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Research Approaches and Social Science

Assignment 2 - Performing Arts

Express your views on interdisciplinary social science through illustration.

Knowledge is something that acquired over a period of time. It enlightens human intellect.
Human beings possess different forms of knowledge. Knowledge of himself, culture and
surrounding environment. Humans gained knowledge through questioning and investigations.
According to Mohanty (2014), the Samkhya-karika describes three modes of gaining knowledge:
perception, inference and verbal testimony.
• Perception – observes and get knowledge through their senses.
• Inference – based on experiences
• Verbal testimony – Oral communication
Human Knowledge expanded and philosophers, scholars started accumulate and
organized knowledge into proper form. Aristotle (384 – 322 BC) organised human knowledge into
different disciplines of Study. Theoretical Science – accumulation and communication, Practical
Science – conduct and behaviour and Productive science – creative in nature. Francis Bacon
(1561 – 1626) played important role in Knowledge organisation. He divided the Knowledge into two
categories Human Knowledge from observation and understanding. Second is theology divine and
spiritual in nature. These are further classified into History originates from memory, Poesy from
imagination, Philosophy from Vedic classification.

Some modern theories came up which illustrates human Knowledge.

Mays (2005) illustrated the development of Knowledge through model of ‘Tree of Knowledge’.
Mays compared origin of discipline with the evolution of universe.

Tree of Knowledge by Mays (2005)

Knowledge Tree model is developed according to disciplines involvement in growth of
universe. Physics is placed at bottom because Mays considered it plays a role in growth of
universe and development of other disciplines. While chemistry and Astronomy involves in process
of identifying universe. Next is Earth science which is more specific to nature. Social science are
more specific and less universal. Subject of Humanities are kept at the apex of tree which involves
creative, imagination. Subjects like mathematics, Philosophy, Religion are based on taughts and
logic it is difficult to place in space and time left aside. This model of the knowledge tree helps to
understand the classification and unification of many fields of human knowledge in the context of
evolution of the universe.
As Human culture and Society advances, three major areas of study came into existence
Social Science, Humanities and Natural Science. It has sub disciplines.
• Social Science – deals with all inclusive aspects of man’s social life.
• Natural Science – deals with natural environment.
• Humanities - closely related to the social sciences as it studies both man and his culture.
What do you mean by Art ?
Art is a separate branch of knowledge but it is similar to humanities. The discipline Art
studies about human culture and civilisation. It helps in exploring the values of human culture. It
deals with human’s ideas, skills, customs, and more often his relationship with its culture and
surroundings. The discipline Arts comprises many activities of human effort of imitating,
complementing, and modifying the work of nature by using their creative impulses.

According to Aristotle Art as “the realization in external form of a true idea, and is traced
back to that natural love of imitation, which characterizes humans, and to the pleasure which we
feel in recognizing likenesses. Art however is not limited to mere copying. It idealizes nature and
completes its deficiencies: it seeks to grasp the universal type in the individual phenomenon”.

Traditionally, the Arts in the medieval Europe was referred to as the “Liberal arts” that
included the seven branches of learning as grammar, logic and rhetoric (the trivium) and
Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy, and Music (the quadrivium). It provided general and
intellectual information about human and his culture rather than professional skills. Later on during
Renaissance, in trivium logic is replaced with history and moral philosophy.

The major constituents of the Arts discipline includes; Literary Arts (Includes poetry, novels
and short Stories), Languages, Fine Arts and Performing Arts (music, theatre and film)
Philosophy, Classics, Cultural Studies, Linguistic, but hardly the subject of History and Psychology
are also taught under it. The study of the Arts provides general knowledge and understanding of
literature, languages, music, personality, nature, art, religion, humor, historical events and so on.
In Hindu mythology, there is an another concept of origin of arts. It is believed that Lord
Krishna possessed the 64 arts, which is known as 64 Kalas (Chausath Kalas). It constitutes 64
different areas of arts, which are; Singing, Dancing, Painting, Secret mantras, Skills of cooking,
Sewing, Poetry games, Literary recitation, Drama and storytelling, Architecture and house
construction, Knowledge of foreign languages and dialects, Spells, charms and omens, making
simple mechanical devices, Knowledge of dharmic warfare and victory, Physical culture, etc.
(Himalayan Academy, 2009; Shrivedant foundation 2013).

