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CERTC-DAVAO Algebra 1: Number Theory

What is a Number?
5. Whole numbers
A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure
These are the positive integers and 0.
and also label. A notational symbol that represents number is
called a numeral. 6. Even Numbers
NUMBER THEORY These are integers divisible by 2 such as 2, 4, 6, 8,..etc.
It is a branch of pure Mathematics devoted primarily to the 7. Odd Numbers
study of integers. Carl Friedrich Gauss said “Mathematics is These are integers not exactly divisible by 2 such as 7, 11,
the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of 5,…etc. Where n is an integer.
Mathematics” 8. Composite Numbers
These are natural numbers that are neither 1 nor a prime
9. Prime Numbers
These are natural numbers that are divisible by 1 and
itself only.


1. Euler primes or Symmetric primes
These are pairs of prime numbers that re equidistant from
a given number on a number line.
Some few examples are: 3 & 5, 3 & 7, 5 & 7, and 5 & 11,
2. Twin primes These are pairs of two consecutive odd
It is an expression involving a combination of real and prime numbers that differ by 2.
imaginary numbers. They are written in the form: Some few examples are: 3 & 5, 5 & 7, and 11 & 13, 17 &
19, etc.
a  bi 3. Emirp
These are prime numbers that remain a prime when its
digits are reversed.
Where a and b are real numbers.
Some few examples are: 11, 13, 17, 31, 71, 73, 79, 101,
Thus, the complex number -2 + 3i has the real part -2 and the 113, etc.
imaginary part 3. 4. Cousin’s Primes
If: a = 0 : a + bi→is a pure imaginary These are prime numbers that differ by four. Some few
b = 0 : a + bi→is a real number examples are (3,7), (7,11), (13,17), (19,23) etc.
5. Sexy Primes
REAL NUMBERS These are prime numbers that differ by six. Some few
Real Numbers are the rational and irrational numbers taken examples are (5,11), (7,13), (11,17), (13,19) etc
together. 6. Relatively Prime
Two integers are relatively prime if they share no common
IMAGINARY NUMBERS positive factors except 1. The numbers by themselves
Imaginary numbers are the square roots of negative need not to be prime numbers.
numbers. 7. Fermat’s Primes
THE SET OF REAL NUMBERS These are prime number of the form 22  1
8. Mersenne primes
1. Rational Numbers
These are numbers which can be expressed in the form These prime numbers can be made from the expression
m/n, where m and n are integers and n ≠ 0 . 2n −1. This method for generating prime numbers works
only when n itself is prime, but not always. For example, it
2. Irrational Numbers works when n = 2, 3, 5 or 7 but not when n is 11, and not
These are numbers, which cannot be expressed in the when n = 23 as well as several other prime values.
form m/n.
3. Integers Quick facts about 0, 1 and 2 that you should know:
These are the natural numbers, along with their negatives, The number 0 (zero) is not a natural number, but is
and zero (0) considered as a whole number.
4. Natural Numbers Number 1 is neither a prime number nor a composite
These are numbers, except 0, formed by one or more of
The number 2 is the only even number that is also a prime
the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0. Also known as
positive integers or counting numbers.

CERTCDAVAO: 0932 328 8053 Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar N. Quiriado, MSEE
CERTC-DAVAO Algebra 1: Number Theory


