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The value of education is something that I have understood since a very young age.

Neither of my parents had the opportunity to attend college because of financial problems.
Because of that, I am persistent to finish my studies and fulfill what I’ve promised to my parents.

Growing up, I was able to set my long term goals because I know for a fact that it will
help me accomplish things and would make way to the betterment of life. Instead of saying it all,
one of my long term goal is to graduate with a medical degree program of Nursing and
hopefully, if it is in God’s will, I’d be grateful to become a Doctor. I am passionate to get this
degree years from now because I can’t see myself working in other places rather than a hospital
seeing that I am suitable giving my service to the patients. Unfortunately, I am not financially
capable to sustain this course because it costs too much. However, if I will be given a chance to
get this scholarship, it would be really helpful to my studies and somewhat lessen the expenses.
As a consistent honor student, I can assure you that I am dedicated on my ambition and not even
a cent of your money will put into waste.

Furthermore, if I will be blessed with this opportunity, I will be more driven to take the
path of success and overcome hardships. With the help of AOFF Scholarship Program, I will be
able to achieve the dreams I have always been dedicated to.

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