Branches of Knowledge
Source: KMS Bethel School of Music
These Sixty four kalas includes ordinary art and Fine arts and these plays an important role in
growth of Human culture and civilisation.

According to Indian Education System Art is combination of two liberal arts such as
Creative arts and humanities. Amongst them, some provide general knowledge of human
endevours, while others have a specific focal point and all these include; creative arts, literature,
linguistics, languages, philosophy, history, mathematics and religious studies etc.

Evolution of Arts, Indian Education System

Arts provides all-inclusive study of the human literary, intellectual and creative skills that
further explains the cultural, communal, physical and political development in terms of human
What do you mean by Performing Art?
Performance is the act which uses all senses. Performing arts refers to forms of art in which
artists use their voices, bodies or inanimate objects to convey artistic expression. It is different from
visual arts, which is when artists use paint, canvas or various materials to create physical or static
art objects. Performing arts include a range of disciplines which are performed in front of a live
audience. In India Performing arts are age old tradition. Natyasastra written by Bharatamuni is the
oldest Literature reference for performing arts. In that he has desribed that Performing arts are
started during Treta Yuga, third yuga were people are so arrogant they need some entertainment.
So God created Natyasastra as fifth veda. In this book Bharatamuni explained about Drama, Music
and Dance in ellaborated form. It is like encyclopedia of Performing Arts in Indian context.
Performing Arts in Architecture
If we take Performing Arts it is a part of Creative arts. Performing arts varies from region to
region and according to human culture. For example Classical dance of South India evolved over a
period of time. Performing space also varied according to its evolution. According to Natyasastra,
by Bharatamuni South Indian classical dance was transferred through generation by Devadasis.

Devadasis were servant to Gods. At the age of 8 they were married to God. In the
beginning they started dancing in Temple infront of God. Nritta Sabha is a dancing space seen in
Dravidian Temple are for Devadasis. Stage designs are based on Natyasastra. Over a period of
time Chariot system where system of taking Main deity around the temple began. Devadasis
started dancing in streets infront of Chariot. After that Kings want Devadasi to dance in their courts.
Chozha kings created separate area for Devadasi to live as a community near the Temples. Also
they created Sculptures and pillars replicating dance postures. In gopuram 108 karanas been

Nritta Sabha in Dravidian Temples

Over a period of time devadasis become Dasis where Classical system becomes Sathir
nadanam. During 1882, Anti nautch and Anti Dedication Movement prohibition of Dasi system
came. Then during 20th Century Classical dance been revived by Rukmini Arundale and Krishna
Iyer. The term Bharatanatyam came into account. Which give rise to Kalakshetra style of
Bharatanatyam which is refined form of Bharatanatyam. Also she created Kalakshtera
Bharatanatyam College in Chennai. After this many dance school, colleges, sabhas and Auditorium
came into existence in south india. Nrityagram is another gurukul system of learning Classical
dance located in Karnataka.

Karanas in Temple Gopurams Kalakshetra, Chennai

• Natyasastra by Bharata Muni.
• Tamizhar Nadana varalaru by Raguraman
• Adalvallan – Encyclopedia of Bharatanatyam
• Aristotle. (2014, April). In J. Fieser (Ed.), The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Retrieved September 9, 2014, from
• Aristotle. (2014). In Encyclopedia Britannica [online]. Retrieved May 20, 2014, from
• Himalayan Academy. (April, 2009). Kala 64: Hindu - Hinduism Dictionary on Kala
64. Retrieved January 29, 2014, from
• KMS Bethel School of Music. (2010). Branches of knowledge [web document].
Retrieved May 20, 2014, from
• Krishan Kumar (1983).Theory of classification. New Delhi: Vikas publishing house.
• Kristeller, P. O. (1965). Renaissance thought II: Papers on humanism and the arts
(p.178).New York: Harper.

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