1. Closure Property A number defined by Pierre Fermat who conjectured,

wrongly, that all such numbers would be prime.
The set of real numbers is closed under addition and
6. Happy Number
multiplication. This means that adding or multiplying two or
more real numbers always results to another number that A happy number is defined by the following process:
belongs to the same set of real numbers. Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by
the sum of the squares of its digits in base-ten, and repeat
2. Commutative Property
the process until the number either equals 1 (where it will
The order of adding two or more numbers of a sum or stay), or it loops endlessly in a cycle that does not include
multiplying two or more factors of a product does not 1.
affect the result.
7. Pandigital Number
3. Associative Property of Addition
A happy number is defined by the following process:
When two or more real numbers are added or multiplied Starting a positive integer, replace the number by the sum
together, no matter how the numbers are grouped, or of the squares of its digits in base-ten, and repeat the
associated, when performing the operation the result is process until the number either equals 1 or it loops
not affected. endlessly in a cycle that does not include 1.
4. Distributive Property 8. Lucky Number
The product of a number a by the sum of two or more A lucky number is a natural number in a set which is
numbers (b +c +d +…) is equal to the sum of the products generated by a certain "sieve".
ab, ac, ad, … 9. Amicable Number
5. Identity Property These are two different numbers so related that the sum
Additive Identity Property of the proper divisors of each is equal to the
When zero (0) is added to a real number, the sum is the other number.
real number itself 10. Automorphic Number
Multiplicative Identity Property It is a number whose square "ends" in the same digits as
When one (1) is multiplied to a real number, the product is the number itself (knows as circular number)
the real number itself. 11. Carmichael Number
6. Inverse Property These are the product of at least three distinct primes
Additive Inverse 12. Harshad Number
The additive inverse of a real number is its opposite, so In a given number base, is an integer that is divisible by
that the sum of that number and its additive inverse is 0 the sum of its digits when written in that base
Multiplicative Inverse 13. Palindrome Number
A palindromic number / numeral palindrome
The multiplicative inverse of a real number is its
is a number that remains the same when its digits are
reciprocal, so that the product of that number and its
multiplicative inverse is 1.
14. Narcissitic Number’
OTHER TYPES OF NUMBERS In recreational number theory, a narcissistic number (also
known as a pluperfect digital invariant (PPDI) or a plus
1. Golden Ratio perfect number is a number that is the sum of its own
“longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the digits each raised to the power of the number of digits.
whole length divided by the longer part” 15. Kaprekar Number
Application: Fibonacci and Lucas Number
A non-negative integer is called a "Kaprekar number" for
2. Silver Ratio a given base if the representation of its square in that
“the ratio between the sum of the smaller plus twice the base can be split into two parts that add up to the original
larger of those quantities and the larger one is the same number.
as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller” 16. Polite Number
Application: Pell Number These are numbers which can be made by adding
3. Plastic Number together two or more consecutive whole numbers.
The plastic number ρ (also known as the plastic SIGNIFICANT FIGURES
constant or the minimal Pisot number) is a mathematical
constant which is the unique real solution of the cubic Rules regarding significant figures:
equation 1. All nonzero digits are significant.
4. Perfect Number 2. All zeroes between two nonzero digits are significant.
It is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper 3. All zeroes to the right of an understood decimal point and
positive divisors, that is, the sum of its positive divisors following a nonzero digit are significant.
excluding the number itself ( known as its aliquot sum). 4. For values less than one, zeroes immediately to the right
of an understood decimal point but to the left of a nonzero
digit are not significant.

CERTCDAVAO: 0932 328 8053 Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar N. Quiriado, MSEE
CERTC-DAVAO Algebra 1: Number Theory


Infinite Geometric Sequence
RULE: To find the G.C.F., factor the given numbers in
canonical form and MULTIPLY the common prime factors with
least exponent in the given numbers. S if r  1
The Least Common Multiple of two or more numbers is the
1 r
least integer that is a multiple of each of the given numbers
RULE: To find the L.C.M., factor the given numbers in Geometric Mean
canonical form and MULTIPLY all unique prime factors and the
common factors with the highest exponent.
gm  a 2  a1a3
Product of Two Numbers  (HCF)(LCM) - a sequence of terms in which each term is the reciprocal of
the corresponding term of a series in arithmetic progression.


Progression is a sequence of numbers in which each term is
obtained from the preceding term in the same way. 2a a
hm  1 2
Arithmetic progression is a sequence in which there is a
common difference “d” between any two consecutive terms.

an  a1   n  1 d A recursive relation sequence also known as a recurrence

sequence, is a sequence of numbers indexed by an integer n
where common difference: d  a2  a1  a3  a2 and generated by solving a recurrence equation. The terms of
recursive sequences can be denoted symbolically in a number
of different notations. The idea of sequences in which later
n n
S  a1  an    2a1  n  1 d terms are deduced from earlier ones, which is implicit in the
principle of mathematical induction, dates to antiquity..
2 2

