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Evidencia 2.

4: Resumen “Product distribution: the




FICHA 1908603



In this article, he talks about how to transport goods easily, safely, cheaply and
reliably, where they give us a series of options to choose from, depending on our
need, at this time everything is handled and distribution is very necessary, if we
have our own business and we want our product to reach everywhere we must
choose very well our way of transporting.

Here they show us the basic transports to be able to transport the merchandise,
which explains us, the expenses, the ways, and which would be the most beneficial
for the business, is to show that everything goes in tastes, where each one
chooses the type of distribution, which is fast and reliable and where we can meet
the customer, which is the purpose of our business, also bring our product to be

The first thing we have to take care of are our customers, and for that we must
offer the best service, a good product and a way to take the product to its
destination, and that is where we can show our products to the different buyers.

We must offer the way of transport, since there are customers who need to know
how it will be transported, and know how much the value will be and if it is in the
client's budget, and this provides comfort, among the transports we have: air
transport, transportation terrestrial and maritime transport, where each one has its
specifications and shows us the time and expenses for our knowledge and the

All this explains how important is the distribution within a company, and where
transportation is essential, where we must take into account the transport operator,
so that it complies with our guidelines and that we can meet the times promised for
the delivery of the merchandise.

The field of transport is very nice, but we must be focused on doing an excellent
study, and know that we are going to comply with the agreements of our clients,
the intention is to provide an excellent service, and which suits our clients, have the
diversity and the ability to establish quality transport.
Glossary of terms

Article: articulo

Agreements: acuerdos

Business: negocio

Buyer: comprador

Buget: presupuesto

Cheaply: barato

Company: compañia

Customer: cliente

Destination: destino

Diversity: diversidad

Distribution: distribuccion

Easily: facilmente

Merchandise: mercancía

Products: productos

Reliably: seguramente

Safely: seguro

Service: servicio

Transport: transporte

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