectives and indicators in
attaining educational goals?

You may use you’re an example in your discussion.

In establishing learning standards it is really important to demonstrate and

engage our students in the learning process. We should increase their attention,
focus, and motivates them to perform, understand, and promotes meaningful
learning experiences.

In establishing learning outcomes we know that teachers are no longer the

main source of information and knowledge. However, we can facilitate and guide
them on what they will going to make and achieve the desired outcome. We
could apply hands-on learning in which children learn by doing and let them
engage and create something.

In establishing learning objectives it is really important to make it explicit. By

doing that, clear communication and understanding will achieve, goals in class
can be successfully and effectively completed. In establishing indicators, it will
determine how students understand, performed, and cope with the instructions.
It is also important to apply different approaches in teaching, conduct a formative
assessment, and activities in a particular topic.
The K-12 Curriculum Guide

Lesson 2

Activity: “What my age can do”

Hi! You’re given a chance to develop a new skill. To do this activity, follow the
instructions presented below. Please your answers on the designated spaces.

Given below is the attainment of a specific skill along with the age it is developed. Try to supply
each level with new skill developed at a certain age considering the attainment of the previous skill
presented until all the levels are filled up.

at age 3Lea learning how to properly hold a pencil and draw well-defined
objects and figures

at age 6

at age

at age

at age

After completing your work above, answer the questions below as guide for
reflective thinking. Use the space after each question to discuss your answer.

1. Based on the developed skills you have written, is the initial skill learned during the 3 rd year of
age important? What do you think will happen if it was not learned well?

2. Do you think that the skills you have written can all be learned efficiently at the same age? Why
or why not?

3. Do you think most, if not all, the skills are learned this way? What can be said about this way of
mastering skills?

Given a specified grade level, quarter and week of your teaching interaction with
your class, identify what competency to teach. If there is more than 1 competency, choose
only one. For TLE majors, choose only one of the four fields and identify what field you
have chosen. For English majors, choose only one domain and identify what domain you
have chosen. For Math and Science majors, reflect what branch based on the competency
code. Then, design one unpacked competency for each component.

1. Grade 7, 2nd Quarter, 3rd week

Code: ____________________
Field/Domain/Branch: ____________________________________________
Unpacked Competency:
Know: ______________________________________________________________
Understand: __________________________________________________________
Do.: ________________________________________________________________
2. Grade 10, 4th Quarter, 5th week
Code: ____________________
Field/Domain/Branch: ____________________________________________
Unpacked Competency:
Know: ______________________________________________________________
Understand: __________________________________________________________
Do.: ________________________________________________________________

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