Arithmetic Mean Sample Problems

1. Find the number of significant figures below
a a
am  a2  1 3 a. 292.785854000
2 b. 717400
c. 0.097490000
e. 600
Geometric progression is a sequence in which there is a f. 1.40 x 103
2. Find the GCF and LCM of the following
a. 2940 and 3150.
an  a1r n 1 b. 360, 245 and 18.
c. 14, 20, 10 and 7
a2 a3 3. A businessman goes to Chicago every 18 days for one
where common ratio:
r  day and another businessman every 24 days, also for only
a1 a2
one day. Today, both men are in Chicago. Within how
Finite Geometric Sequence many days will the two business men be in Chicago again
at the same time?

 rn  1  4. Destiny just received two separate gifts from her great-

S  a1   if r  1 great-grandmother. The first gift is a box of 18 chocolate
 r 1  candy bars, and the second gift is a pack of 12 cookies.
  Destiny wants to use all of the chocolate candy bars and
 1  rn  cookies to make identical snack bags for her cousins.
S  a1   if r  1 What is the greatest number of snack bags that Destiny
 1 r  can make?
 

CERTCDAVAO: 0932 328 8053 Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar N. Quiriado, MSEE
CERTC-DAVAO Algebra 1: Number Theory

5. The 6th term of an AP is 3 and the 23rd term is 54. Find Take Home Exam
the 35th term.
6. Three positive numbers form an arithmetic sequence, the 1. What is the additive inverse of -2a?
common difference being 11. If the first number is
decreased by 6, the second is decreased by 1, and the A. 2a* C. 1/2a
third is doubled, the resulting numbers now form a B. 2/a D. a/2
geometric sequence. What is the biggest among the three
2. In algebra, the operation of root extraction is called
numbers in the original sequence?
7. In a pile of logs, each layer contains one more log than the
A. convolution C. revolution
layer above and the top contains just one log. If there are
B. evolution* D. resolution
105 logs in the pile, how many layers are there?
8. Find the quotient of the sum of all odd integers between 3. Who introduced the multiplication symbol “X” in
100 and 1000 when it is divided by 9. mathematics?

9. The sum of the terms in G.P. is 1820. How many terms A. John Wallis C. Leonard Euler
are there if the first term is 5, the second term is 15 and B. Pierre de Fermat D.William Oughtred*
the third term is 45? 4. A number which is divisible by the sum of its own digits is
10. A rubber ball is made to fall from a height of 50 ft. and is called
observed to rebound 2/3 of the distance it falls. How far A. abundant number C. palindrome
will the ball travel before coming to rest if the ball B, Harshad number* D. friendly number
continues to fall in this manner? 5. The terms of a sum may be grouped in any manner
11. The sum of the first five terms of a geometric series is without affecting the result. This is known as:
189, the sum of the first six terms is 381, and the sum of A. Commutative Law C. Associative Law*
the first seven terms is 765. What is the common ratio in B. Distributive Law D. Reflexive Law
this series?
12. Find the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic mean of the 6. If equals are added to equals, the results are equal.
following set of numbers: 3, 4, 12, 18 and 22. A. corollary C.axiom*
13. There are 4 geometric means between 3 and 729. Find B. postulate D.theorem
the fourth term of the geometric progression. 7. A mathematical argument that appears to prove
14. What is the 11th term of the harmonic progression if the something that we know is incorrect.
first and the third terms are 1/2 and 1/6 respectively?
3a  4 A. axiom C. fallacy *
a  n B. theorem D. lemma
15. Let a1=1 and n1 2a  3 for n>1. Then as n
8. Who introduced the symbol “=” for equality?
approaches infinity, the value of an A. Robert Recorde* C. Bramaguptha
16. Suppose f(x) is a function that satisfies B. Rene Descartes D. Pythagoras
 1
f  x   5f    3  x x  0 .What is f(4)?
x 9. Who invented the symbol “n!” for factorial of n?
17. Suppose that f(x) is a function such that 3f(x)+2f(1-x) = A. Christian Kramp* C. Francois Viete
2x+9 for every real number x. What is the value of f(2) ? B. Ptolemy D. Augustus de Morgan
n 10. The number o.123123123… is a/an
x  A. irrational number C. surd
18. Let x1= 97 and for n>1, let n x . Calculate the
B. rational * D. transcendental
product of x1x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8
11. Round off 0.0034750 to 3 significant figures.
19. Let a and b be integers. Find Q(5,3), where Q(a,b) is A. 0.003 C. 0.00347
defined by: B. 0.00348* D. 0.0347
12. Ben exercises 12 days and Isabel every 8 days. Ben and
5 if a  b 
Q(a,b)    Isabel both exercised today. How many days will it be until
Q(a  b,b  2)  a if a  b  they exercise together again?
20. The function f is defined on the set of integers and A. 34 C. 24*
satisfies B. 12 D. 18
 n  3 if n  1000 13. What is the sum of the digits of the decimal expansion of
f  n  
f  f  n  5   f n  1000 the product 2
52013 ?
Find f(84) A. 12 C. 14
B. 13 * D. 15
21. A function f satisfies f  n   f  n   6 for n  2 and f(2)=8.

