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TEACHER: Frank Jarvey Acevedo R.

Luna GRADE: Tenth A

Osorio DATE: 16 de sptiembre
AREA: Humanities Foreign Language SUBJECT: English
The student communicates complex ideas using the given grammar structures and vocabulary in both formal and informal ways.


(activity based on the Student’s book page 74)

Answer the questions and send this worksheet back to your teacher (only the leader of the
group is allowed to send it)

Group #: ____



1. What animals are native to your country or region?

2. Are any of these animals endangered? In what ways?

3. What measures are already being taken to protect them?

4. In your view, what other measures could be taken?

1. Condor of the andes, Aguila de paramo, Oso de anteojos, coati, tapir andino, la
guagua, colibrí.
2. The oso of anteojos, he is endangered because of rainforest and the lack of politics
of hunting.
3. Capacitations about how important are this animals for our ecosystem and why we
hacve to take care of them. The prohibition of hunt and avoid the rainforest.
4. Promote plan to the reproduction in captivity, recycle to make the ecosystem
healthier and plant a los of trees.

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