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Instituto de Idiomas UNP

 Bring it together

 Ingles Intermedio

 12 de septiembre del 2020

 Zurita García Jeferson Tharly

 José Enrique Zapatel

Piura – Perú
1a.-what do you think are the five most common reasons for studying
 because it is the universal language today.

 because it is required in some jobs.

 because it is a requirement to graduate from college.

 Speaking English will allow us to travel around the world and be

able to relate to each other.

 because it showed us other cultures.

2.-look at the online survey. Why are Dina, Isabel and Erick studying
English? Who do you think is the most motivated? Why?
Dina: travel and holidays
Isabel: getting a got in an English – speaking country
Erik: staying with brother in the states.
Isabel is probably the most motivated because she needs good English in
order to get a job.
How do you think English will help you in the future?
From my point of view, English is and will be very helpful both in my
personal and professional life because today we live in a changing society,
the English language is part of it that is why it is of great importance to me.
that by learning both the writing and the pronouncement will allow me to
cope very easily with my environment, I could teach my family and share
my knowledge and as a future professional either within or outside my
country for work issues I have the opportunity to interact with professionals
who perfectly master this language would not make it difficult for me to
interact through dialogue with them since I would dominate the English
Dina (16)
English is useful for travel and holidays, but I don’t really have a clear aim
in mind at the moment. I guess it’ll probably help me when I’m looking
for a job, and, if, one day, I want to work or study abroad then obviously
it’ll be really important. For the moment I’m just studying it because I have
Isabel (25)
I’ve been studying English really hard over the last year or so. I’m in my
last year at med school. I’m going to be graduating soon The employment
situation isn’t too good here in my country and I know there are a lot of
good jobs in English – speaking countries. I want my English to be as good
as possible so I can get one of those jobs.
Erik (21)
I’m going to stay with my brother in the states for there months. I really
want to make the most of the experience and I’ve been doing some
intensive conversation classes for the last couple of weeks. I know it’s
going to be really difficult when I first get there. English in the classroom
in one thing, but in the real world it’s completely different! I really want to
be able to make friends and learn more about life in the states. You can’t
get to know people if you can’t speak to them, can you?

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