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Adrian Avelin R.

Arcilla BM-4

Dividing & Classifying

My Subjects this School Year

This semester I have 15 subjects that I’ve enrolled ,that has total of 39 units. So
that is not easy situation. I have to pass all of my subjects to passed this semester and to
graduate this school year. I like most of my subjects is the major subjects that are related
to music like choral arranging, string class, functional harmony and other music subjects.
I hate most of the subject are politics, math, religious education and other minor, based on the time table my subject 1 is the observation and participation
which is 2 units that’s a 2 hours per week my homework per week is 1 hour. My hours of
writing is 1 hour that’s total of 4hrs per month. My next subject is methods of teaching
that is 3 units my hours per month and write is the same of my 1st subject. My next
subject is choral arranging one of my favorite subject that has 2 hour per week the
homework per week is 1hr that I arranging the notes that teacher gave the homework,
hours in writing in class is only 30mins so I spend studying 4hrs in homework and 2hrs in
total of writing. My next subject is string class that have only 2hrs and that 2hrs we are
only practicing the pieces in classroom. The next subject is my also favorite the
functional harmony that is 2 units and the same total in my 2nd subject that’s total of 4hrs
of homework and 4hrs of writing per month. My other subjects like college algebra,
politics, R.E, P.E, all of them is 3 units that has 3hrs per week. I spend 1 hour of them to
do the homework and I spend 2hrs for writing. Mostly of the minor subject, I study in
short period of time only while my major subjects is greater that my minor subjects,
because I more interested in my music subject than other things, but I should study more
in my minor subject to pass or accomplished all of my subject and to graduate this
school year.


1.Observation 2 1hr 1hr 4hr 4hrs
& Participation

2.Methos of 3 1hr 1hr 4hrs 4hrs

3.Choral 2 1hr 30mins 4hrs 2hrs
4. String Class 2 30mins 10mins 2hrs 40mins

5.Functional 2 1hr 2hrs 4hrs 8hrs

6.Applied 1 1hr 10mins 4hrs 40mins
Music 5a
7.Applied 1 1hr 10mins 4hrs 40mins
Music 6a
8.Measurement 3 30mins 1hr 2hrs 4hra
& Evaluation
9.Choral 2 20mins 30mins 1hr/20mins 2hrs
10.College 3 1hr 2hrs 4hr 8hrs
11.Politics 3 1hr 2hrs 4hr 8hrs

12.R.E 3 1hr 1hr 4hr 4hrs

13.Effective 3 1hr 1hr 4hr 4hrs

14. Writing in 3 1hr 1hr 4hr 4hrs
the Discipline
15.P.E 3 20mins 10mins 1hr/20mins 40mins

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