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Chapter III


This presents the procedure that the researchers applied in the present study.

Specifically this presents the description of the research design and why such method is

best suited to the study, it also contains the detailed information on how the researcher

was conducted, how the data was gathered, setting of the study, the research

instrument used, sampling procedures and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This current study was a non-experimental quantitative design to study the

impact of levels self –esteem on selfies. In the study, the predictor variables measured

is the participant’s self-esteem level using an instrument, the Rosenberg self – esteem.

The criterion variable was the amount of selfies they take and posted (per week) on

social networking sites. Demographic variables, such as age and does the participant

post selfies online, are also examined.

Research Locale

In this study, efforts have been exerted to the locale of the study and gathered

the qualified respondents as much as possible. The research locale is within Central

Luzon State University. The data was gathered during 2017-2018


A total of 100 students are the target population. The sample consisted of 45

males and 55 females. Participants were recruited by random sampling method. The

participation of the current study is voluntary and can leave anytime without completing

the questionnaires, and the participants will be protected through anonymity.

Data Collection Procedure

Participants will answer a questionnaire consist of two scales, the Rosenberg

Self Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and the Selfie Questionnaire (Ramli, 2013).

Participants were also asked some demographic questions including their sex, age,

college and required to answer “Do you post selfies on social networking sites?” and “If

you take some selfies, how many selfies do you post per week?”

Research Instruments

An assessment scale was used to collect data for this research. Data were

described below:

Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, SES, (Rosenberg, 1965)

The Rosenburg Self-esteem scale measures the participant’s level of self-

esteem. It consists of 10 items were participants are instructed to score their level of self

- esteem using a 4 point Likert scale, which ranges from “strongly disagree” to “strongly

agree”. Participants are asked to rate the statements such as “On whole, I am satisfied

with myself”, “I certainty feel useless at times” and “I take a positive attitude toward

myself”. Reverse scores were carried out on 24 questions 2, 5, 6, 8 and 9. All scores
are added up to get the total score. High scores indicate a high level of self-esteem. The

Rosenburg Self Esteem scale has shown high reliability, in the areas of internal

consistency of .77 and a minimum Coefficient of Reproducibility of 0.99 (Rosenburg,

1965). A test re-tests reliability ranged from 0.82 to 0.85.

Selfie Questionnaire (Ramli, 2013)

Selfie Questionnaire is a self-made questionnaire adapted by Norwali Ramli &

Nur Zahira Noris (2013) with internal consistency (alpha = .88). The tool measured the

selfie that each respondent preferred. Selfie behavior was the only data needed. The

respondents used a 5-point “Likert’s” scale to encircle the number which correspond

their answer to the questionnaire. The test consists of 25 questions which are all

situational and the respondents are given five choices: Strongly Agree (5), Agree (4),

Neutral (3), Disagree (2) and Strongly Disagree (1).

Data Analysis

The researcher will analyze the data using a correlational research design to

study the relationship between the two variables. It could determine whether a

relationship exists between the number of selfies people take and post and the level of

self – esteem along with the reason why they take and post it.

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