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Why palm oil should be banded

Hello everyone today I am going to talk about “why palm oil should be banded”.
But first I want every single person in this classroom too know what is palm oil,
and where does it come from.

Well palm oil is an edible vegetable oil that comes from the palm tree. It is mainly
produced in Indonesia and Malaysia, but it can also be produced in South and
Central America.

But the people who produce palm oil in Indonesia and Malaysia do not use
substantial measures and it has lots of effects on mostly: the earth, animals and
us, humans.

The effect palm oil production has on the earth:

Palm oil production is creating deforestation in parts of the world where palm oil
is produced. All that space put together is about 27 million hectares, or to put it
in perspective it is about the size of New Zealand, of mostly rainforests being cut
down for palm oil plantations. It has started to cause climate change.

By the same token palm oil production has an impact on animals such as the
orangutan, the Borneo elephant and the Sumatran tiger.

o Palm oil production has an impact on the Orangutans, because they are
arboreal which means they live in trees, and those trees are being cut down
for palm oil plantations, and because of that they are literally getting
pushed away from their natural habitat.
o Equally important as the Orangutan, the Borneo elephant is endangered
because the people who produce palm oil, are not only cutting down trees
they are wiping out rainforests by burning them down. And that makes it
extremely difficult for the Borneo elephant to find food, so they end up
dyeing because of starvation or because of the fire.

o In addition to the orangutan and the Borneo elephant the Sumatran tiger is
also dying because of land loss, starvation, and because of the people who
burn down the rainforests.

Palm oil production is not only creating climate change, not only making
orangutans have no room to live, not only making Borneo elephants die of
starvation, not only making Sumatran tigers die because of fires. IT IS HURTING

You may be asking how it’s hurting us humans well it’s probably not you. But they
are hurting the people who work in the palm oil industry, 3.5 million of them.
They are getting missed treated and suffer human right abuses for example
(name) herd promises of high paying jobs in Malaysia. And agreed to pay a labor
broker for a plantation job, but would have to pay off his dept through working.
He spent 3 weeks on a crowded boat where traffickers beat anyone who
complained. Upon arrival they took his passport and he learned his pay would be
far less then promised. With no passport deeply in dept (name) is trapped just like
so many others. (Name) is a victim of modern day slavery.

Also there are so many others that work in the palm oil industry. On any given day
most of the workers must harvest two tons of fruit from trees across miles of
plantation. Their job is virtually impossible to finish for one person. The workers
have no other choice but to bring there wife and children to the plantation to
help them meet there daily needs. Instead of the children going to school they
have to do different things across the plantation like carrying heavy loads of fruit.
But they make no additional money even though they work full time on the
plantation. Their families are caught in an endless cycle of generational poverty.

How can you help?

Thankfully there are countless of things that you can do to help. The most
important thing is to buy products that do not have palm oil in them.

And I know you are not the one who go’s grocery shopping so it’s hard to. So tell
your parents about what I’m telling you here. I know it’s hard but it’s possible to
stop using palm oil.

Spreading the word is also important because most of us don’t even know about
the problem.

In conclusion I want you to stop using palm oil. Remember every time you
contribute to using palm oil you are contributing to climate change. And you allow
these people to kill animals such as orangutans, elephants and tigers, you also
contribute for people to hurt and miss treat children. What have these children
done nothing, so why are you contributing to this. Stop using palm oil, if we all
come together we could ban palm oil for good.

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