Find f(256) 14. The sum of a geometric series is 3/8 and the second term
is 1/12. Find the greatest possible common ratio.
A. 1/3 C. 1/2
B. 2/3 * D. 3/4

CERTCDAVAO: 0932 328 8053 Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar N. Quiriado, MSEE
CERTC-DAVAO Algebra 1: Number Theory

15. Define a sequence by b1=2 and 26. In a certain A.P. the first, fourth and eight terms are
1  bn themselves in geometric progression. What is the
bn1  common ratio of the G.P.?
1  bn for n  2
A. 4/3* C. 2/3
What is the value of b2006? B. 5/4 D. 3/4
A. -3 * C. -1/2 27. Find the sum of the numbers divisible by 6 which lie
B. 2 D. 1/3 between 75 and 190.
16. The choir teacher plans to arrange the students in equal A. 2508* C. 2654
rows. Only girls or boys will be in each row. If there are B. 2480 D. 2752
48 girls ad 64 boys, what is the greatest number of 28. Which of the following forms a Fibonacci sequence?
students that could be in each row?
A. 2,4,6,8,10,12,14... C. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13.*
A. 16 * C. 12 B. 2,5,10,17,26,37... D. 3,7,15,31,63...
B. 8 D. 4
29. Find the 9th term of the harmonic progression 3, 2, 3/2,…
17. Beginning at 8:30 A.M., tours of the National Capitol and
A. 3/5* C. 5/4
the White House begin at a tour agency. Tours for the
B. 5/3 D. 3/8
National Capitol leave every 15 minutes. Tours for the
White House leave every 20 minutes. How often do the 30. Find the sum of all positive integers between 84 and 719
tours leave at the same time? which are exactly divisible by 5.
A. Every 15 minutes A. 23,780 C. 50,800*
B. Every 30 minutes B. 45,680 D. 35,455
C. Every 45 minutes
D. Every 60 minutes *
18. What follows logically in these series of numbers
A. 33* C. 21
B. 37 D. 43
19. There are 4 geometric means between 3 and 729. Find
the fourth term of the geometric progression.
A. 81* C. 243
B. 64 D. 156
20. Find the positive value of x so that x, x2-5, 2x will be in
harmonic progression.
A. 5 C. 3*
B. 6 D. 4
21. What is the 11th term of the harmonic progression if the
first and the third terms are 1/2 and 1/6 respectively?
A. 1/20 C. 1/4
B. 1/12 D. 1/22*
22. The sum of an A.P. is 196. If the 1st term is 52 and the last
term is 4, determine the number of arithmetic mean
between 52 and 4.
A. 6 C. 5*
B. 4 D. 7
23. If the fourth term of a geometric progression is 4 and the
common ratio is 2, what is the seventh term?
A. 16 C. 32*
B. 26 D. 28
24. What is the sum of a geometric progression if there are 4
geometric means between 3 and 729?
A. 1112 C. 908
B. 1092* D. 1290
25. The arithmetic mean of 80 numbers is 55. If the two
numbers namely 850 and 250 are removed, what is the
arithmetic mean of the remaining numbers?
A. 42.31* C. 32.34
B. 36.34 D. 24.64

CERTCDAVAO: 0932 328 8053 Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar N. Quiriado, MSEE

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